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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. POTUS' visit to Hiroshima, and his statements in Japan regarding the magnitude of nuclear weaponry, seem to me to have lost a bit of their gravitas when the present he gave to Vietnam was to lift the embargo on weapons sales to that country. It appears that the impact of weaponry is just a bit more acceptable if one can make money off weapons sales, eh?
  2. Madam POTUS, your colonic is ready.
  3. By saying, "What are the odds?" I'm assuming you don't mean.....
  4. The current POTUS' foreign policy: (Copy and distribute as needed.)
  5. If I wasn't sure that gatorman couldn't spell Tiberius, I might just think that they are.... Well, you know.
  6. I'm not sure Hill'ry actually will be elected. I am sure she is one of the two stars in a long-running drama about a country where voters kowtow to those who deliver the most freebies.
  7. Interesting that 3rd focused on the word policy. I was struck by the word foreign. Foreign in the non-native, alien sense. It seems to me that most of POTUS' actions, pronouncements, executive orders, etc. have been foreign when seen in the context of our nation as a whole. Nearly all of this administration's activities have focused on the groups that elected the current POTUS. There is little or no sense that BHO is the President of the United States; just of the groups that put him in control. Of all the corruptions perpetrated by this administration, ignoring the welfare of the nation as a whole is most egregious.
  8. Probably dishonest because it reflects poorly on Democrats in general, the sitting POTUS in particular, and...well, just because Tiberius doesn't want it to be honest...Yeah, that's it....
  9. "I did not have sex with that woman...." If the definition of is is, is the defination of sex sex?
  10. Well, not really a serious question now is it? Look back over the past six months of transgressions by HRC and her cabal; who really thinks the Debbie Wasserman Schultz' of the world will permit anything/anyone to derail the anointment of the fat-thighed one? It's her turn, dammit!
  11. If our new ally, Iran, does close the Straits of Hormuz in response to Congress considering legislation permitting US citizens to sue foreign nations, will POTUS send Rhodes or Kerry to the compromise conference where we cede Vermont to Iran?
  12. Hasn't she already "screwed" us...?
  13. I just get the sense that, in the final months of his reign, POTUS is acting like the little kid who sneaks down cellar and runs his electric train around the track as fast as he can waiting for it to derail. When it happens, he has his excuse ready-made for publication: Congress wouldn't play nice with me.
  14. Depending on where you stand on the international chessboard, every nation sponsors terrorism, eh? OK, maybe the Scandinavian countries not so much.
  15. In his latest show of strength and resolve, POTUS is sending five bus loads of troops to the Middle East. Their mission is not to fight, but to advise and train. Rumor has it that their weapons will be sent to them at a later date.
  16. Good look at Buffalo sports. I recall seeing the Braves in the Aud a number of times.
  17. Crap, I thought this was a thread about Hill'ry.
  18. Gee, POTUS, snubbed in Riyadh, ignored by the Kremlin; seems like you've got 'em right where you want 'em. Your power choices in response are bow or curtsy, eh?
  19. I got a six digit PIN when I applied; my wife got a five digit PIN. Our tax guy just laughed when I emailed him the IRS forms - mine showing a six digit #, my wife's with five digits. He told me that five digits are correct. What an outfit, that IRS!
  20. To see what display name he comes up with next? In the interest of true disclosure, maybe banning is too harsh; we could demand he just change his display name to Asshat, eh?
  21. Along those same lines, the IRS initiated a PIN program wherein taxpayers could register for a personal identification number as a further guard against identity theft when e-filing. The site was hacked and the IRS closed it down in midstream thus dumping the effort to guard against id theft. This from the agency in charge of taxation and, for an encore, the ACA. Sail On, Oh Ship of State!
  22. I'm gonna' need a link to this quote because no way you strung that many words together w/o a misspelling, grammar error, or typical g'man muff.
  23. So the rich and famous from around the world come to the USA to get less care than is available in other countries? Children from all over the world are brought here for cutting edge procedures available nowhere else in the world. Our veterans receive socialized medicine? You are so stupid, my teeth ache when I read what you write!
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