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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. I find Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel pathetic when they begin to pontificate on political matters. Colbert's latest is to rejoin the sexual harassment discussion by speaking out about his boss at CBS. Thankfully, I've only read their screeds, and don't watch them firsthand.
  2. Best of luck, Billy, your cardiologist must be salivating as you work up a mammoth cardiac infarction.
  3. Gosh, Billy, you're just the greatest wordsmith! As soon as recess is over you should return to your seat, fold your hands and listen carefully as teacher explains the use of apostrophes, commas, periods 'n that kinda' stuff.
  4. An epithet is just a descriptive word, nothing to get upset about; moving to the macro view of language, the whole political correctness "cloud" is but a symbol of our nose dive into mediocrity. Luckily, at 78, I'm on the downhill side of the whole mess; I just sit back, shake my head and pour another gin and tonic.
  5. I'll throw my current pick into the ring: Maxine Waters, Congressperson from CA. One of Max's most recent pearls of wisdom was to announce that the next candidate for the SCOTUS should be an illegal immigrant. Of course that may grow out of both Nancy Pelosi's comment that illegal immigrants have broken no laws and Chuck Schumer's statement that only allowing citizens to vote is racist.
  6. Isn't there a parallel universe where Tiberius, 34 and their ilk can swap opinions, be generally indignant, and romp with each other; maybe California....?
  7. How does one adjust the back light on a TV, particularly a Samsung smart tv....?
  8. May your son not remember the incident as he grows older; may your wife stop taking you to task for letting her be the one to clean up the mess; may you never have to tell this tale outside of TBD; and may you and your wife never think this is a cute tale to tell when your son is within hearing distance.
  9. Any commercial that features the automobile "carnival barker" Billy Fucillo and the posse of idiots he hires to promote the motto "Huge." A pox on the house of anyone who buys a car from one of his dealerships and thus furthers the showing of these commercials.
  10. On 7/12/2018 at 6:43 AM, joesixpack said: "So the man who, through his own blood sweat and tears, built a company from nothing to nationwide status is out of his own company after using an offensive word?" _________________________________________________ As I see it, it's only a partially offensive word as it depends on who says it. If a black person says it, it's often seen as a badge of honor; if a Latino says it, it's sometimes acceptable depending on the context. If a white person says it, it becomes much more confusing: Saying it in conversation is always verboten and the speaker is taken to task big time (might even lose his pizza company); but if a white person (specifically an author) writes it, it appears to be acceptable and even appropriate. Meanwhile, the derisive descriptors applied to whites are applauded by some, and especially by some whites who see it as a well-deserved shaming for whatever the speaker is attacking at the moment. But the speaker/writer is never taken to task, eh?
  11. I was in PJ's just once. I ordered a thin crust pizza. The guy opened a drawer and took out what to me looked like a cardboard disc. I walked out.
  12. But important sectors of the 'mocrat base won't turn out because they've always been swaddled by the party and can't imagine anything happening to their entitlements; plus they didn't vote last time....
  13. As I see it the great engine of the extreme expressions that characterize the left is the failure of Hill'ry to be elected POTUS. IOW, the failure of the quiet criminal has spawned the crude, ignorant, dangerous leftist actions of today. And we're the Despicables...?
  14. I was interested in politics, to some degree, before Obama was elected, now not so much. The MSM has turned the tide for me to the point that I believe little I read or see in the MSM. Trump is no worse than his immediate predecessor, but Hill'ry's totally unexpected loss turned the media into dumnp rats scavenging for the slightest morsel to help ease the pain.
  15. As devised by Trump it's a trade war; from the most recently departed POTUS it would be characterized as a keenly devised attempt to reposition the US in a more favorable position among the world's trading nations.
  16. And our government, pushed by tree huggers, may mandate an increase in ethanol to 15%. Try mowing your lawn with that gunk in the tank.
  17. Whoa, before we start eliminating government agencies that the 'mocrats want to disappear, let's make a comprehensive list and do it systematically. I'll start the list, you follow up with titles and rationale, eh? I'll second the comments of Max, the Fox, Waters by supporting the elimination of ICE. Totally open borders, invite all sorts of reprobates, criminals and neer-do-wells; just be sure they are all assigned to live in CA.
  18. Juror#8, I agree with your reading of JM, but I must protest your claim announced at the end of your post that preceeds the one above your most recent one.... You may be a big dick, but I'm thinkin' having a big member may only be in the eye of the beholder. Having said that, I have no first hand knowledge, nor do I seek to have in this instance, nor can I provide a link.
  19. I suppose Maxine Waters won't even be considered....
  20. She should be impeached, just ask Maxine Waters!
  21. What vorpma said....
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