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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. My son and his wife live in CA; I fear for their souls.
  2. Well, just know that I'm sending this "conversation" to Nancy and Chuck for vetting.
  3. Not only does one have to be careful in reality, one has to be very careful when writing about it even decades later.
  4. That doesn't appear to be a real chore so far....
  5. In the final analysis it "don't make no never mind" who questions whom, supporters will disregard and opponents will cherish the testimony.
  6. I think the wobble is caused by fans doing the wave at sporting events.
  7. In the nether world of my teens all straws were made of paper; although they weren't recycled at the time, they certainly could be today.
  8. Thanks so much for your kind thoughts, but I'll just soldier on as I have done lo' these many years. I may contact Stormy and ask her to share some of the emotional (and financial) supports she's employed to get her through her travails.
  9. USA Today reports that Stormy Daniels was "terrified" by an encounter with Ben Rothlesberger a decade ago. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2018/09/20/stormy-daniels-ben-roethlisberger-terrified-her/1371525002/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=usatoday-newstopstories As I recall, I was terrified by an encounter with the father of a girl I was interested in in high school. That would be sometime between 1954 and 1958. Yet today I feel violated by the memories. Is there any way I can turn that horrid experience into a supplement to my Social Security?
  10. Yikes, reading some of these posts is almost as enjoyable as watching the Ravens game for the third time.
  11. Well, OK, but you missed the subtle first "hand" reference. Take you eyes off the Guernseys for a minute, please.
  12. We just have to hope that at some point the organization pursues the same goals that the fans have. Fans want/expect solid football play and a reasonable number of wins each season. The organization is a business and business lives for profit. Fortunately, for the organization, basic NFL profit isn't connected to the product on the field. TV money, continuing sales of season tickets no matter the product quality, ancillary income streams, e.g., parking fees, permit the organization a great degree of "freedom" to stray from the fans' goals.
  13. She may be a shady broad, but her husband is a pillar of ....[I'll edit this post as soon as I contact Monica Lewinsky for a first hand account of his "pillarness."]
  14. Really, what difference does it make?
  15. More like I knew/know a girl who would do anything to get what she wants.
  16. More important to Andy is the Puerto Rican vote; so if one can exchange a monetary contribution for a guarantee of X number of Puerto Rican votes, Andy will waltz into the governor's mansion. Oh wait, he doesn't even live there. Well, at least the state's coffers will breathe a sign of relief when he stops his trips to PR to lobby for votes by criticizing Trump's response to the hurricane damage.
  17. I agree with you that the Clintons trashed the concept of honesty in government. I also agree with you about the Trump ignorance dynamic distracting the electorate. My hope was that Trump would define the end of the continuum to the point that reasoned heads would prevail; leaders of the two major parties would decide to agree on a center point wherein politics, focused on the good of the people, could exist and might actually thrive. But, alas, the leaders are too busy bashing each other (deservedly), and appear not to have learned anything from 2016. Nevertheless, the fly-over states remain resolute in rebuffing the Maxine Waters-Nancy Pelosi-Chuck Schumer cabal. The Republicans are paralyzed by Trump's actions, the Democrats are fixated on yesterday's tactics, so 11/2018 appears to be a crap shoot.
  18. Since many Americans hate/hated the most recent two-term POTUS, there's certainly reason to think that many hate the current POTUS. You can apply that almost universally throughout our history. On the other hand, John Kerry is so busy moving his yacht around New England to avoid/evade taxes, he may be a bit behind the curve on the hate dynamic.
  19. All I need from Allen and company is that they play a sound game showing marked improvement over last weeks debacle.
  20. Somewhere in the words in bold above lies the greatest oxymoron ever.
  21. 5/53 = 9.4% and that proportion does not a team make. BUT those five are certainly NFL quality players and deserve better than they are getting from their teammates.
  22. Tennis officials are bemoaning the lack of support from the WTA and the community in general regarding the Serena Williams implosion over admitted coaching during play. http://www.espn.com/tennis/story/_/id/24644514/tennis-officials-shaken-lack-support-chair-umpire-carlos-ramos Whether or not the no coaching rule should be in the books isn't the issue. The rule exists and therefore should be enforced. The Umpire called Ms. Williams for receiving coaching, her coach admitted he was coaching her, she went ballistic; she played the gender card and was perilously close [in my opinion] to playing the race card. Gentile tennis suffered a NASCAR-like melt down.
  23. Probably not the consistency to take a good spit shine, eh?
  24. Ah, but consider the entire continuum of solid human excretions from liquid to solid; then determine a mid-point and ask yourself, "Did myth busters use the liquid or the solid end of the continuum for their little TV extravaganza?" Liquid, I think not!
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