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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. The Texas shooting "suspect" has been placed on suicide watch. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/05/21/texas-school-shooting-suspect-on-suicide-watch.html Hell, I'd watch.
  2. And one defines a true service dog by....? Given that most dog owners wishing to travel with their pooch in the seat next to them, are adamant that Rex is a "true service dog." If flight attendants enforce identifying true service dogs in the same manner they enforce carry on luggage, boarding groups, etc., well that'll throw a scare into absolutely no one.
  3. My fervent hope is that having live humans in the passenger cabin would restrict animals to the cargo spaces. I'm allergic to dog and cat dander, but never know if there'll be a dog/cat on the flight until too late. The presence of a dog or cat, plus the antics of the owner, just make flights truly a hassle for me.
  4. My first car was a '59 Impala, coral and beige, bad ass gull wing. That may have contributed to the curse; in fact when I look pictures of the coral and beige Chevy I'm sure of it!
  5. The guy who put my dock in yesterday blamed Trump, guns and the media. I thought that was pretty all-inclusive. I'm more apt to blame violent video games, the incessant repititious media coverage of violence in general, and emotionally absent parents who don't take the time to guide their kids through the rocks and shoals of 21st Century culture.
  6. Fair criticism, deserved and noted.
  7. TIL that nothing Hill'ry Clinton has done since 2016 has changed my mind one scintilla - she's still an arrogant, elitist, self-aggrandizing, myopic, fat-thighed harridan.
  8. Westside, let me share something with you. I was in Buffalo General for six weeks in 1992, big time illness, depressed to the point my MD asked a psychiatrist to see me. He seemed a like a nice guy, didn't mince words as he talked to me about suicide; he said one particular thing that stuck with me: Suicide is the most selfish thing you can do because family, friends, etc. are left to wonder why, what did they do to you to make you abandon them. Not preaching here, just sharing a life experience with a fellow TBD poster....
  9. What Eric said....
  10. This just in: If the paper would hustle for current stories, cater to their readership, remedy their digital problems, etc. they'd sell the rag without gimmicks. Well, for one reason, it was ridiculously FREE with the rest of the paper for lo these many years!
  11. Waste of time and money meeting at the Trump Tower; come to our house and my wife and I'll give 'em an ear full about Hill'ry and the way she screwed NYS with her faux Senate campaign, election and resignation therefrom.
  12. Actually, if you live here in the good ol' US of A, it's our government; no reason to settle for the lowest common denominator
  13. It's a bird walk through irrelevantville, you dolt
  14. Is the next thing to come out of the Buffalo News a $5.00 per month exclusive section whispering the doings de jour in Amherst and Orchard Park?
  15. I'm just so excited to hear each of the walk up songs for all fifty three players. Who's zoomin' who?
  16. I think McD was successful because Terry Pegula awoke to the fact that if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.
  17. Few, if any of the cuts of beef discussed above can throw a football forty yards downfield, eh?,
  18. So I sez to myself, "Keuka" I sez, "maybe we just autta' keep kickin' them charlatans out 'til we get some folks that's tolerable. Seems like we'd make a lot a progress in about eight years if we wanted ta'."
  19. ...that deserves at least a modicum of respect.
  20. Wow, someone, other than his coach (and maybe his agent), actually went over film/replays to determine the percentage of plays Darius was double teamed...?
  21. Ya' gotta wonder about two Senators who bemoan the passing of the status quo in DC. Trump isn't my idea of efficiency and effectiveness, but he sure isn't in the Good Ol' Boys Club either.
  22. Shame on Sully for asking a worthwhile question...given the flow of the fourth quarter. What do you Sully haters have to say about his column in the BN this AM? Must be something in there you can hate on, eh?
  23. One more time: Gilmore was a part-time player when he was with the Bills; he rarely put forth a game's worth of effort. New England has just discovered the same, and must be wondering why they opened the bank for him.
  24. Gilmore sucked when he was with the Bills. He'd almost make a big play, toss his hair around then miss the next three. He just doesn't have the mental toughness to go get 'em every play. Glad he's gone from OBD. Unfortunately, he left his lack of mojo to Darius.
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