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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. The people who believe anything the dangerous idiot Trump says were/are desperately seeking an alternative to the former dangerous idiot (Obama) and the tentative dangerous idiot (Clinton). Yeah, I know there's the three million popular vote rejoinder to that; but give the Trump supporters credit for understanding how a President is actually elected here in the USA.
  2. I just wish the NFL would eliminate Thursday night games.
  3. I saw a promo for a talk show featuring a dude who wants to dynamite Mount Rushmore to eradicate the stains it commemorates. A bit later I read a piece in a WNY newspaper (?) wherein the columnist proposed replacing the current pile of demo'd statues with statues of noted black leaders. Does demo'ing statues and seeking other long sought-after displays of other points of view really change our history? Would there have been a Holocaust if all the camps and other physical evidence of its existence had been razed? When the last statue hits the turf will the protesters rub their hands together and gloat over work accomplished? Will the former protesters change their T-shirts and go to work for a positive agenda? Yeah, I don't think so either.
  4. No I don't, nor is there evidence that every year for nearly the past two decades tens of thousands of other people in the area do either. Nevertheless, I continue to be amazed at the sales of Bills tickets and ephemera in support of a company that simply can't turn out a competitive product. (FYI: Two sentences does not a loud complaint make.)
  5. I expect the biggest year will be enjoyed by the front office as they gleefully collect millions from fans who continue to support a sub-par product on the field. Do you guys buy spoiled food when you shop for groceries?
  6. Actually, I think if you only pressed one of them you'd get Spanish.
  7. I salute you for actually acknowledging your debt and working to pay it off. What a refreshing occurance in this age of evading one's responsibilities until the gov't creates a way out w/o paying.
  8. Consider Trump's Presidency a paradigm shift. When the paradigm shifts everyone returns to zero. Maybe, just maybe, the Trump term(s) fallout will bring about a prardigm shift wherein elected officials actually consider the welfare of the electorate rather than their own re-election. OK, that's probably pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking, but dreamers gotta' dream, eh?
  9. I'm a broad spectrum racist. I like both NASCAR as well as F1.
  10. WP is the lynch pin [no pun intended] for the anti-Trump forces. When I see WP listed as a source, I just move along to something else. If they'll bend, break and re-manufacture the truth about Trump, they'll do it about anyone.
  11. Oh yeah, well Obama could piss farther than Trump. Of course, that fact wasn't reported because, well you know, the MSM has some standards. OK, maybe not high standards, sure their standards are lower than a wagon track, but they're standards, eh. Reporting on Obama: Not acceptable to sully the office of POTUS. Reporting on Trump: His mother-in-law did what in 1983?
  12. CNN is to the MSM as Donald Trump is to the Presidency.
  13. Obviously, the Russians and North Koreans influenced the election in GA. A special prosecutor (Harry Reid) will be named and heads will roll.
  14. Don't sweat the small stuff, be yourself; she's seen you before, what's the big deal. Do you want her to make herself over for you, or would you just wonder why she didn't see herself as good enough to begin with?
  15. Pasta w/ long sauce, sausage, green salad, ciabatta, chianti and gelato
  16. I guess the media's portrayal of almost anyone/anything is just that: Portrayal - a depiction of someone or something in a particular way. It's fair to say that the various "portrayals" issued by the talking heads have little to do with the actual sequence, specific factual occurrences and direct specific outcomes of events being portrayed. How many interpretations have been attached to an event by the time it gets into the hands of a news deliverer and thus passed to the information consumer?
  17. I'm pretty much hand waving it away in the context of Chuck "Is that a camera?" Schumer who wanted Comey fired until he found out POTUS did just that. Now Chuck bemoans both the action as well as the method coupled with as many other darts he can hurl in response to realizing Hill'ry didn't win.
  18. Well, you kain't make chicken salad outta chicken....I guess you know the rest of it.
  19. Rating: Average to Good. Why, 'cause he ain't that fat thighed lyin' skunk Clinton (In this particular instance, I mean the old female Clinton.).
  20. Good to hear that our most recent ex-POTUS is bloviating (Thanks, Bill) for real $'s. Four hundred K ain't 'zackly walk around money; I assume he'll donate it to a worthy cause like BLM, or the NRA.
  21. Yea, I just placed Tiberius on ignore status. The air is clearer already!!
  22. In keeping with TYTT's sage advice, I won't respond to the above blather....
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