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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. His second term expired last January; you remember him, the guy who promised we could keep our insurer and our MD, then we found out he was lying from the start of the whole debacle.
  2. The fact that posters on TBD are smarter than anyone elected in DC just scares the bejeebers out of me, eh?
  3. I just finished reading a newspaper piece on yesterday's "nuclear option" wherein the writer stated that the Senate's tradition of bipartisan cooperation was forever shattered. In the words of that great 20th Century philosophe, Aretha Franklin, "Who's Zoomin Who?"
  4. Incorrect. As I just posted, the fix is term limits. Seting the stage for a who-can-piss-farther imbroglio....
  5. Well, since the previous administration's surgically honed attempt at health care reform is dying on the vine, someone had to give it a go, eh? Now let's counter by reporting that mega-millions more now have health care than before; then completely ignore the fact that the delivery system is broken and both health care providers and insurance companies are bailing out in droves. But remember: Ours is better than yours!
  6. Since the senior legislative body at the national level here in the USA, aka the Senate, no longer acts as a group of electees working for the good of the electors, I propose we no longer grant members of the Senate the title of Senator. Instead, we should assign to them the title that most clearly represents their sole point of focus, i.e., Democrat or Republican. For example, John McCain would be Republican McCain and Chuck "Is-that-camera-on?" Schumer would become Democrat Schumer. Lets call 'em as we see 'em.
  7. Just one more reason why term limits are the only answer to the current logjam at several levels of government in the USA.
  8. Or Flynn seeking immunity could be his looking for cover from the opposition party's smear>allegations>charges>conviction-in-court-of-public-opinion tactic.
  9. If only the closet crowd came out right away the $'s would be restored; after all, we're talking SoCal aren't we - land of no literal or figurative borders.
  10. Did Obama actually do anything other than draw lines in the sand...? Well, OK, and meddle in Israel's election and push the anti-Brexit position.
  11. That just could be the case when one considers McD was hired into a dumpster fire of an organization that hasn't put a quality product on the field since Christ was a midshipman.
  12. The 1997 Washington Generals beat the Globetrotters relatively often....
  13. It appears that only the party on the outside may raise issues and condemn the party on the inside without being responsible for similar prior bad acts. Given the above maxim of American politics: Sail On, Oh Ship of State
  14. Or we could "review" Obama trying to influence the Israeli election, or the Brexit vote. Not a "long time to carry a grudge" as much as it is speaking to the bromide that the pot shouldn't call the kettle black [This post has been reviewed and found to be absent of racist connotations.]
  15. Has the MSM gotten over the fact that it fully backed Hill'ry for two contentious years, ordered the gowns and fireworks, then got face planted on Election Day? I think not, and for that we'll all pay dearly in terms of ever more bias and slanted approaches to the happenings in our country and the rest of the world. Thus bolstering the concept that revenge can be a true B word.
  16. As a conservative on some issues, a liberal on others, I'm about to drop my party affiliation and finish my term in office [life] as a small i independent. I've always been frustrated by the fact that I support many of the Democrat's issues,but simply can't abide the doofus leaders of that band, e.g., Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Clinton, Schumer, et al.
  17. The Catholic Bishop in Rochester, NY has decreed that it's OK to eat meat on the Friday of Saint Patrick's day. This dispensation from the normal Lenten expectation mirrors many of NASCAR's spur of the moment rule changes as well as season-by-season adjustments. NASCAR appears to be making the changes as it chases a remedy for the dwindling audiences at many race tracks; is the church adopting this tactic for the same reason?
  18. So, Congress would have to read it to know what's in it?
  19. This just in: VPOTUS Pence once read Dr Zhivago for a college class. Film at eleven!!
  20. Please, never again use the words fresh faces in the same sentence with the words Nancy Pelosi.
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