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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. When Augie "fixed" the spelling of the word 'board' in OP's post he might just have characterized a lot of what we read on this forum.
  2. But California has identified an much more important focus for taxpayers' dollars: High Speed Rail. A gleaming ribbon of rail to whisk commuters, tourists, speed freaks, etc. to their destinations in less time than at present. The fact that HSR continues to command the attention of the decision-makers in CA in the face of widespread human suffering is incredulous.
  3. Where are the protestors? See, it's just facts like these that piss off the leftists when they come to light (the facts, not the 'leftists). And, as we see on a daily basis, a pissed off leftist can spread some interesting stories in the MSM.
  4. Well, yeah, but the 'mocrats don't want it to be that way. They want it a way that they can have what they want and the devil take the hindmost.
  5. Damn, I hope that's not true. When my son graduated from high school, his baseball coach (and personal friend of mine) gave me a bottle of whiskey; it remains unopened to this day. Son is now fifty-eight, the coach passed away a number of years ago, etc.; the bottle remains unopened....
  6. Reminds me of a school marm I knew in the 1850's in Nebraska. "Knew" in the most Christian of senses.
  7. I worked at my career for just over thirty-four years; I've been retired for just over twenty-one years. My goal is to live in retirement for thirty-four years, one day. After that, meh.
  8. Kavanaugh protesters are busy repainting their signs to point towared victory in November. How many protesters will actually vote? How many folks at home shaking their heads at the actions of the protesters will actually vote? Kavanaugh protesters: order more paint as you plan to target your next perceived slight.
  9. Might not be quite that simple. Changing a culture from one that appears to accept losing to one that focuses on winning takes more than repeating a slogan or two.
  10. Isn't culture a concept that grows out of a series of circumstances that occur over time? If so, working to build a successful football team within the parameters agreed to by team owner and officials would seem to come first; then the "culture" will slowly emerge from those efforts. Or, just keep blindly taking the TV, season tickets, and concession monies and forget the whole winning thingy. In other words, continue the culture in place at present.
  11. This just don't add up....
  12. Do you subscribe to the BN's "super sports section" the Blitz? If so, do you also read maven, or Rumblings? How do they compare?
  13. The 'mocrats continue to bang their heads against the reality wall by conjuring up faux issues to feed the MSM. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kavanaugh-slugfest-could-boost-gop-in-midterms-as-polls-show-voter-interest-rising At some not-too-distant point in time one hopes the political parties will realize that the man [Ooops. make that "person"] in the street is bone weary of the national pissing contest that has gone on lo these many years.
  14. That other group, the Millennials, probably don't know that football isn't futbol.
  15. https://www.cnet.com/news/massachusetts-sized-object-beyond-pluto-hints-at-hidden-planet-x/?ftag=CAD1acfa04&bhid=22809790518761782429759565540974
      • 1
      • Haha (+1)
  16. But, but, it's all so silly. You just have to giggle when you hear Maxine Waters denounce [fill in the blank]. Are there truly voters in her district that believe she is working for their wellbeing?
  17. If only the criteria cherished by the 'mocrats were available before all this started, e.g., never had a beer in hhigh school, never held hands with a cheerleader, etc.
  18. Is there a recently published rule book available to those of us who still cling to the original definitions of these now confusing terms?
  19. When I hear residents of other states bemoaning their sucky weather, I remind them they don't have to shovel it, e.g., hurricanes - at least it ain't snow; wildfires - at least it ain't snow; tornadoes - [insert at least it ain't snow here], etc. Did I mention that snow occurs occasionally from November through April, from several inches to several feet per instance. Municipalities are usually fully prepared to handle the disruption, there are actually winter sports enjoyed by many, and rarely is it necessary to reconstruct entire towns, or even individual homes, after winter fades away. Maybe Andrew Cuomo was making a veiled reference to the quantities of political hot air that taint our fair landscape?
  20. Wow, all this just because the annointed one, Hill'ry, lost the election. The 'mocrats are flogging the role of the wrongly-treated to the max. Once again, Maxine Waters entered the fray by defending her staff in light of accusations that someone leaked personal info on several Republican Senators. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/409105-maxine-waters-responds-to-despicable-accusations-her-office-leaked-gop So, Max, is your posse involved and you're covering for them; or it this just your most recent opportunity to jump on the "we were screwed" stage, grab a microphone, and bust out some of your unsupported vitriol?
  21. We've been going for a month each winter since our crew moved there almost twenty years ago. Brophy's is a must several timnes each trip: Clam chowder, then whatever we didn't have the last time. Yeah, the homeless are a real treat on lower State St. A guitar, a dog and a down-on-my-luck rap appear to be the accoutrements of those less fortunate.
  22. I was particularly impressed by the support shown by Alissa Milano at today's hearing session.
  23. SoCal, Santa Barbara.
  24. My wife and I are planning to visit our California son and his wife in December. We plan to use fake names so as not to risk soul-loss while there.
  25. Now Foxx appears to be a dedicated poster! That makes the m's look bush league.
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