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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Personally, I'm offended by the fact that there is a disproportionately large amount of white milk displayed for sale in grocery stores compared to chocolate milk; well beyond the popular understanding of the Caucasian/people-of-color ratios in our population. Add to that the lack of interest in this slight when I bring it to the attention of the dairy department managers. Once the ninth member of the SCOTUS is seated, I'm hoping this matter is addressed and remedied!
  2. NFL and NASCAR representatives meet at secret locations and change the rules of their respective money-making sports to fit each specific week's activities.
  3. Once more with feeling: If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.
  4. Yeah, what was that all about? Were things just going too well for the Bills at that point and Rex decided to toss in some confusion?
  5. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2016/09/20/at-this-point-eagles-are-where-bills-should-be/ Doesn't even require any additional comment....
  6. If POTUS could only get these unfortunates jobs there would be no need to act out (PC for bomb, shoot and slash); or, if not jobs, at least hook them into the comprehensive giveaway network he continues to grow.
  7. When you don't have a coherent offensive scheme, you can't script a sequence, eh?
  8. Or how about his sister, Star Spangled?
  9. If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.
  10. I'm thinkin' Arizona will stream by the Bills like a freight train passing a tramp.
  11. Positives: First) I wasn't at the game, therefore my heart rate was relatively stable throughout the evening; Second) I saved myself a ton of money; Third) my 6 - 10 prediction is off to a great start, but I am worried about where the six wins could come from...?
  12. Or, just maybe the fans who bought tickets for years, and readily accepted a sub-standard product in return, should simply say No Mas, and spend their walk-around money in some other manner until such time as the Bills get the message that losing is not a sought-after experience by their customers.
  13. Actually, it wasn't over 'til the North Koreans bombed São Paolo.
  14. Was he "definately" playing last Sunday?
  15. There's no truth to the rumor that I'm a cabbage patch candidate!
  16. "I could kick your ass every day, tall boy."
  17. Probably, except in her case PTSD also stands for Permantly Tiresome Simpleminded Democrat.
  18. Crap, I thought this was a thread about Hill'ry....
  19. Wow, and I thought dead man's switch meant Hill'ry switching w/ BHO come next January...since both are at least figuratively brain dead on most issues.
  20. Well, in that case, not to worry. Hill'ry has the nation accustomed to such paltry discretions that one more won't be noticed.
  21. The next news cycle will feature Hill'ry calling for calm and unity....Oh wait, she's fueling the protesters through her stunning silence on the subject. Maybe she'll point and shout her way through her next campaign stop while making some reference to her long history of calm and patience as she mended the rents in the fabric of our nation.
  22. Experts indicate that the cyberwar may be pointed at disrupting the elections here in the USA. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-37117414 I thought Hill'ry did that months ago. Sail On, Oh Ship of State.
  23. I'm only ten years his junior, but I've been there for quite a while now!
  24. Interestingly, POTUS is displaying the same school yard I-can-piss-farther-than-you-can attitude in his comments about Donald. Trump never saw a slight, nor presumed slight, he didn't attack and POTUS has stepped right into the muck with him at this point. If the Presidential plays tit for tat in this manner, isn't Trump really acting Presidential here in the 21st Century?
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