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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. You appear to have left out the lines where Joe, and Josette, paid exorbitant taxes to fund an equal standard of living for those who decided to adopt a life style that omitted the lines about work from their fairy tale.
  2. Iran tells US that Iran's missle program is non-negotiable; how to respond to that challenge? Let's start now imagineering just what POTUS and his trusted boy companion, John Kerry, will give away in order to open another losing round of "negotiations." The current administration's playbook defines megotiations as laying down in a dark corner, in a fetal position, until the other side goes away with whatever they want.
  3. Shrill'ry is speaking in Rochester tomorrow. She is slated to speak to economic improvements for the middle class, immigration reform, and a number of other topics aimed at improving the public's lot in life. Unfortunately, the public can not attend the rally. Think about the message that exclusion sends. She is a true Democrat; OK, maybe more rat than Demo.
  4. Two terrorist explosive experts were transferred from Gitmo to Senegal this week. Last week the US killed an important terrorist bomb maker in a drone strike. Are we just restocking the terrorist cells? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/04/04/al-qaeda-explosives-experts-transferred-from-guantanamo-bay.html?intcmp=hpbt3&intcmp=latestnews Sail On, Oh Ship of State....
  5. Average per month is $75. Townhouse, two stories, electric heat, Western NY.
  6. Find a warm quiet place and take a nap.
  7. The NY Post offers another take on the "glitch." http://nypost.com/2016/04/02/white-house-doctors-video-to-remove-islamic-terrorism-quote/
  8. The words "Islamist terrorists" were conveniently omitted from a recording of the French President's remarks at the White House yesterday. It seems to have been a "technical glitch" according to an administration source. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/04/02/hollandes-islamist-terrorism-omitted-from-white-house-vid-technical-error-blamed.html Even the bits and bytes are doing POTUS' bidding these days. I hope they find the technical cause of the omission before POTUS makes his next pronouncement. Angela Merkel probably got a chuckle out of that, having suffered a number of POTUS' technical glitches while making telephone calls regarding private German government matters.
  9. "I am so sick, I am so sick," Clinton says, shouting and wagging her finger at the activist, "of the Sanders campaign lying about me. I'm sick of it." Fixed.
  10. Crap, I thought this thread was about either the Catholic Church or the USA.
  11. I am relieved to read in a recent report that the detainees released from Gitmo by POTUS have NOT returned to terrorist activities. However, those released by George Bush HAVE returned to their terrorist ways. (I'll always believe Laura Bush had a hand in this.) Huh, what a revelation by our omniscient POTUS.
  12. 23. Super Bo...., Oh wait, never had one in the first place.
  13. They just don't give a Ramadan!
  14. Maybe the Pakistani leadership will follow the US' lead and go to a baseball game...? Kerry's comments on POTUS' actions post-Brussels appear to justify baseball and tango as acceptable responses to terrorist attacks, eh?
  15. He's college basketball's Bill Belichick.
  16. I'd love to caress her with some kitty willows.....
  17. OK, I'll pitch in an item of "substance" to get the list off the floor - her listening tour gimmick. When running for Senator from NYS, she embarked on a statewide listening tour: She talked more than listened, didn't appear to hear when she did listen, booked out of NYS when the next opportunity presented itself. To her credit, most of the places she stopped were actually in NYS.
  18. I was going to post something here, but I'll leave the space for g'man's list of Shrill'ry's list of accomplishments:
  19. As well as the fact that holding titles does not equate to actual experience and accomplishments.
  20. too many Ted's dogs resulting in
  21. Any truth to the rumor that POTUS is taking fiddle lessons?
  22. If the Moslem/Islamic neighborhood of Brussels is (now, hopefully, was) both a no-go zone as well as the fount of terrorist activities, why would US officials not surveil similar areas in the US? At some earlier point in time, the neighborhood shifted from a gathering of those of similar culture to no-go areas, probably as a result of flying below the radar within the Belgian culture. Why do Democrats/liberals-in-general think it won't happen here? Think: Those who ignore the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them. Can POTUS cut an Argentine rug or what!
  23. Did POTUS get Brussels updates inning-by-inning, or just at the seventh inning stretch?
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