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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. When choosing a resolution to a difficult issue always choose the short term high profile option rather than the long term nagging alternative. Fixed
  2. Or, with CNN gone and their former viewership possibly shifting to MSNBC, will the scrutiny level currently used to measure CNN simply shift to MSNBC?
  3. Cumulating the above goes a long way to 'splainin' many of the opinions expressed on TBD....
  4. dem ho's, or Dem ho's; ho's be ho's!
  5. She couldn't be a runway model at La Guardia.
  6. Insert almost anything in place of the the crossed out phrase above.
  7. I suppose that may be the case in very rare instances. However, I see many people alight from their wheels, sporting all appendages, and walking away from the swinging hanger
  8. My pet driving peeve is with the so-called handicapped drivers. They must be handicapped because they appear incapable of reading the words plainly printed on each side of the blue rear view mirror hanger. REMOVE THE HANGER WHILE DRIVING. That's for priviledged parking, you dolts. Do you think they'd instruct you to hang a placard that obstructs a great deal of the windshield while driving?
  9. Just before my neighbor's divorce.
  10. To my knowledge only sparklers and snakes (whatever they are) are legal in NYS. Statewide public service announcements state the same thing.
  11. No, illegal in NYS, dangerous, plus the chemical debris is bad for water
  12. So I guess no conjunto fans here....
  13. All is forgiven. I, too, would choose to listen to the underwhelming duo of Dickerson/Wander when facing a daily180 minute commute, but only then. Yeah, Bulldog, et. al. do apppear to shine in comparison to yesteryear's offerings.
  14. I always agree with your posts and the reasoning behind them; I also appreciate the occasional reaction you give me for one of my opinions. That being said, I must, in this instance, depart from my prior appreciation of your efforts on TBD. Coach Dickerson, Art Wander....these guys were lower than a wagon track in the pantheon of sports talk show "personalities." I can only hope that your future posts will return to the reasoned parameters of the past thus regaining my devoted following.
  15. I am hereby calling for an investigation into Congressional obstruction of the people's rights to a functioning legislative body. I do so with full knowledge and belief that the majority political party in the House of Representatives is focused on attacking the current administration in the most venal and shortsighted manner at the expense of attending to the positive work of addressing the problems, desires, and present and future well-being of their constituents. Within the context of the investigation sought above, I have been granted absolute immunity by my wife.
  16. I watch the Michael Kay Show on MSG patiently waiting for him to blow an aorta.
  17. Nope Yep However, if you say, "I'm going to bring my son to lunch at your house.", you're correct. Further, you can say bring if you tell someone you're bringing him to work with you, but not if you're taking him to his place of work. BUT, you need to factor in that the source of these "rules" is seventy-nine years old and learned them while the earth was still cooling....
  18. Part of the answer lies with the location/destination of the speaker, e.g., "Bring it with you when you come over tonight." On the other hand, "Why don't you take it with you when you go there?"
  19. AKA clever interpreter in different contexts.
  20. Crap, I thought this thread was about AOC's latest speech.
  21. Bring Take Does anyone use the word "take" anymore? For damn sure no one appears to be able to use the word "bring" correctly.
  22. It's a factor in determining the total number of dumb-ass millennials determined to post every last iota of Pelosi-dreck for all to see.
  23. Whenever I get that low down mopey feeling, you know, that feeling that just drags on for a bit, I reread this thread and suddenly the sun shines and all is well. God's in his house and the world acknowledges that Joe Biden is well and truly a buffoon.
  24. Or submitting comments for our edification that are as flat as a pancake over the pseudonym of a Roman Emperor.
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