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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Look, it's the troll from under the bridge!
  2. Actually, most of us do ignore what you write.
  3. You be savin' my ass, brah.
  4. PPP Moderators: Is there some way you can just give gatorman his money back and send him on down the road for good?
  5. A moving statement that summarizes, for me, what's wrong in DC. g'man, you sink further into the depths of ignorance with your comment. I sincerely hope you didn't take the time to listen to the entire speech.
  6. Al Gore and Hill'ry live there.
  7. $17.00 Black & Decker 12 cup coffee maker does it for me. I've been the Keurig route and didn't like being tied to single cups at a time; not as flexible as an old school coffee machine which lets me have a cup then fill the travel mug. I got nothing for the daughter driving thing.
  8. To support the Teal Pumpkin theme we'll be giving out plastic toy guns and rubber knives; no sugar there....
  9. However, it's fair to hold them accountable for the laughable questions that the CNBC moderators tossed to the candidates. I'm surprised that one of the debaters didn't ask for time out to write some substantive questions for the mod's to use.
  10. So think for a minute about the mechanics involved with a guy actually taking such a pic.... Or maybe there is a crotch assistant on staff [no pun intended]?
  11. Whoa, a lot of bad experiences expressed above! I guess I'm the fortunate one since I live in a sixty-seven home HOA complex and all appears to go quite well if the owners' positive comments and continued support of the Board and the contractors they hire are indicators of satisfaction. If your experiences with HOAs are bad, then your comments above are warranted. HOAs are like everything else, some good, some not so much....
  12. Not sure HOA's are the problem as much as new owners who don't read the Covenants and Restrictions BEFORE they buy a house in a specific development. Rules and regs are clearly spelled out for all to see, read and follow. On the other hand, HOA Boards that selectively enforce those rules and regs create major problems for all concerned.
  13. Kind ranks right up there with too little air in the footballs...eh? Nobody got fired for that.
  14. Bills Reportedly Had Headset Issues Due to Dead Batteries vs. Jaguars Maybe the dead battery thing describes what's wrong with the offense, defense and special teams...eh?
  15. EJ is terminally inconsistent (Even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then.). He may have the heart, but he certainly doesn't have the tools to proceed through a sixty minute game in the NFL on a regular basis. I hope the Bills' plane stops in Gander to let EJ off.
  16. Yahoo worked fine for me. Feed started to buffer at one point and I switched to another website for an instant, re-connected w/ Yahoo and all was well for the remainder of the game.
  17. Hair Club for Men just might have drilled a bit too deep on ol' JB. For any number of reasons he appears a bit 'tetched in the head.
  18. Yes, 'cause only a dummy thinks he is qualified.
  19. Thus cementing her rep as a fat-thighed harridan.
  20. Seems to me that B-Man focuses on individuals and issues in that he's conservative in some instances and liberal in others. That is a more legitimate approach to many things as opposed to merely going forth and following a "party" line of liberal, or conservative, in all things. For example, I'm liberal in that I believe in a woman's right to choose; but conservative when it comes to gun control. And ya' gotta admit, Hill'ry is a dishonest, arrogant person.
  21. North Korea is intimating interest in a "peace treaty" with the US to resolve past differences and go forth arm in arm [no pun intended]. Look, POTUS, jump on this one right now! What better move to shore up the ol' legacy than to cement a deal with that bastion of stability, NorKor....eh? Sweet opportunity here: Seal the peace deal; then, when the dust settles, wrangle a climate change pact with your new buds. I mean, you resolved things in Yemen months ago, so you've got some time on your hands, go for the NorKor thingy rápidamente!
  22. So could we make some parking places labelled with the "new" handicapped symbol for those "active" folks who have a "kinda" disability, but use the old symbol for spaces reserved for those who suffer a more debilitating handicap? In any event, let's just issue a lot more rear view mirror hangers so many more people can ignore the words on the placard stating, REMOVE FROM REAR VIEW MIRROR WHEN DRIVING. Nothinng hammers home one's disability than obscuring the driver's vision even more with a swinging handicapped placard.
  23. Probably all sword. no glove.
  24. Recall il Papa stating that people who manufacture guns and those who invest in weapons industries, who call themselves Christians, are hypocrites. Now picture the cordon surrounding the HF at all public and many private events; are they armed with Tinkertoys? Is not someone who depends on guns on a regular basis also a hypocrite for railing against them? And, of course, POTUS's circle of steel, armed to the teeth, appears to belie his comment that guns make us less safe....huh? Do these folks ever think about what they're saying?
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