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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. First, my post does not call il Papa a moron, which I went to some length to explain within the editor's marks. Second, to criticize practices that one's own "company" is engaging in, seems to me to be the very definition of intellectual dishonesty. Third, I'm not in a pissing contest with the guy regarding who has the highest scores; I am pointing out some glaring inconsistencies that have existed through the years to the point that they are now givens sans the usual winks.
  2. I think Mexico is going to foot [no pun intended] the bill.
  3. So il Papa says,"Let's ask ourselves why there is so much war and violence... Let's not forget the hypocrisy of world powers who talk about peace but sell arms under the table." as he oversees the wealthiest company in the world in terms of money, land, control of "employees", etc. And he opens the door for a discussion of under-the-table wrongs? What a moroon! [Ya' have to be my age to know the reference and not think it's just moron misspelled.]
  4. That's because you have a Phd in stupid.
  5. OK, so that's what od's of cocaine and viagra will do to a guy in a Vegas whorehouse; Wow, who'd ever expect....?
  6. Just got my BC/BS rate increase info for 2016. The overall premium increases 14.4%; hospital in-patient (1st five days) 18%; outpatient services 25%, and so it goes. The final insult is that the out-of-pocket ceiling has increased by 32.8%. I just wish POTUS had been concentrating on climate change years ago, so Obamacare might have died from lack of interest. Certainly the great number of targeted people haven't availed themselves of health insurance and ain't nobody paying any penalties, eh?
  7. Ya' got all the water you need, so ya' take your burlap bag, add a brick, then ya' round up three cats, then ya'....
  8. That kinda confirms the application of the term snookered to POTUS current situation vis a vis Syria....
  9. Frankly, Hill'ry's blending of smoke and mirrors, hand-waving, laughing dismissals, and righteous indignation, along with her ability to camouflage her complete lack of actual achievement, could be considered her biggest (and only) achievement. Look where it got her: She's running for POTUS! Shame on us, eh?
  10. To continue in the fart theme: How is it that humans know when to fart and when not to fart? Admit it, you've wondered the same thing; How can I be sure that I'll push a blast of air and not a blast of solid matter? The whole (no pun intended) colon sensitivity thingy might just be worth a federal grant to study the feces v. air conundrum.
  11. It appears that POTUS' big deal negotiations prize with Iran may just violate one of POTUS' earlier big deal legislative moves. Probably just a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand...well, you know how that goes when you are steeped in foreign policy experience. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/10/08/exclusive-us-officials-conclude-iran-deal-violates-federal-law/ And with Iran's supreme ruler mandating no further negotiations with the Great Satan, there ain't no "fixee" on the horizon. So, when the Ayatollah says Great Satin does he mean the USA, or just POTUS? If he means just POTUS, well, who can argue.....?
  12. I AM proud to be an American. However, I'm not proud when foreign nations lump all Americans together, brand us as idiots, then point to the Clintons, POTUS, or some other left field politician as illustrative of the entire US nation. Nor am I proud when our current chief executive, by words and deeds, makes us out to be a second-tier country with much to apologize for.
  13. Yeah, but will you be watchin' Boobie?
  14. So the fat-thighed harridan can flip pancakes when it's the 2016 campaign trail, but makes fun of baking cookies in her other campaigns. Is there anything a politician won't do to try to deceive the voters?
  15. So, open more falafel carts? You are a major numbskull.
  16. This whole thing stinks if you ask me....
  17. Please hold my hand for just a minute.
  18. Appears to be somewhere in the valise genre.... This container controversy must be cleared up in order to move the debate forward....not.
  19. Elmira charted a course to disaster when the powers that be decided to use their flood relief $ for parking garages. Corning, on the other hand, built Market Street. Unfortunately, it's a long walk from parking in Elmira to shopping in Corning, even with a stopover at Tags.
  20. Just in time, Just in Bieber, Just in case, Just in the nick of time, Just spare me....
  21. Therefore, the call in the Miami game was....?
  22. After this past week's running into the kicker call against Miami (clearly roughing to these old eyes), I have no conception of the difference between roughing and running into...do you?
  23. Please, please reread what you write before hitting the Post button! Although your messages are fractured to begin with, the presentation of your thoughts are replete with grammatical errors to the point of being unreadable. Do yourself a favor, have someone else write and post the "thoughts" you profess to put forth as beliefs.
  24. and a topper is that Jerry Jones is NOT our owner....
  25. Hey Scott, "....say you will...." come to the Ralph!
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