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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Yikes, this is the dumbest post I've read in a long time. My fear is that ....lybob could actually mean it!
  2. In NYS, if a Superintendent and the School Board are truly focused on student success and good teaching, it's relatively easy to weed out bad teachers. In many instances the teacher's union will "support" the decision if kept abreast of the process and the evidence produced by the process. However, the union's support will not be public, nor will it keep the union from publicly speaking against the firing. The union will also seek some way to ease the separation such as a letter of reference. A district must never agree to such a demand. When contacted by an employer seeking info about the fired teacher, the only statement to be made is to say, "She/He worked in our district from date X to date Y." No matter the question, that same answer must be the only response. It usually only took two questions for the light bulb to go on at the other end of the telephone.
  3. "...the submersive lyrics..." Just a great TBDism!
  4. One concern I had throughout my career in public education was reconciling the 19th century revenue source (tax on property) with the need to implement 21st Century techniques, pedagogy and objectives. Particularly since the public, rightly so, holds schools accountable for much much more than they were designed to deliver.
  5. Think about nuns in deer camp....
  6. I wouldn't believe POTUS if he said today was Monday!
  7. Once again: You can't shine shhiit.
  8. Sully seems to me to be much like all of us: Sometimes what he writes earns a nod of agreement, and sometimes a negative shake of the head. His column presents his opinion, much as we bring our opinions and biases when we read him or any other columnist. So, read him or don't read him....
  9. For the sake of clarity, I invite readers to post the names of NRA members who actively participated in any of the numerous "mass shootings" that the US has suffered recently. I suspect you'd be much happier with a website of your own wherein you could volley pro's and con's to your heart's content. Then, you could be self-righteous from two points of view...and what could be better for you?
  10. In an effort to contribute to the clarity of future (and there will be future...) terrorist attacks in the US, I urge the attackers to tweet POTUS that the upcoming deed will be terrorism since he seems congenitally unable to make that connection on his own. And to think that voters hired this doofus twice!
  11. Gilmore is the Bruce Smith of the Bills secondary: Sometimes he's there, sometimes he just ain't hustlin'.
  12. Rex' whining sounds suspiciously like one of Doug Marrone's lateral arabesques. Rex: Ya' screwed the pooch big time, man up!
  13. So.like, the Inspector General should be able to generally inspect...? Who knew?
  14. In keeping with most of the 21st Century names in play today, I recommend you buy a Scrabble set, shake vigorously, reach in and draw eight of ten letters; then arrange them in any order and your done with name selection.
  15. I'm thankful that the fat lady is about to sing over the demise of the current adminnistration in DC. ADIOS, POTUS!
  16. A Caico is a member of the genis Stupidious as is the Hokie and the Hooded Belichek.
  17. POTUS will smite ISIS by organizing an international eHarmony sign-up and a massive job fair. Once the Islamic terrorists (Oops!) have jobs and some lovin' it'll all be good...eh? The only strict requirement will be that the terrorists pledge to cut their carbon footprint by 2020.
  18. Screw Charlie Sheen....No, wait....
  19. When (not if, but when) it's time for boots on the ground in Rhode Island, or Arizona, wherever here in CONUS, I pray that the POTUS at the time isn't Barack Obama.
  20. Crap, I thought this was a thread about POTUS.
  21. I think this warrants a hunger strike until the specific meaning is determined. You first....
  22. Currently, in the US, the phrase, "...workings of government..." has the makings of a really neat oxymoron.
  23. Always remember, it was on the current POTUS' watch that ISIS (ISIL) was deemed "contained."
  24. Interesting set of circumstances that appear to govern using Karlos: Whenever the fancy strikes, put Karlos in the game and have him score, then don't use him for the rest of the game.
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