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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Pete Rose got caught breaking some of MLB's strictest prohibitions. MLB and Pete Rose agreed on a punishment: Rose was banned for life, in return MLB would bury the evidence. Sometimes, additional evidence surfaces and earlier agreements are amended based on that evidence. In Rose's case additional evidence did surface and it was even more condemning of Rose's actions. There appears to be no basis upon which to revisit the original findings and resulting punishment. Rose hasn't hit any more homers, nor stolen any more bases; he has only admitted to even more and more deceptions. Just because the world has moved on and the context has changed, there is no reason to consider reinstating Pete Rose: He did what he did, lied every which way for years, then finally admitted it. That proves once again the original punishment was proper. He was punished for what he did, he accepted that punishment. Forgive him if you must for tainting the game of baseball, but don't wipe away the punishment for some, "....already paid his debt...." reason. He hasn't paid in full since lifetime means lifetime. Rose supporters probably view him as a man's man; then expect him to act like a man and accept what he agreed to accept.
  2. Sounds like the current US administration's press secretary responding to a press room question. eh?
  3. il Papa seems like a nice guy with good intentions. My thought is that maybe he should address some of the things in his own backyard, i.e., the Vatican, that relate to the ills he's pointing out internationally. His company (the Catholic Church) owns vast real estate holdings internationally and controls immense non-real estate wealth yet much of the "mission" of the church depends on annual funding at the parish level. His company appears to demand strict obedience to canons that haven't changed in hundreds of years, but he seeks flexibility and dramatic change from those outside the firm. Maybe he should have previewed his US speeches with the Curia to see how his thoughts flew with the home folks.
  4. I think Pete R feels he should be able to ride the current "feel good" atmosphere wherein all bad things are smoothed over and forgiven. When he was playing, and we were in the dark about his transgressions, he projected the tough guy persona, e.g., sliding into second in a cloud of dust, spikes high; he sure has shifted to a woe-is-me course of action currently in hopes of breaking yet another agreement. Pete, was there an asterisk on that agreement you made with MLB? I didn't think so; No means No!
  5. I agree; so ban McGwire and Bonds to make it all even. Pete Rose lied about his involvement with gambling, lied about gambling on his own team and continues to maintain his right to be reinstated. Pete: You broke the rules, your punishment was banishment...move on to something else.
  6. And, since it has driven many health practitioners out of their fields of practice, it has damn little to do with care at all; coupled with being a failure at the concept of insurance for the "masses." Probably the best desription of the ACA can be found by Googling the word "boondoggle."
  7. For a period of time, the new revenue streams will be diverted to fund the cost of the new stadium (and the costs of managing the continued existence of the old stadium) resulting in a zero-sum experience. Unless the new stadium is funded with public $'s and sold to the community as an investment in the region's future - a scenario which may, or may not, come to pass in actuality. Even in the public money scenario, it's a long time before any positive cash flow is delivered to anyone.
  8. Chasing a new stadium appears to me like chasing the latest iPhone...the current one works, but gotta' have the latest version. The hype of the new one obscures the fact that the old one still works realy well.
  9. Maybe PETA could bring suit against the regional DOT on the deer's behalf seeking monetary relief to fund a deer refuge as well as fund PETA's efforts to mitigate pain and suffering by the deer's family. Oh dear, deer!
  10. Costco fight: A 24-year-old Burbank man is facing charges that he punched a 78-year-old man in the face at a Costco. The dispute started when the victim suggested that Derrick Gharabighi was taking too many samples of a Nutella waffle. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-costco-shopper-78-punched-in-fight-over-free-nutella-waffle-sample-20150921-story.html I don't need an ass-kicking for a waffle sample, 'bout you?
  11. That guy actually took his bra off for that...?
  12. Crap What we've seen altogether too much of....
  13. Alternatives to he and she could be , "Hey you" and/ or "Hey B word."
  14. Please add Hill'ry and Bernie to your list of succinct descriptors.
  15. Suicide is a selfish act when seen from the context of surviving family and friends. The Bills should NOT memorialize this happening.
  16. In any event, Hill'ry doesn't wipe, she has people for that. They are instructed to wipe from the front AND the back, but to never mention to Hill'ry which direction was the final direction. That being the case, she can always issue the "What difference does it make" comment as needed.
  17. Too bad POTUS doesn't care enough about domestic matters to bring the kind of pressure he used on Congress to "neutralize" Dem's (who were against the Iran "deal") to accomplish something positive for the nation. http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/11/politics/obama-congress-democrats-iran-nuclear-deal/ Shazam....guess what Iran found just after the deal was "signed?" Mo' uranium than reported during the negotiations. Just one of those silly slip ups that happen....ya' know? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/09/12/report-iran-finds-unexpectedly-high-uranium-reserve-after-dems-seal-nuke-deal/
  18. Fashion tips plus a cavity search...what's not to like?
  19. It sems that reviews for prisons and jails are up and coming social media topics. https://www.themarshallproject.org/2015/09/08/i-reviewed-jail-on-yelp-because-i-couldn-t-afford-a-therapist Not sure how to bring one's crime location into sync with a four star jail, but it may be worth a try...if you have any flexibility at all in planning your next discretion.
  20. You were there! Remember, Mom and Dad put you in the stroller....
  21. Let's agree to leave Joe Biden out of this thread, um kay?
  22. POTUS still has his telephone and his pen, so....
  23. Yeah, but what about the members who aren't union officials?
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