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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Gosh, maybe Gary is just tossing it out there to see how many MSM outlets never mention it.
  2. 3rd pretty much outlines the formula Dem's apply to every issue they deem fitting into their attack-whomever-ain't-us tactic. Just substitute the name of one issue for another and you'll have the game plan.
  3. When their posts are lauded by their running buddies....
  4. So Tim's persona on Twitter was molded to match the medium?
  5. and the "consistent bickering because of differences in opinion" is acceptable here, but nowhere else....?
  6. Why is it that sports writers' opinions are vilified, yet the opinions of TBD posters are glorified?
  7. The good old days = Long ago to the point that I don't have to recall them correctly.
  8. Or, hit and run posting can consist of a short pithy comment expressing the feelings/position/beliefs of an individual who wishes to make that comment, but not enter into an attempt at discourse with some of the Johnny-come-lately posters ( See knuckle draggers) new to the board.
  9. Your Mom wants you to close the cellar door if you're going to get all loud and stuff; they're trying to play canasta up there!
  10. Now when you say commercial women, do you mean....
  11. Clinton Political Dynasty Travesty Fixed
  12. My random thought has to do with washed up politicians who just can't see the writing on the wall and insist that what they have to say is relevant. This just in: You're all done, you're yesterday's news, go home and bake those cookies you made fun of Oh so many years ago.
  13. The "Why" concept is exacerbated when one considers the number of folks that continue to rebuild in the very same flood plains, debris slide zones, hurricane paths.... I've always thought that they just played the odds in order to live in an area that, for them, had a particular appeal. Along about the third time through the disaster cycle, I begin to lose all sense of empathy for them.
  14. In 2013 I got a warning point here on TBD for inappropriate language, so I'm expecting Samantha Bee to get at least a two week suspension (with pay).
  15. You're absolutely correct, the nightly crude, sexually explicit, demeaning comments about Trump and family are so much worse than reference to a movie. Satire can be racism, but one probably won't long get away with calling racism satire.
  16. Jimmy Kimmel must be looking over his shoulder given the attacks he rolls out on a nightly basis aimed at the current POTUS. (Oh, but wait, Trump is a Republican.)
  17. But the late night mumblers can deride, insult and mock Trump and his family night after night with no reaction from the MSM, nor the networks that promote the nightly attacks. I'm not a Trump guy, but it's hard not to notice the bias displayed.
  18. Sully's columns were always interesting for me because I brought to them the knowledge that they were his opinions [a judgment, viewpoint, or statement that is not conclusive]. In much the same manner, the posts of both the "haters" and "lovers" of Sully here on TBD are merely their opinions. I accept or disregard them just about as often as I did Sully's writings.
  19. My fervent hope is that it's the end of the Blitz immediately, but the BN, not so much.
  20. Is it really necessary for journalists and weather people to stand out in weather ranging from inclement to down right dangerous to tell us it's raining? Does anyone else see the irony of a drenched reporter being blasted by wind and debris telling us to stay inside because it's dangerous outside? https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/28/us/tv-news-crew-killed-falling-tree.html
  21. A particularly incisive response to a flame-fanning knuckle dragger.
  22. One could make the case that Schoop and good sense should never appear in the same sentence.
  23. And the publicity surrounding this deadbeat will call forth several support groups, organized marches, and Go Fund Me initiatives to provide Mr. Rotondo with shelter during his appeal of this odious ruling....
  24. I'm fascinated by the cake icing algorithm that Publix uses. Think of what happens when the Roma tomatoes are stocked with the heirlooms; do guys in hazmat suits appear with sterile tongs? Imagine the damage achieving magna cum laude would bring down on Publix?
  25. If you're mad at a hat, are you mad as a hatter?
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