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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Nothing special to say here. I'm just rotflmao at the thought of Jimmy Kimmel "calling out" anyone other than another lame entertainer. Does the Jimmer wield a cache of political clout outside of a pant load of guffaws?
  2. Seriously, do any of you guys have jobs?
  3. Josh, thanks for the very complete responses to the concerns of some on TBD. Nevertheless, I won't be paying the $3. I get my fill of the Bills, their excuses, and season ticket holders' ill-founded optimism without paying for more of it. The articles in the BN are quite enough, thank you.
  4. The NBA Champion Warriors are set to meet to decide whether or not to accept an invitation to the White House. http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/20781198/golden-state-warriors-plan-decide-team-whether-visit-white-house Were I President I'd hurry and rescind the invitation before the meeting...saves everyone a lot of trouble and deprives the media of yet another bash opportunity.
  5. I was shocked to read that people who have perused Hill'ry's current book describe it as a bit less than insightful. "According to the Washington Examiner, readers have not been impressed with the book, calling it “complete garbage,” an “overrated piece of fiction,” and “hastily slapped together.” I'm thinkin' it must be much like her campaign.
  6. Hill'ry told USA Today that she's convinced that Trump worked with the Russians to steal the election. God, will that woman ever ever just go home and let us be? Make some cookies for the grands if nothing else, but please get out of the public view for Jesus (Hay sus) sake. Enough, old woman, enough!!
  7. Portrayal is surely the correct word to describe the MSM's approach to many things that could/should be news here in the US. Nothing the MSM likes more than creating a work of art or a depiction that suits the liberal bent.
  8. Mea culpa. It was Jennifer Lawrence who made the accusation; I totally got my J L celebs confused. No more People for me until I learn to stop laughing before posting.
  9. J-Lo says that Irma is Trump's fault. She prolly didn't hear about the Trump, Schumer, and Pelosi get together; if she had she'd have blamed Irma on Bush.
  10. Not 'zackly, I tend to remember things I'm interested in....
  11. Each NFL team is 0 - 0 right now. In late December the Bills first number will be very close to where it started; their second number will be far from where it started.
  12. I've traveled the entire continuum with the Bills, from decades of season tickets to my current state of not knowing who they're playing, or when. No private sector business could survive following the Bills business plan - offer a poor-at-best product year after year, constantly change key personnel, etc.
  13. She sent nude photos to the police....?
  14. "Why are you so sure we aren't a playoff team?" Unfortunately, with the Bills, yesterday is the best predictor of tomorrow.
  15. MAJbobby said this up above somewhere: "This regime hasn't even played a meaningful game of football and people are burying hem." I porpose that this is one of the most flexible sentences ever posted on The Stadium Wall since it applies at any point over the past seventeen years!
  16. The words Trump and foreign policy could be the ultimate oxymoron. Policy implies a series of steps, thoughts in sequence, etc. none of which fit in a tweet.
  17. Peterman may be NFL quality, but most camps have a Peterman-type that emerges from the pack and impresses team, press and fans. Remember: Tyrod has a concussion, Yates has a concussion, and as much as one poo poo's the fact that this is only pre-season, it's only pre-season for the rest of the NFL too. In my way of thinking, along about the third game of the regular season we should have a sense of what's to come over the rest of of the schedule. At this point, yesterday being the best predictor of tomorrow, I'm pessimistic.
  18. Apparently neither do league rules nor, in some cases, do general laws of the land!
  19. Trump's leadership team...well, there's Dasher and Dancer, Comet.... Oh, you meant....
  20. I think this is a true statement! Actually, the Bills have surprised me on an annual basis for years!
  21. I got everything I expected from Donald Trump on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. He fulfilled the only promise he'd made that meant anything to me on that date.
  22. While the Dem's are big on accusation, they ain't so much on explanation.
  23. The NFL fails understand the path the league is on. One only needs see the NASCAR nosedive to predict the future of the NFL - build another race track (anywhere), change some of the basic rules (racing in "stages"), paint the seats different colors and don't show the fans on TV so people won't notice the attendance decline.
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