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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. “A large-breasted white woman of impossible proportions, scantily clad in a shimmery, thigh-baring body suit with an American flag motif and knee-high boots” is not an appropriate spokeswoman for gender equity at the United Nations, the petition said." However, a small woman wearing thick glasses, clad in a burka, peering through a netted opening would clearly represent the ideal UN equity symbol. Let's give the UN even more money to foster even narrower interpretations of society. Sail On, Oh Ship of State!
  2. Good to see POTUS taking a stand against the hacking brouhaha that has emerged in the last two weeks (Well, actually several months earlier than that, but POTUS decided not to mention it at the time. I think he was saving his umbrage 'til he saw who won the election.). Now that the election is over, POTUS can unleash his full powers of response. There are rumors that he'll draw a red line in the snow (after all it's Moscow, not Baghdad) and dare Russia to do something about it. In preparation for drawing the red line, he has alerted the Department of Agriculture to be prepared for a new round of total bull ****.
  3. Don't forget - Or selecting a seriously flawed, whisker-close to indictment, Washington clone as your candidate for POTUS.
  4. However, any semblance of Russia's "hacking" impact on our election is purely coincidental to the current POTUS' "hacking" impact on Israel's election not so long ago. Remember: If I do it, it's OK; if you do it, it's just plain wrong!
  5. On the other hand, if the Bills do suffer "it" on Sunday, that means they'll probably move up in the draft. Next to suffering a losing season, there's nothing worse than watching another Bills' draft slowly implode over the following summer/fall.
  6. The Peter Principle has trapped more than one good college coach.
  7. I'm offended by NYC Mayor Billy D setting up therapy opportunities for city workers devastated by Trump's victory over Hill'ry. Couldn't Chuck "Focus your camera here, please" Schumer bring that sort of millennial solace to the rest of the state with federal funding. Picture mobile therapy rooms visiting out-of-the-way burgs spreading warm chai, croissants and pre-warmed binkys.
  8. Well, the Bills have proved that the road less travelled doesn't work.
  9. And you call yourself Dopey...?
  10. First order of business is to hire an outside football person to evaluate the "company," develop recommendations, report to owners, then carry out the agreed-upon objectives. What is there to lose, 2017-18 is in the dumpster already; so develop a plan and implement it.
  11. Wow, I'd just love to own a business where the customers would buy my "defective" product year after year with but few real complaints; and my "professional association" (read NFL) would chip in a ton of money via TV revenues. What a cash cow!!
  12. I'll go with a WR and pick Hogan....Oh, wait...ya' mean they actually...Oh crap.
  13. Thanks, Nanker, for the correction!
  14. So President-elect Trump had the audacity to telephone the leaders of some nations* and presumably introduce himself and establish at least a first connection with them; and China has a hissy fit over Trump's call to Taiwan's leader. The US sends gobs of money to Taiwan, pledges to defend their island, points with pride at the differences between Taiwan and China, BUT the international community and our own DoS can't handle a simple telephone call, albeit the first between leaders of the two countries since Christ was a midshipman? Plus Trump had the chutzpah to telephone leaders we currently don't agree with. What a maroon! [Ya' gotta be a senior for this one, eh Bugs?] I guess the new guy in town is really the new guy in town. *China sees Taiwan as an errant territory, not an independent nation. (The US has probably devised some other phrase to describe Taiwan that doesn't piss off the Chinese.)
  15. B-Man, in your perusal of all things politic have you ever runacross this compilation of info?

  16. B-Man, in your perusal of all things politic have you ever runacross this compilation of info?

    1. Keukasmallies


      There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

      Trump won 3,084 of them.

      Clinton won 57.

      There are 62 counties in New York State.

      Trump won 46 of them.

      Clinton won 16.

      Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

      In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan,

      Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond) Therefore these 5 cou...

    2. Keukasmallies


      There's more, but apparently it's too long for the message quota....

    3. B-Man


      Interesting stuff Keuka, thanks. I had seen the national "county" info, but not the new york breakdown.

  17. As are most of their mistresses!
  18. Remember, those Republicans are the same bastards that made Bill and Hill'ry return the truckload of furniture and silverware!
  19. Insightful, Brendan. What do we do with the queen now, eh?
  20. Maybe it looked right when he looked in the mirror...?
  21. All I have as a fact in the global warming debate is that my Halloween pumpkin rotted about a week earlier than last year's pumpkin - due to a warmer October/November. Granted, this post is neither peer, nor jury reviewed, but I offer it in the most humble of terms.
  22. Ben, are you the next iteration of gatorman?
  23. Wonder why this whole protest/rioting thing wasn't in vogue after the 2012 election? We had plenty of evidence that the re-electee was a dunce.
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