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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. I do understand this point of view, and went along with it for years. I'm just of a mind that if you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got. I'm convinced that in the 21st Century that's a recipe that leads to third rate status, and that's not good enough for me. I'm actually looking forward to the coming of many more female legislators as they hold promise for different approches to old issues.
  2. My most controversial opinion was one I acted upon: I voted for Donald Trump. I felt, and still do, that the government in DC was pretty much non-functional prior to 2016 (witness the candidacy of Hill'ry Clinton for President). Nevertheless, I thought that there must be some good people in DC who just needed a smack up side the head to see that rigid partisanship was not productive, nor conducive to local, state nor national success in the 21st Century. I saw Trump as an "interrupter" the proverbial smack up side the head, someone who was so far out of the norm, prone to making wild hair decisions, making nonsensical promises, etc. that reasoned people would come together and insure that such an occurrence would not happen again. Silly me. Enter the reawakening of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the gaggle of newly minted Congress persons who can only see the way out of the current dilemma as following the well worn track deeper into the swamp. Win election, beat the living crap out of the losers, insulate their structure against compromise, ignore those mere citizens of the USA who seek equality, fraternity and liberty by blindly creating structures that "build" voters for their party through modern homage to bread and circuses. Making decisions based on an I-can-piss-farther-than-you-can foundation should have died out in fourth grade. It's enough to make one vote for the Donald again!
  3. It's not a lack of respect as much as it is that the best general predictor of tomorrow is yesterday; and the Patriots have had some awesome yesterdays.
  4. Can't make a poll; can tell you I won't be watching the SB.
  5. Sounds a bit like the message is when an illegal activity arises and causes difficulty; legalizing the activity ='s problem solved. IMHO, that's a tragic message.
  6. Oh look, Gwen, Congress has turned into an extention of the twitter universe.
  7. The Ms' Talib and Occasionally-Crazed just make me proud to be an Amurican.
  8. Biden proved his thug mentality when he lied about cheating at Delaware.
  9. The Peter Principle operates in the NFL as well as other private sector businesses.
  10. Let's not go all ballistic on Ms. Occasionally-Crazed, she is just carrying water for her mentor, NYC Mayor Bloomberg.
  11. Think term limits: Congressperson three terms, Senator two terms. Those limits will also impact the appointed positions.
  12. Thanks for showing up today, you're welcome to browse around; if you need help, one of our members will gladly assist you.
  13. Jerry Weintraub
  14. Trophies, awards, special recognition should be given to those who accomplish something beyond the general expectation level for the activity. Presenting an award for showing up most of the time could be seen as detracting from the award given for outstanding effort/accomplishment.
  15. Well, given historical violence tendencies as a starting point, I'd say that TV has reinforced and redoubled the violence quotient across the land. So, one more time, see my original post.
  16. 'Splain to me how one can say that violence on TV has little or no effect on some behaviors of kids, adults, etc....
  17. I just noticed that Tiberius and I are listed as Recently Browsing; I'm logging out now.
  18. Sometimes I don't catch myself in time and I start to actually read his posts. Shame on me, eh.
  19. But they were too stupid to realize that the popular vote isn't the determining factor in election of the President; well, that's not quite right, is it. The real culprit is the Democratic Party/DNC leadership who tinkered with the process to get their gal into the front position. Those yahoos then decided that they knew more about elections than anyone else, so they ignored the states populated by the Deplorables and got their asses handed to them on Election Day. However, I encourage you to repeat your sad comment over and over and over and....
  20. It's obvious to me that Trump has no business being President. Whoever heard of an elected official actually attempting to do what he promised the voters durting his campaign? It borders on scandalous.
  21. Look, Evelyn, someone has taken the time to write a review of the Politics, Polls, and Pundits segment of that Two Bills Drive forum. Let's call the Democrats and tell them.
  22. Not sure that's the case. The spotlight is on him now, but merely showcases the personality and mannerisms he touted most of his life. A clear indication of the extent to which we Deplorables were fed up with business-as-usual in DC promoted by the election and reelection of the same old hacks. Unfortunately, no one in power seems to be working to fix anything in DC.
  23. Appears to me that the only difference in the production of our Congress and most other federal entities is that now it's labelled a "shutdown" and there is much handwringing. When the "shutdown" is over there will continue to be little production and much handwringing
  24. I invited them over after they promised not to wear solid red uniforms!
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