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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. What is God's name could , "...come out and hurt Hillary." if the scandals that have gone before just slid off her cankles like butta? The woman could shoot an attendee at one of her rallies and walk away from any legal response. Therein lies the fear of most right-thinking citizens.
  2. Current SoS, John Kerry, dispenses his keen insights regarding the South China Sea imbroglio in this article from the Japan Times. Could someone just get him to shut up about things he has no clue...well, maybe that would render him mute, but really? http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/07/28/asia-pacific/u-s-diplomatic-strategy-south-china-sea-appears-founder/#.V5tNHWWma9F Imagine a foreign policy of the US foundering; actually, you don't have to imagine it, just read the paper on most any day. Sail On, Oh Ship of State
  3. This...to the comments of the last five or six posters.
  4. My son is in the current Google view of his street in Santa Barbara, CA.
  5. Ah, but TWC exists no more; the evil empire, however, will reemerge as Spectrum now that the sale is complete. "Spectrum" commercials promise new, and exciting, technology for their consumers. On the other hand, isn't Spectrum really going to just consume us as did TWC?
  6. Who does Trump think he is expecting each NATO member to meet the expectations agreed to upon joining the organization? Why the next thing you know he'll question the monies the US pays to the United Nations! I hope he never attempts to devise a cost/benefit ratio on that outfit.
  7. Maybe not exactly the military, but I wish someone would take complete control of ours!
  8. However, there seem to be quite a few humans in the present US of A who would trade backwards about nine years, eh? Would those close to the mass shootings, BLM fallout, and terrorism see those occurances as theatrical and/or histrionic?
  9. On the one-year anniversary of the debacle that is the pact with Iran, the current SoS advises the world that it is a safer place. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/kerry-says-iran-deal-has-made-world-a-safer-place-one-year-later/2016/07/14/a954071c-484f-11e6-8dac-0c6e4accc5b1_story.html Chances are he didn't make this announcement in Paris, Brussels, Orlando, nor San Bernadino, nor [fill in the blank]. Oops, he was in Paris when he made the announcement; maybe he forgot the terrorist "dust up" that city suffered. Is there no limit to the extent these bozos will go to try to wring something positive from the bad deals they've accepted in the past eight years? Sail On, Oh Ship of State.
  10. I know a couple of Democrats, they aren't stupid people. Why do they continue to support this boob (OK, boobette)? Just think of the things she can get away with when the entire adminnistration covers for her. Oh, wait....
  11. The second sentence appears to me to be a key point in what's happening to our society today, even beyond the concept of policing. Pandering has become a necessary political pastime: Run some freebies up the flagpole, flog the social media airwaves, collect the support/votes/etc.
  12. Think about the first five words you wrote! Are you serious, Loretta ain't gonna' do no such thing no matter the evidence, the allegations, etc. Hill'ry is on Loretta's team.
  13. Arrogance thy name is Hill'ry.
  14. Loretta Lynch says she'll accept the findings and recommendations of the FBI regarding the investigation into Hill'ry's email kerfuffle [read criminal activity]. That must mean: A) The Attorney General is lying; B) She has some prior knowledge of a watered down result forthcoming; C) She has one foot out the door of the Justice Dep't.
  15. Think vewy, vewy carefuwy before you take another step in this matter. This advice comes to you from the perspective of my 57 years of wedlock. (Give some thought to the last four letters of that word.)
  16. Sahlen's natural casing is #1; Hoffman's natural casing #2...and so it goes.
  17. Actually, I would rather have her stay home and bake cookies....
  18. So Britain's vote to leave the EU appears to be their Donald Trump. The hewers of wood and drawers of water are really REALLY fed up.
  19. However, in the end [which is 'zackly where we'll get it], she'll skate through the $#!t storm unscathed. Remember: She never sent, nor read, a "classified" email on that server. The fat-thighed harridan rides again!
  20. So...a vote for anyone other than your candidate is a wasted vote? In a more macro view of the needs of the country, one could say that a vote for the winner was a wasted vote, e.g., see 2008 and 2012.
  21. The title of this thread is an oxymoron; the current POTUS is just a plain moron.
  22. Anything by the Texas Tornados. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6ON9tlAQ-8&list=RDEMgEELzIVk9o3BkECVhH7l_g
  23. I'm bettin' our next POTUS will prolly be an @$$hole....wait, our current POTUS is for sure....
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