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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. So my thought is try these guys at some military base, outside of the continental US, utilize the regular presence of the military security already there to provide trial security.... let me think a bit; how about Gitmo? Then we could use the soon-to-be earmarked $200,000,000 in trial security money for some other, more positive, purpose. Oh no, that place might still carry the aura of perceived torture. After all, 9/11 was such a clean tragedy; we wouldn't want to treat the perpetrators the way they treated us...would we?
  2. I'm confident that Iran is just too busy organizing fund-raisers and sending relief supplies and MD's to Haiti to EVER plan for something bad to happen in the Middle East....
  3. Maybin, maybe not....
  4. I'm hoping that Mayben comes along as quickly, and has just as much impact, as the 1st rounder from the year before, James Hardy.... But cling to the belief that the Bills draft well and the players may come along "next year."
  5. If we go 3 - 4....what happens to games 8 - 16?
  6. How do he Bills screw up the draft every year? If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.
  7. If you watch the press conference closely, you'll notice that GM Nix almost forgot to introduce the new head coach. He started to introduce someone to his right, looked over to catch a comment, then said something to the effect that he had better intro the new coach. At best, the Bills will be a "C list" team until such time as Ralph relinquishes control of the team.
  8. Yesterday's press conference reminded me of Billy Joe and Antoine waiting for two seats to open up at a booray table in the Shrimp 'n Suds in Slidell, LA.
  9. See, now I'm hurt because I don't measure up to Stupid's expectations.... In a major shift in my aproach to life, I vow to preceed every decision I make by asking myself, "What would Stupid do?" Thank you, Stupid, you are truly the way and the light!
  10. The 'crats are leaving the sinking ship....
  11. Aretha Franklin said it best, "Who's zoomin' who?" Are you kidding me? Someone thinks [insert name here] is the best? That's what we're waiting for? Someone thought Mayben was the "best" too. The Bills have/are/will dither around until some yet-to-be-determined time then name a wanna be coach and we'll be off on another snipe hunt for several years. Face it: NOTHING will change until there is a wholesale house cleaning...you know, like the one that should happen in Albany, NY and Washington DC.
  12. Voters and politicians want fundamentally different things: Voters want someone to address their "today" problems and anticipate tomorrow's. Politicians ONLY want voters to make politicians perennial incumbents at the power-and-influence table. Once an incumbent is reelected, he/she transforms from an officeholder to a politician and there is no looking back!
  13. Given Kelly's track record in business in Buffalo, why would anyone want to do business with him again? Didn't he stiff partners, venders, etc. last time out?
  14. Turned left at Cleveland.
  15. OK, OK, but doesn't it just aggravate you when Marshawn insists on doing the pre-game South Seas island dance at the LOS rather than run up in the hole?
  16. Really nothing new... The party on the inside will do whatever it takes to stay in power; the party on the outside will do whatever it takes to throw out the "in's" and claim power for itself. As long as we are willing to elect/re-elect them [read - let them do it] they will. The best predictor of tomorrow's politics is yesterday, so.... Yawn....
  17. Golly, Gene, thank you ever so much for your consideration of my posting needs and cravings. Thread recognition by a forum rat is the sincerest form of ....well, you know.
  18. Gee, Gene, since Obama himself said he didn't deserve the prize, will you be sending lots o' smiley-face emoticons off to the White House?
  19. Is there truth to the rumor that Obama is hurrying back from that Nobel thingy to accept the Heisman on Saturday?
  20. Charlie Weiss, CHARLIE WEISS; we don't need no stinkin' Charlie Weiss!
  21. The only cartoons I watch are on C-SPAN....
  22. Then there's New York State's tough stance on the issue: It is a secondary law here, so one can't be stopped and ticketed solely for texting. However, I think if you cause a multi-car pileup with injuries, the officer on the scene can add texting while driving to the list of charges. It's part of New York's "Velvet Hammer" initiative to decrease driving distractions....
  23. If the public option ever sees the light of day, I pray that the federal government brings to it the same depth of insight, careful monitoring, well-constructed budgeting, keen level of administration and fair-handed decision-making that characterizes Medicare.
  24. If you blow in my ear one more time....
  25. Why do we care about John Kerry's take on the request for troops for Afghanistan? Is he emerging as an ambassador w/o portfolio, or is he just upstaging Madame Secretary? Or has he reverted to his back bay snobbish self-important self....?
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