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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Damn that George and Laura Bush!
  2. KD in CT, share with us who is responsible.... Is it parents, teachers, administrators, taxpayers, legislators, neighbors, TV producers, cigarette advertisers, video game manufacturers, students themselves, social workers, priests and other clerics, siblings....who is responsible?
  3. Do people really click on web address that contain the words glenn beck, rush limbaugh and town hall?
  4. who is left to broker the deal between the Reps and Dems in the NYS Senate....?
  5. Actually, discipline hearings against a teacher can progress quite quickly IF the school administrators have done their jobs documenting the setting of objectives for the teacher, attempts to remediate shortcomings, specific failures to meet the standards set forth, specific warnings and finally proper notice of termination; and met all the deadlines in federal, state and local laws and policies and contracts. Without the administrator doing her/his job, there is no way a hearing officer will uphold a charge of incompetence, negligence, dereliction of duty, etc.. Most often when the administrator has done the proper job of supervision, the teacher and union rep look for a settlement long before a hearing takes place. No matter what the union reps say in "public," the reps always know who the bad apples are and often come to the administration with a plan to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, when one district "solves" their problem, a neighboring district may inherit it by hiring that bad teacher. Hiring teachers is an art, not a science; the only mistake is in not firing a bad one once you know she/he can't do the job.
  6. The NYS Senators may be disfunctional, but we, the voters of NYS, appear to be satisfied with their lack of action because we keep sending incumbents back to Albany election after election. We seem to think that "our" Senator is doing an OK job, but those others representing [fill in the blank] are just thugs! What will it take to get voters to really change things in Albany by voting incumbents out of office?
  7. If one ascribes the attributes of birds to politicians, then the aphorism works splendidly!
  8. A nuclear power plant in WNY, producing electricity for domestic and foreign use, makes a hell of a lot more sense than high speed rail service and fast ferrys. Just the pool of potential consumers of the product tells us that! Legislators are unwilling to promote anything even remotely controversial, no matter what the upside. That's what happens when the number one objective is to remain in office/in power/in control.
  9. As a retired Superintendent of Schools in upstate NY, I believe this woman's action will reverse the good feelings from any number of good things that have happened in that district in the past several years. One unthinking moment, followed by a lot of stubborn moments, could end careers...and maybe that should be what happens....
  10. UN-allied ships, patrolling the area, can "challenge," but neither stop, nor search, nor inspect papers, of ships headed for North Korea. How does that work exactly in terms of interrupting the flow of contraband items shipped by sea?
  11. Why not place Gitmo detainees in the NYS Senate building...it appears to not be in use currently?
  12. Damn that Laura Bush!
  13. Oh, water BOARDing, I thought the briefers said water HOARDing, and I switched from bottled water to gin! As Sargeant Schultz used to say, "I know NOTHING!"
  14. So if Harry Reid did deceive Arlen Specter regarding his seniority upon switching party affiliation, I say good on yer' That's what happens when a skunk tangles with a pole cat.
  15. Very familiar w/ the concept...also familiar with the concept of legislative control by the majority party; see definitions of leader, whip, chair and speaker in the context of the US Congress. Formally put - If'n there ain't no interest by the majority, it don't see the light of day! (Thanks for confirming the tendency of many of this board's posters to always ridicule the individual who holds an opinion that differs from yours.)
  16. So, with the Republicans enjoying a minority number lower than whale feces, I'm supposed to think that Joe Barton is calling the tune on this one? Do you really think that Harry and Nancy don't have a tight rein on what sees the light of day?
  17. Let's hope that the Buffalo Water Front project and Rochester's Renaissance Square timelines and false start planning aren't bellweathers for things to come.
  18. Isn't it great that our representatives are looking into a revision of the annual determination of the #1 football team? Doesn't that kind of change renew your faith in the focus and function of our government? Will Pete Carrol and Nick Saban get to testify, will they bring their playbooks? Is Harry Reid an offensive coordinator? Does Nancy Pelosi look like a punt... er' punter to you? Will teams from Republican states always be the visiting team? Will....
  19. Here is a great opportunity to slide Hill'ry into a politically safe (for Obama) position. No fear of her philosophy greatly impacting court decisions because she is the poster girl for situational ethics, policies, and general poll-defined responses. She could be the first Justice that based her decisions on a listening tour....yeah, I know, it didn't work here in NYS either.
  20. Uh huh, uh huh, Mr Bluster goes for the tarnished tin ring once more. Does Biden have incriminating pictures of Obama, or what? Why would an intelligent man select Joe the Bumbler for a running mate? On the other hand, it was a solution to the any-port-in-the-Hill'ry-storm at the time..... Mr President, you got a sack full a' a$$holes when you selected those two.
  21. All the very best to Arlen do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do Specter. I'm thinkin' the people of PA are just pissed....how to waste a vote. Of course, there is the arguement that any time you vote for a politician you waste a vote.
  22. Damn George and Laura Bush! I thought they were cutting brush and all the time they were incubating flu virus. Those thoughtless bastards! Thank God President Obama and Ms Pelosi came to our rescue. Oh wait, Nancy hasn't heard about swine flu, was never briefed on it, and refuses to believe that it exists....
  23. The importance of that victory ranks right up there with Hill'ry Clinton telling the Lebanonese we will never abandon them...you know, just another headline with no significance whatsoever.
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