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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Sounds to me like shes been white balled by the blacks....
  2. I'm thinkin' the real victims are those who contributed to the Clinton Foundation, lost their highway to influence when she cratered, and are now looking for some sort of redemption.
  3. Were I POTUS I'd wear Maxine's boycott as a badge of honor.
  4. Kellyann's couch slouch was deemed disrespectful and a stain on the sanctity of the White House, but Dem's protesting/boycotting POTUS' address to Congress will be seen as a brave display of the right to express one's opposition to tyranny. All hail MSNBC and CNN, eh. Sail On, Oh Ship of State.
  5. Did DJT mix up the Oscar envelopes to grenade that event and take some heat off his current kerfuffles? Inquiring minds want to know!
  6. Crap, I thought this was a NASCAR thread.....
  7. How can you not approve of the guy that sent Hill'ry down the road. Just as soon as George Soros decides to do something else with his money, the protests will fade out and the media will have to find another truncheon to use to hammer Trump.
  8. That's what you get when a person who does what he said he'd do is elected President. The systemic shock to Washington insiders, and their minions in the concentric circles thereof, is simply toxic. What if the electorate has the audacity to expect the next President to do what she/ he promises to do? What will the Pelosi's and the Schumer's do to stem that vicious tide? Twitter is such a grounded source of reality, eh?
  9. “It’s hard to tell people who don’t see health care needs in the year ahead that they should be paying premiums and higher deductibles to make the system work for everyone else,” says JoAnn Volk, a senior research professor at Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms. “But the going-in idea is that you’ll need health insurance at some point.” It's also hard to convince people like me that do see the need for health insurance that I should pay for "your" health insurance through much higher premiums and deductibles for "my" health insurance. Can I expect a 14% premium increase again next year?
  10. Don't tell me you slept through the Obama administration.
  11. I don't believe a word of it. You'd rather sit at your 'puter and write gibberish than make an actual move to complement the stuff you say you believe. You, Evelyn, are the consummate troll.
  12. Well, I picture him as a knowledgable player in a system that moves the midwest's commercial products and provides recreational opportunities for many thousands each summer. When he steps away from the river, he shares his insights and opinions with all of us. He may get a bit stubborn at times, but never nasty. You go, Eric.
  13. He set it up in 2008, we were too naive to realize what was happening.
  14. Even more factual, today is Sunday.
  15. Upon further review I'm thinking that protests, whether violent or peaceful, are certainly a product of the media and the "he who buys ink by the barrel" concept. I don't believe that inciting protests is an objectrive of the majority of media outlets yet I'm sure that some of them quietly wink at the unintended consequences.
  16. Protests cost money: Transportation, organization, signage, etc. these "spontaneous" occurances at town hall meetings, on college campuses, outside (and inside) government offices require some level of funding. It appears there are common themes that appear across the range of protests. For example, the protests at UC Berkeley featured "outsiders" bent of violence and destruction according to those familiar with the activities there. So, are the people that backed the Presidental candidate who lost recouping their "investment" by funding protests to disrupt the new administration and introduce a generally negative tone in the country? Far fetched, I think not; after all, the candidate not only lost the election, but the family "foundation" collapsed and the family reputation is in a downward spiral. Supporters may be seeking retribution for their failed efforts.
  17. You callin' me racist, brah? So you missed the part where Obama says they could use his comment as a commercial? You know, commercial, like when a business produces a public statement encouraging purchase of their goods or services, eh?
  18. Yeah, but..., well it's different, and well...... I'm sure the ethics committee cleared Obama's comments as just shuckin' w/ the guys, eh?
  19. This!! These attributes and attitudes served me well throughout a thirty-four year career. There's nothing like being the captain of your own ship.
  20. Reminds me of my kindergarten teacher, Miss Fay.
  21. And then there's the fact that in most instances, if not all, the homeschool teacher has a strong emotional bond with the student and a deep seated stake in the outcome of the process. Chances are that the homeschool teacher isn't focused on working within a contractual framework, using all the alloted sick days, planning personal days off, picketing school board meetings, etc. Since the homeschool teacher is likely to be with the student many more hours than a classroom teacher, there are many more real-world opportunities to turn an ordinary situation into a learning experience. Home schooling has its place as a real option to traditional classroom learning.
  22. OMG, less than a month out from BHO's reign and the outliers are shifting the truth towards a new "who dun what" normal upon which to base the next fantasy.
  23. What kind of politician does what he promised to do?
  24. So Harry rehabbed the tool known as the nuclear option, then used it as needed; if Senate Republicans take the same tool out of the box it spells the end of the Senate as we know it? Jasus, are ye daft man?
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