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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. ROTFLMAO....of course, in a strictly bi-partisan manner
  2. No link because the promised website doesn't exist! Ergo the point of the original post!
  3. Now there's an idea with traction!
  4. I won't be able to post here for a bit; I'm too busy reading the Internet site that provides taxpayers with a transparent and seamless information flow that accounts for every dollar of the Congress' newly-approved stimulus bill.
  5. Always assuming that hookers are not educational....
  6. Exiled...move the rhymin' Simon stuff to a music lyrics board, please....
  7. I'm missing the point of the Guns and Roses poetry thing.... Throwing good (tax) money after bad is yesterdays solution and speaks to a stalled intellect. If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.
  8. Does anybody out there have any memory of the reason given for the establishment of theDEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ..... during the Carter Administration? * Anybody? * Anything? * No? * ... Didn't think so. Bottom line . . we've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency ... the reason for which not one person who reads this can remember. Ready? * It was very simple and at the time everybody thought it very appropriate. The Department of Energy was instituted 8-04-1977 TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL. ... HEY, PRETTY EFFICIENT, HUH? AND NOW IT'S 2008, 31 YEARS LATER ... AND THE BUDGET FOR THIS NECESSARY DEPARTMENT IS AT $24.2 BILLION A YEAR * THEY HAVE 16,000 FEDERAL EMPLOYEES AND APPROXIMATELY 100,000 CONTRACT EMPLOYEES * * AND LOOK AT THE JOB THEY HAVE DONE! * THIS IS WHERE YOU SLAP YOUR FOREHEAD AND SAY 'WHAT WAS I THINKING?' * * Ah yes, good ole bureaucracy. * * And now we are going to turn the Banking System & the Auto Industry over to them? * * God Help us.
  9. "Remember, if a job is no longer worth doing, it's important that the position still be filled five years from now." Wow, this statement is one for the ages! It sounds like a direct quote from Huey Long.
  10. So the Sec of State needs be a great manager, a keen handler of personnel, and a conduit of policy and direction...and the President appointed Hill'ry anyway....?
  11. I'm in favor of the simple concept of using ALL the stimulus $ to pay off ALL the outstanding home mortgages. Probably too simple because it's easily understood and doesn't allow our elected representatives to play fast and loose with the payout schemes....
  12. So for years Presidents have been sending their Sec of State to confer, negotiate, express concern, etc. for no reason....? What you describe is business as usual...and isn't that anethma to this admin? Given an administration that was elected on the promise of no more business as usual, Yes We Can, and Change, is it really too much to expect that the Sec of State hit the ground running and visit the #1 region of concern--the Middle East? I think not.
  13. Gee, I'm just shocked that our legislators would vote on a bill w/o understanding the letter and spirit of the proposed legislation! Oh, Oh, Alice, you just dropped one of your glass slippers....
  14. Obama will rue the day he entered into his Faustian deal with Hill'ry.
  15. So Hill'ry is making door calls throughout the Far East while others hit the hot spots? Is this the best use of those high levels of foreign policy skills she touted during the primaries, that experience bank gathered throughout her years in the field serving as First Lady, her military prowess honed dodging incoming shells with her daughter at her side at foreign airfields under seige? finknottle, do you seriously believe that some ambassador who "paid" for the position through political contributions is the fulcrum of our policies in China?
  16. At the risk of sounding like the Pasta Joe's on this board, I think the best course of action is to stop posting anything to do w/ Hill'ry. She is a slime ball of the first order, self-aggrandizing to the nth degree and an all around power slut. Vaya con Dios
  17. Wow, Hill'ry is running a department! Maybe she will chair a committee, too, eh? I notice she heads to SE Asia where things are relatively calm while George Mitchell goes off to the Middle East. I wonder what the message is there, huh? Maybe she's running a reprise of her famous "listening tour" she scammed NYS with a number of years ago.
  18. What specific incentives would drive Ralph to spend any $ at all? Can the stadium hold more people? Would the team receive more $ from TV? Will the team be worth more when sold following Ralph's demise? Given the context within which Ralph currently makes decisions, why would he spend a dime?
  19. If VP Joe Biden is making major foreign policy speeches to the world about relations with Russia, Iran, et. al., and describing the international relations policy aims of the Obama administration; where is the woman who was appointed Secretary of State? You remember, the woman that carpetbagged her way into NYS for a cameo appearance as Senator on her way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The one where, "a funny thing happened on her way to the White House."
  20. So, if one of us says the "...religion, bitter...anti-immigration...." thing, we're cute, or offering a true snapshot of some in PA. If Obama says similar things, he's dissin' all Americans....? The field ain't zackly level, is it?
  21. Just wait 'til her homey. Bill, gets into shuckin' 'n jivin' about the reason for the fire. "Aw Gee, it warn't really a fire at all, jes a little heat generated by my squeezes run for 1600 PA Ave."
  22. So the schools are responsible for sex education, scoliosis screening, obesity awareness, gender and race sensitivity training; oh yeah, reading and that stuff.... Kind of reminds me of the performer trying to keep a whole lot of plates spinning on top of sticks spread across the stage--run ragged and in the end most of the plates fall and shatter. Ya' gotta' love those schools...told to accomplish tomorrows objectives with yesterdays resources....
  23. Are the rats leaving the sinking ship; or are the ships leaving the sinking rat?
  24. I don't think there is a chance of Al Gore surfacing as a political figure in the near future. Rumor has it he is in competition to become the next Michelin Man. Has he been blown up with a bicycle pump, or what? Well, actually if he gains any more weight, there isn't any chance of him surfacing at all....
  25. I'm sure that then, as now, her reactions were calculated, based on focus group inputs, and completely crafted for the purpose of self-aggrandisement. She puts herself and her ambitions above all else...as we NYers know only too well.
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