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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Parents divorced when I was very young, both remarried, I didn't figure in either family; so raised by grandparents. Nuf said.
  2. Yet the attitudes toward women are under the same tent so to speak. It's a continuum of sleaze, you can decide on placement for yourself.
  3. AB should have some interesting conversations with Robert Kraft given the "birds of a feather" thing now in play.
  4. Francesa is a fan of only one person...Mike Francesa.
  5. Defeated Hill'ry Clinton and totally pissed off the 'mocrats to the point they are incapable of focusing on the needs of the country.
  6. I do like liver with either onions or bacon. However, my family demands that I never order liver when we're at a restaurant. My all-time liver story came when I was in the Navy back in the late 60's. When liver was on the "menu" you were given a slab of liver that almost covered the entire aluminum chow tray. Not a pretty (nor appetizing) sight.
  7. I don't attend to either Mario, Andrew, nor Chris. I hear enough from them accidentally, i won't purposely set out to connect with any of them. Is CNN still broadcasting...?
  8. Bob in Michigan, this is Bob in New York; take it from one who suffers under the charade of government perpetrated by the current Governor of NYS, the guy's so partisan in terms of downstate NY, liberal causes no matter the subject or impact, and DNC kool-aid that our state is currently cast adrift in terms of consistent attention to the needs of its citizens.
  9. Donald Trump is Barack Obama's brother-in-law. There, top that one!
  10. and usher him off the national stage. Early stage dementia, forgetful, or just butt stupid; for his own sake, convince the guy to step out of the limelight. His wife is a MD and she lets this campaign charade go on....?
  11. OK, here's my initial contribution: With apologies for fanning the flames, sources say that Trump started the fires in the Amazon (Not Amazon, the Amazon).
  12. Crap, I thought this was a thread about Democrats claiming to support the Constitution.
  13. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
  14. Make that "didn't" serve a purpose. Most original union stances have been co-opted by management over time. Today, it appears that unions have moved far afield from traditional union "needs" to stay relevant and attractive to potential members; often to the extent as to appear grasping for issues.
  15. He might be busy looking over his glasses as he reads a prepared statement decrying the high water level in Lake Ontario that is flooding homes along the WNY shoreline. No action, mind you, just a sincere statement....well, a statement.
  16. We live in an HOA community of sixty-seven townhomes. Almost all owned by retirees. It appears that most know the names of their neighbors, but even more so know the names of their pets to the extent that they refer to each other as, "Rover's mother" for example. I know neither the names of the people nor their pets. However, I can dispense smiles and waves with the best of them. ( I specialize in the Queen Elizabeth vertical palm waggle wave.)
  17. Now there is a distillation of Oh so many dumb $#!t comments and rallying cries voiced by the 'mocrats! Assign the "Squad" TAD in the nearest latrine.
  18. Let me know when they teleport an AOC.
  19. Probably not for him....
  20. One day closer to the truth, brah
  21. Interestingly, I have not a clue what those blue rectangles represent.
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