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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. One thing the Democrats have done in the past four years, and turned it into an art form, is to change positions 180 degrees. Today, Chuck (I-never-saw-a-camera-I-didn't-like) Schumer touts himself as the champion of open borders, erasing the distinction between legal and illegal immigration, etc. However, in 2009 it was more advantageous to spout the message contained in the video below. Do these people even know how stupid this sort of policy gamesmanship seems to the common man? Can you trust anything he says....that'd be a resounding NO!
  2. Biden has introduced a new criterion for selecting a running mate: "My son liked her a lot." Nuff said....
  3. Gee, maybe a Presidential candidate who is suffereing from alzheimers, and/or dementia, and who has a running mate who openly criticized the candidate as a racist and sexual manipulator is just the person to "hold this country together." Yeah, me neither....
  4. Let me have a "Yeah Man" for Yasmin!
  5. Wall to wall cars, trucks, new and used, here in the Rochester, NY area. No clue why the disparity with your region.
  6. Dear Mrs. Pegula, Please forego soliciting bids for naming rights to the football stadium. Make a popular decision and decree that the name shall be hence forth and evermore Ralph Wilson Memorial Stadium, aka "The Ralph." Thank you for your attention to my recommendation. Respectfully, Keukasmallie
  7. To save you any personal irritation, here's the deal: I'll put you on ignore of you promise to put me on ignore
  8. Kamala is truly a magic woman: Four years ago she was Indian and today she's black.
  9. Kraft isn't the 79 year old guy down the street. He's the face of an organization that has succeeded on the strength of questionable-if-not-illegal practices that show the boss' disdain for the rules that govern the NFL. If his personal practices are outside the lines, they simply mirror his approach to his business and reinforce the public's opinions. The it-wasn't-wrong-cause-he-shouldn't-have-been-caught excuse "don't feed the bulldog."
  10. Is your Mom redoing the basement and you had to get out of bed, so you decided to type something....?
  11. Not fixed as much as expanded.
  12. One flat earther was having second thoughts, but he fell off.
  13. I wonder if somewhere in their law degree classes someone happened to mention the concept of responsibility for one's actions? In a more common daily setting one could refer to the maxim, "If you cain't do the time, don't do da' crime." ROTFLMAO!
  14. Former First Lady suffers from depression! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/michelle-obama-suffering-low-grade-depression-due-racial-inequality-coronavirus-n1235989 I'm prescribing hot compresses, applied by Elizabeth Warren, to Miz Obama's nether regions four time a day.
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