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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. This post fits perfectly with the current state of the Bills organization.
  2. Pretty consistent message to be drawn from the posts above: The Bills are OK at worst, but the media, NFL insiders, other coaches, etc. are dead wrong. Only those of us who follow the Bills every week/day really are in tune with reality on this issue. Only one question left for me: What are your criteria for success in the NFL?
  3. This imbroglio and many other OBD decisions appear to illustrate the depths to which the organization has sunk. The next problem is that there doesn't seem to be anyone to lead the company out of the depths. C'mon, a GM that has neither input nor knowledge of major decisions.....
  4. I really don't expect the Pegula's to know how to run a football team; I do expect them to know how to own one. I expect them to have the knowledge of corporate structure necessary to turn out an efficient and effective support system for the football operations, a system that will lead to a successful football effort. They are far from meeting my expectations.
  5. Did the fire alarm go off just outside the press room? Whaley sprinted up and out in a flash.
  6. I don't question the Pegula's interest in both teams, nor their willingness to spend money on them. I do question the two layers of the administration that separate the Pegulas from the head coach in the every day workings of the business entity called The Buffalo Bills. The organization will not change, until Brandon and Whaley are out, nor will the head coach have the same authority and working conditions as most other NFL coaches. A fancy locker room and a wealthy owner don't seem to be key criteria for a successful franchise. Run, Anthony, run.
  7. If Lynn is smart he'll coach up a storm on Sunday then run away from OBD as fast as he can. The organization threw him under the bus with that presser. No support whatsoever from the organization to deflect some of the questions that clearly dealt with organizational issues, were to be expected given the firing of Wrex, and were not within the purview of the interim head coach. If "they" left him swinging in the wind on day 1, what can he expect when the sledding gets really rough?
  8. So Obama waffles for eight years on every foreign policy matter, yet at his eleventh hour finally takes some action against Russia's bullying at a time when he is ready to scoot out the door and leave the consequences of his actions to the next guy. What a supreme a$$#0le.
  9. I've always wanted to OD on/with a heroine; thanks for reminding me!
  10. Obama’s comments reveal the mindset of the modern leftist. “Put more resources” means “Spent more money.” If it paid great dividends, people would know, Mr. President. Instead, you’re assuming they’re clueless on just how much you did for them because they can’t deal with “facts.” They need the “emotional connection.” The President, like most Democrats, believe spending a lot of money is a solution. They “invest” $6.5 billion in one year. Nobody sees the supposed “benefits, ” and they’re dumbfounded to learn people aren’t eager to vote for them. It is always the same with Democrats when they lose. “We’re the best. Our ideas are the best. Our policies are the best. We’re the bestest best-best of all the rest! It’s just voters are too dumb to see it. So we need to communicate better with the rural simps, and then we’ll win!” The message the Democrats have sent these rural voters since the election, is two-fold: “These hayseeds in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, and Pennsylvania don’t deserve to have their candidate win because their betters in California and New York have spoken!” “These dummies just don’t get how good they have it with us. We need to communicate better to these morons. Otherwise, they won’t vote for us.” Sure, that will work. http://www.redstate.com/jaycaruso/2016/12/26/obama-hilariously-points-finger-media-trump-winning-rural-america/ Simply deplorable, eh?
  11. Go south to the Santa Barbara area and have a Charburger at The Habit. Oh Yeah!
  12. This, truly this, is the gospel when applied to Gilmore.
  13. Bullying is tormenting, intimidating, harassing actions/behaviors against another. We've spent time and money pointing out and attempting to remedy the damage bullying does in school yards, playgrounds and general public and private areas of our communities. I imagine many snowflake families go to great lengths to point out to their children the damage done by bullying. Do many of the protests against Trump's Presidency differ from bullying? They certainly aim to torment and intimidate Trump supporters as well as those who appear to be pro-Trump by virtue of simply obeying the law. Probably just another case of, "Do as I say, not as I do." Cast off all lines: Sail On, Oh Ship of State.
  14. Vote with your wallet to show your dissatisfaction - don't buy the paper.
  15. I expect that the current POTUS will, following the events of 1/20/17, propose various and sundry keen insights and rapier-like proposals for resolving most if not all the issues that merely festered when he was in the driver's seat. Recall his recent statement that he'd reflect on various issues rather than sit back once out of office. (No chortling from those of you who propose he's been "out of office" for quite some time.)
  16. I cautiously propose I'd rather have a relatively pro-Putin/Russia POTUS than one who is pro-Khomeini/Iran. Why ever do we kowtow (aplogies for mixing continent comments here) to a regime that has hated us/our way of life for years, but really turned up the rhetoric AFTER we made an agreement with them that results in our giving them what they wanted all along, plus beau coup saddle bags of money. I'm quite sure the phrase "You are our enemies, we will destroy you" doesn't translate to thanks a lot. Sail On, Oh Ship of State.
  17. POTUS stated that the US will respond appropriately to Russia's computer incursions when the time is right. I presume that will mean after he's shaken the dust of 1600 PA Avenue from his trousers. When he finally vacates, will his lines in the sand still be there? Of course, technology permits drawing a virtual line in the sand, so all should be well wherever he goes.
  18. So gatorman Tiberius, run the part where you called yourself a conservative by all of us again....
  19. Who'd ever have believed that a post entitled Obama's Foreign Policy would last for twenty-eight pages.
  20. Wow, next thing you kow Trump'll have a Foundation and foreign leaders will be making contributions in hopes of currying favors, eh?
  21. The very fact that he's going to be in the driver's seat shortly rather than Hill'ry. He is draining the swamp in terms of turning out the Washington insider mentality. Will there be problems, Oh Yeah, lots of them, but they'll be problems associated with changing the way things are done. Will all his campaign promises be addressed; no more so than his predecessor delivered Hope, Change and Transparency. So, yeah, I'll hang with him and see what happens. I believe if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got. That's no longer good enough in the 21st Century.
  22. He sure will; that's what a President for all the people just naturally does. And we all know he's....Oh, wait a minute, that doesn't include the folks living in the middle does it...?
  23. It's a therapy bear! It introduces calm, and the person carrying it is able to deal with both the anxiety of flight plus the damnation of Trump's victory over Princess Hill'ry. Sheesh, give a millennial a break, would ya'?
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