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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. The NY Yankees have discontinued playing Kate Smith's rendition of "God Bless America" at the seventh inning stretch in response to a complaint that in the early 1930's Ms Smith recorded a "racially insensitive" song. (The article notes that singer Paul Robson also sang the song at times.) http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/26556341/yanks-drop-smith-god-bless-america-recording When I was in high school (1954 - 1958) I hit a black kid in a fight over a long-forgotten issue; has an office been set up where I should now submit a report of that incident and surrender my car keys?
  2. How much cash does the wealthiest enterprise in the world really need...?
  3. Monday, Monday, so good to me....
  4. I see what you did there.
  5. Got me with that one!
  6. Is the story Joe Biden's alleged invasion of a female candidate's personal space and inappropriate touching/kissing; or is it that two MSM outlets are choosing to ignore the story all together? As they say, "You decide."
  7. Ok, maybe and maybe not a brick and mortar wall, but it seems we need somethin' other than short-sighted Democrats to address the problems at the southern border. https://www.npr.org/2019/03/27/707297404/immigration-system-at-the-breaking-point-homeland-security-official-warns If we could just pile up all the paper devoted to investigations we'd have enough for a good start. Sure, it wouldn't physically hold people back, but it sure would bore them to tears and make them flee the idiocy north of the Rio Grande.
  8. Chuck "Is the camera on me?" Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have determined that Attorney General Barr is in no position to gauge the import/impact of the Mueller Report. My take is that Chuck and Nancy, given that their heads are up their @$$es, are in no "position" to determine anything. Just sayin'
  9. Now that the Mueller kerfuffle is in the rear view mirror, former DNC Chairman Ed Rendell proposes a radical course of action for the Democrats. Speaking with a FOX news channel reporter, Rendell said: “We have to get back to doing the business of the people,” Rendell said. “And that’s legislating on infrastructure, immigration, fixing the Affordable Care Act, things like that. That will be the key to whether we will be successful in 2020.” Imagine that, a Democrat proposing something other than obstruction of the efforts of the current administration. Probably a statement taken out of context that he'll walk back in the very near future.
  10. I was told by a reliable source that every institution; with the exception of the Democratic Party, of course, is racist.
  11. I'm not sure about all the different characteristics of a hypnotoad, but I think Tiberius "are" one.
  12. We talkin' on Chippewa St., or on TV?
  13. Boeheim's recent accident was just that, out of his control. On the other hand, the NCAA/SU debacle he participated in several years ago wherein he agreed to retire "...in the near future..." as part of the resoluition to the issues was/is totally at his doorstep.
  14. Drop in Nick's for a cold one (Is it still called Nick's?).
  15. I guess making amends for past wrongs could include fashioning social support programs such as welfare, food stamps, WIC, cell phone accessibility, etc. for target groups. Seems like a lot of those things are in place, and many more are on the drawing board. Such programs appear more effective than cash handouts, but we appear to have covered that base too, so....?
  16. At the rate Kraft pays his lawyers, the video will never see the courtroom. NFL will do a NASCAR pirouette, make a one off rule and all will be well. Too much $ involved to ever convict Kraft of anything.
  17. Trump's no-holds-barred biggest sin is he beat the annointed one fair and square in the 2016 election. His victory called forth the dogs of war. He has the temerity to actually do what he promised to do during his campaign, and that is anathema to the DC insiders. Democrats are so busy fashioning strategies to keep such an outlander from ever again disturbing their feathered nests that they have done nothing that might be seen as helping their constituencies. Good luck in your quest, John.
  18. Since "...free press..." is, for the most part, an oxymoron, it really doesn't make any difference how they label it. What makes the difference is the bias they have determined to promte in the past ten years. Identify the bias, and you can pretty much identify the slant to be slathered across their media.
  19. The title of this thread appears to be but a thinly veiled pick up line. As such, I find the entire thread quasi-sexist and have reported it to Elizabeth Warren.
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