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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Why not just let the Bills play in their Bills uniforms; home or away, as was the case for decades? Those solid colors from head to toe are just an NFL gimmick that results in the teams looking like clown college graduates when the wheel stops on their number and they have to wear the goofy suits.
  2. The title of this thread has to be an oxymoron for the ages.
  3. ESPN's creative vignettes about players, situations, etc. are just dreck. The original format covered the range of sports nationally with some nods to international athletics; acceptable in that segments were short and to the point. Today's bird walks into the forest of statistics, social affairs and such are just too much for long-time listeners/watchers, e.g., the Beats segment.
  4. The only redeeming value is that he appears to be a multi-tasker.
  5. More like hanged like Black Jack Ketchum,
  6. Unbelievable coincidence: I was in detention at Ernie Davis junior high school in Elmira, NY in about 1953 when Ass't Principal Silas Perry marched up to me and asked me if I flatulated. Well, I didn't know what to make of that, so I denied it, he asked again, I denied again; then he asked me if I farted. I was so relieved I said yes, sir, I did do that, but not the other thing.
  7. She be havin' some major nasty going with that left eye.
  8. Do youse put ketchup on your wings?
  9. So...well...is this what they call a pissing contest?
  10. Can't imagine there being a right side to his actions.
  11. This makes so much common sense, but would be met with roadblocks from any number of protest groups. After all, the target group doesn't work in the first place, is it just to make them work during a time they're suffering an addiction and in the public's care?
  12. I have a number of apps on my iPhone se. I use a certain few with some regularity, the rest come and go as I add/delete as the mood strikes me. I read about an app, check the reviews, cost, etc. and most often don't pull the trigger. Some of the utiiity apps stay with me while some of the gee whiz apps leave the day I d'load them.
  13. While neither racist, nor politically correct, I do enjoy reading the arguments for renaming Black Friday, and banning the song, "Baby It's Cold Outside." I'm going to burn all my Black Sabbath albums this weekend....sorry, Ozzie.
  14. She's my new heroine; unless that's just not PC enough, in which case she's just someone headed to DC.
  15. Scabbard is in the repair shop.
  16. I'm coming to the conclusion that our current batch of politicians aren't the true cause of the logjam in DC. We, the voters, are the root of the problem beacuse we continue to elect the same people to represent us. If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.
  17. I agree with the above comment; nevertheless, the all-time purveyor of moronic comments has to be Maxine Waters, perennially elected Congressperson from CA. Rumor has it she actually watches CNN.
  18. Is it true that you once dated Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and she B word slapped you at the end of the evening?
  19. Let's not. The Bills have enough on their plate currently without even considering a reclamation project. Under the best of circumstances, do they need another QB in the current mix? Does he deserve another chance, probably, but only after he has done some things to address the behaviors that have cost him so much in the past. Does "Uncle Jim" really deserve more to deal with?
  20. What good is a top 5 pick if the people doing the picking are as inept as the current Bills administration/coaching staff appears to be? Two years ago they muffed the draft by leaving a franchise QB on the board.
  21. The ongoing sexual abuse scandal within the Catholiic church has erupted once again, fueled by a 60 Minutes segment wherein a whistleblower made significant allegations against the Bishop of the Buffalo Diocese. A follow-up Spectrum news report noted existence of a memo of understanding on the subject between the Erie County District Attorney's office and the Diocese. http://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/buffalo/news/2018/11/02/bishop-malone-abuse-allegations- My concern is that such a memo of understanding exists: Does the same agreement apply to all mandatory providers, teachers, policemen, social workers, etc? I've been laboring under the understanding that the mandate for reporting sexual abuse applied to all, and that the response was to be handled by the legal system.
  22. However you are are. Also, count me in as encouraging your bleach-in-the-eyes venture.
  23. So, NBC's Megan Kelly gets fired, in part because of her comments about black face Halloween costumes. On the other hand, Al Roker, same network, speaks in support of Halloween white face portrayals and is greeted with sage head nods and general acclaim for his position. This kind of hypocrisy used to really bother me until I realized that the whole political correctness concept was but a forest in which to hide from the actual truth of almost any matter.
  24. Every time I step back and try to clear my mind of the current dreck that we call politics, I suddenly picture Maxine Waters and my attempt to rise above the fray crashes on the rocks and shoals of Washington, DC.
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