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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Percentages are percentages whether for upper, middle, or lower income groups; the group that fries my @$$ is made up of those people, companies, etc., who evade their "percentage" by offshoring, under reporting, or simply failing to report their income. They live in the good ol' USA in order to enjoy the amenities, but don't feel the need to pay their share. Assuming that Switzerland, Austria and other nations do respond positively to US requests for foreign national account info, I'll be interested in the specific actions the IRS et al take against these evaders.
  2. Pelosi...waste.... Gee, related concepts.
  3. Look at it this way, maybe TO'll take our attention off the coaching....
  4. I'm convinced that Rahm Emanual is the power behind the throne, more so than many people believe. Emanual is the consumate politician, and, in the same manner he manipulates many situations, e.g., the Mike Steele imbroglio, he is currently manipulating Obama in terms of priorities as well as substance.
  5. 500 B here, 500 B there...pretty soon we'll be talking about real money. Ironically, it appears we haven't been talking about real money for some time. Stimulus, bailout, TARP are interesting names given to the cure d' jour as far as I can discern. I'm getting a sense that the many current economic recovery plans equate to the old vaudeville act where a guy raced around the stage trying to keep a number of plates spinning on slender reeds without letting any of them fall...all the time adding more plates and reeds to the act.... Today, the audience is made up of those cheering him on to add even more plates and reeds (Democrats) and those hoping to see the plates come crashing down (the other party).
  6. Can /dev/null piss farther than The Big Cat....?
  7. Bush is truly the cause of the current economic situation; none of the indicators at the end of the Clinton adminnistrations count for anything. Golly, even the endangered Right Whales are increasing in number now that a Democrat is in the White House!
  8. No more so than reading the mindless clap that you send along as correct thinking....
  9. Britbillsfan, please accept my apologies. Of course, you're right; and the error of my thinking in expanding the specific geographic confines of the Middle East, therefore negates the thought of the post. Again, mea culpa.
  10. I have to admit it. My liberal friends were right. They told me if I voted for McCain, the nation's Hope would deteriorate, and sure enough there has been a 20 point drop in the Consumer Confidence Index since the election, reaching a lower point than any time during the Bush administration. They told me if I voted for McCain, the US would become more deeply embroiled in the Middle East, and sure enough tens of thousands of additional troops are scheduled to be deployed into Afghanistan. They told me if I voted for McCain, that the economy would get worse and sure enough unemployment is approaching 8.8% and the new stimulus packages implemented recently have sent the stock market lower than at any time since 9-11. They told me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "crooks" in high ranking positions in Federal government and sure enough, several recent cabinet nominees and Senate appointments revealed resumes of bribery and tax fraud. Well I ignored my Democrat friends in November and voted for McCain. And they were right... all of their predictions have come true.
  11. Given the depth of the media's love of the Obama phenomenon, those may be the most in-depth looks the media ever initiates into the current administration.
  12. Sorry, DC Tom, sometimes a guy just gets the itch....
  13. This speaks for itself. January 21 1. Outgoing President George W. Bush quietly boards his helicopter and leaves for Texas, commenting only: "Today is not about me. Today is a historical day for our nation and people." Eight years ago: 1. Outgoing President Bill Clinton schedules two separate radio addresses to the nation, and organizes a public farewell speech/ rally in downtown Washington D.C. scheduled to directly conflict with incoming President Bush's inauguration ceremony. January 21 2. President Bush leaves office without issuing a single Presidential pardon, only granting a commutation of sentence to two former border patrol agents convicted of shooting a convicted drug smuggler. He does not grant any type of clemency to Scooter Libby or any other former political aide, ally, or business partner. Eight years ago: 2. President Clinton issues 140 pardons and several commutations of sentence on his final day in office. Included in these are: billionaire financier, convicted tax evader, and leading Democratic campaign contributor Marc Rich; Whitewater scandal figure Susan McDougal; Congressional Post Office Scandal figure and former Democratic Congressman Dan Rostenkowski; convicted bank fraud, sexual assault and child porn perpetrator and former Democratic Congressman Melvin Reynolds; and convicted drug felon Roger Clinton, the President's half-brother. January 21: 3. The Bush daughters leave gift baskets in the White House bedrooms for the Obama daughters, containing flowers, candy, stuffed animals, DVD's and CD's, and heartfelt notes of encouragement and advice for the young girls on how to prepare for their new lives in the White House. Eight years ago: 3. Clinton and Gore staffers rip computer wires and electrical outlets from the White House walls, stuff piles of notebook papers into the White House toilets, systematically remove the letter "W" from every computer key-pad in the entire White House, and damage several thousand dollars worth of furniture in the White House master bedroom. Headlines On This Date 4 Years Ago: "Republicans spending $42 million on inauguration while troops Die in unarmored Humvees" "Bush extravagance exceeds any reason during tough economic times" "Fat cats get their $42 million inauguration party, Ordinary Americans get the shaft" Headlines January 21, 2009: "Historic Obama Inauguration will cost only $170 million" "Obama Spends $170 million on inauguration; America Needs A Big Party" "Everyman Obama shows America how to celebrate" "Citibank executives contribute $8 million to Obama Inauguration"
  14. connor, What Obama had to do for me to prove he wasn't just another Beltway Boy was to honor his campaign promise about changing the way Washington does business--new faces, new approaches. To me that meant NOT appointing all the good ol' boys, e.g., Biden, Clinton (OK, women, too), Emanuel. How many more retreads will he trot out in the coming months; is James Carville waiting for his cue; when will we see some honest-to-God new faces not beholding to the entrenched DC power mavens? For the 1,234th time on this site I declare: If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.
  15. UBibVA, I'm trying valiantly to unravel your negation of the original points made in this post. Is Buffalo Bill just plain wrong because you say so....?
  16. Harry and Nancy seem like such nice people, and they sounded so sincere at the time....
  17. You told us with increasing frequency over the past thirty-six months that it was imperative that your party win majorities in both houses of Congress, and win the Presidency in order to turn the country around. (Remember that "first hundred days" thing from several years ago?) News Flash: You won the trifecta! Why agonize over "bipartisanship?" You got the votes, go for it; fix stuff, ignore the other party and just do the stuff you promised. We are all waiting to feel the results....
  18. Do Obama and Biden actually cuddle? I've seen Joe do some unusual things, but cuddlin'....?
  19. Is there any truth to the rumor, apparently confirmed in recent videos, that Joe Biden IS President Obama's personal valet? If not, he gives new meaning to the concept of hover craft.
  20. The Rev. Al Dullton would not be happy with some of the above comments....
  21. 2009 will be remembered as the year that the definition of the word "stimulus" was expanded to include the words "scam, boondoggle, fraud, etc."
  22. Maybe the creditors he stiffed when his club went breasts up will watch tonight....?
  23. As a retired Superintendent of Schools, I can tell you that the situation posted above is only the tip of the special education iceberg. Continuing the comparison, you can think of most school districts as the Titanic....
  24. Actually, my posting detractors, the hiatus is over. I decided to rely on the keen insights eminating from members of Congress detailing the intricacies of the stimulus plan and its impact on us here in The Empire State. I was going to search the Internet for that promised website, but Demosthenes kind of wore out that gig.
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