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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34184856 It seems to me that it's legal to kill your own citizens when your own citizens are killing your own citizens.
  2. Step back for a moment and give some thought to a Trump - Biden debate....
  3. Russia will promise not to meddle in Syrian affairs ever again...if only the US SecSt will back off. Kerry delivers his "Mister Stern" message in response to rumors of Russian planes to Syria.
  4. Do they have a regular run to the container ports in the Aleutians?
  5. Chinese naval vessels probed Alaskan waters recently. POTUS may threaten to think about considering formation of an international commission to discuss halting production of fortune cookies in response. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/09/04/politics/china-ships-alaska-us-waters/index.html?eref=edition Sail On, Oh Ship of State.
  6. Crap, I thought this was another Obama thread,
  7. Wow, that's just a super approach to policy in the Middle East. I give it about eighteen to twenty-four months before we're chewing our nails to the quick wondering how we could have ever gotten into bed with our most dedicated enemy in the region. Oh look, we're cheering another sect v. sect war in the Middle East. POTUS couldn't design foreign policy for Gilligan's Island.
  8. I recommend that one think of gatorman as a Roomba: He travels in a straight line until he hits something, then he changes directions, collecting dust along the way. He occasionally seeks his dock to repower, then sets out once more until he hits something....etc.
  9. Don't make the mistake of confusing success with happiness.
  10. The folks at UT have simply gone off the rails with this homage to political correctness. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/08/27/call-me-ze-not-university-wants-everyone-to-use-gender-inclusive-pronouns.html Zesus Christ, will it never end?
  11. Maybe Ringling Brothers won't let him out of his contract...?
  12. Crap, I thought this was a thread about the new female viagra pill!
  13. If Biden does decide to run will he have to surrender his Bozo the Clown shoes?
  14. Well, this could possibly save him from the gig as greeter at Harrah's when his current "job" ends in 2017.
  15. Same problem here! Is it the Canadians, the British, who....? Some insidious group is out to undermine The Weather Channel.
  16. On the continuum of appeals in the name of religion, where does one draw the line separating scam and true good works?
  17. We need to keep this thread going if at all possible; it's just so flexible. Think how easy it will be to simply change the title by adding a B to the last word, changing Reached to Breached, and we just keep on toting up those errors made by SecSt and POTUS. One way or 'nother, POTUS will shuck and jive the agreement into place; that will be immediately followed by Iran trampling most of its provisions, but we'll have this thread in place and ready for the next rounds of attack posts.
  18. What an excellent comment and comparison: Both play at the part, both demonstrate little or no clue about the situation around them, neither was more than a bit player. In Hill'ry's case, "I know nothing" is both literal and figurative when applied to the entire range of questions confronting her.
  19. Hill'ry is merely an old woman who can't control her temper when questioned. She is so used to privilege and a sense of her own worth and entitlement that the woman can't function w/o her minions spreading rose petals before her feet. Long before November, 2016, the lightbulb will go on for the majority of voters. Those who support her might take a moment to write down things that she has accomplished; not promised, not positions held, not ideas she has supported, but actual things she has accomplished. Please PM that list to me ASAP.
  20. Some times I actually have to wait in line at Wegman's.
  21. Using the phrase, "...this person...," then appending a picture, does not translate to denigrating physical characteristics. It does emphasize that this harridan has no business directing the nation's business.
  22. I hate Obama: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/obama-critic-arrested-vibrator-theft-ill-article-1.2321392 How does one differentiate the negative comments from the positive comments about POTUS, other than by sheer number?
  23. Will I have to remove that little pirate flag from the back of my boat?
  24. Just picture this person standing at the podium at the UN, sitting in THE chair in the White House War Room, one-on-one with Vlad Putin, giving direction the the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Well, it isn't a pretty picture, is it.
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