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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Is Trump mentally ill? Is Harry Reid?
  2. So, instead of being concerned about the Supreme Court nominees, or the court itself; we should just re-route legal concerns to Sally for her learned determination? Em, maybe not.
  3. How many have died of old age? Your posts make my teeth ache!
  4. He may have thought he was calling ahead to order a slurpy, but dialed the wrong #.
  5. Those pesky counter-protesters think that the word moratorium means a temporary prohibition of an action. How silly are they, eh; the MSM is trying to tell them it's a ban, but they won't listen.
  6. Is Trump to blame? I'm not sure, but it's either Trump or Laura Bush. Film at eleven.
  7. When does a moratorium become a ban? When it is reported by CNN. The MSM are getting their licks in as their response to POTUS' lack of "traditional respect" for the 4th estate. The more they howl, and the more liberals get on board, the more confused the Democrat [it's anything but democratic] Party becomes. On the other hand, some "what if" planning prior to issuing an EO might just give POTUS more cover.
  8. Interestingly, POTUS signs his EO's in public and explains their significance in some detail. I'm pretty sure this is called transparency. It is downright awkward that he put forth his positions while on the campaign trail, confirmed them in his inaugural address, and now, damned if he isn't doing what he said he'd do. That's a course of action totally foreign to Washington DC. Maybe that's part of what it means to drain the swamp.
  9. By my calculations, the recidivism rate for those executed for their crimes is zero. Before you get your dander up and design a well-sculpted response know this: I'm seventy-six, seen more than I ever wanted to and I don't have sympathy for those who have raped, pillaged and murdered. I grin when the execution goes south and the inmate suffers. (Yeah I know, you'll probably pray for my soul.)
  10. Mark KnollerVerified account‏@markknoller Follow More Pres Trump boards Air Force One, but doesn't turn around to wave - as presidents have done for decades. ______________________________________________________________________ Do they usually turn clockwise, or counter clockwise, in order to give the traditional wave?
  11. So Trump made promises during his campaign, reiterated most of them in his inaugural speech and is now implementing what he promised to implement. What's not to like for his supporters? Even those who don't support him must be confused by the actions of a President actually doing what he said he'd do. The loyal opposition must be alarmed facing a President who does what he promised; how can they ever hope to reinstate obfuscation and deceit whenever they get a shot at the brass ring. Will wonders never cease....
  12. Actually, a good businessman works to keep his current customers, then sets out to gain new ones, often from his competitors.
  13. If there were more women protesting on Saturday than persons who attended the inauguration on Friday, is Donald Trump still President?
  14. We got a glimpse of what Cardale has, and to me it looks like Cardale has about two years to go until he will/might be ready for starting qb play.
  15. Grabyourwallet.org is the latest bully to raise its ugly head in opposition to the legally elected President of the United States. Their current headline-grabbing tactic is to promote a boycott of L. L. Bean because one of the fifty family member owners made a substantial contribution to Trump's campaign. Grabyourwallet.org may be coming to a neighborhood near you as they wend their way through the lists of Trump supporters Seems that bullying is unacceptable in the context of children, schools, etc.; but perfectly acceptable, even encouraged, when carried out by older persons [i couldn't bring myself to use the word adults here.]. This sort of bullying isn't that far removed from actions wherein one mocks an individual with a disability, eh?
  16. A couple a' things: (1) Fixed. Consistent references promote the discussion. (2 )Knowing what I now know, I'd enroll in Trump University long before I'd contribute to the Clinton Foundation. -30-
  17. Are you absolutely sure you aren't really Nancy Pelosi?
  18. Tib's, take a deep breath, get comfortable in a darkened room then consider this: Hill'ry lost the election because she/her campaign/the Democratic Party didn't understand the rules of the election process. You know, the process wherein voters cast their ballots FOR ELECTORS FOR, not directly for the specific candidate. Then the electors meet as the Electoral College and cast their ballots as directed by their states. The candidate with two hundred seventy (currently) electoral votes wins. See, it's really easy; and the great thing is that the process has been the same for several years now! (Damn that Donald Trump for playing to the rules.) OK, now take a minute to come up with your next smarmy comment and post away....
  19. Joe Biden telling Donald Trump to grow up. Biden, being the poster child for Doofus Are Us, should just slink into the woodwork and count his blessings that he never had to actually make a decision.
  20. One of the problems with nit-picking spelling errors is that inevitably one makes a near-similar mistake, e.g., not always capitalizing Congress.
  21. This calls for a virtual line in the sand, maybe something in a mauve would be nice....
  22. Can you actually get a cap to stay on a kitty?
  23. Doin' what columnists are paid to do: Offer their opinion; don't like it, don't read it.
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