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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. For a dramatic wake-up watch "Who Killed the Electric Car' coming to a channel near you. Google it for complete info. After watching that expose, you will have some additional fodder for your decision-making process when dealing with our beloved corporations.
  2. The water boarding that happened on Bush's watch was torture, and the US doesn't "do" that; but the current AG, Eric Holder, says OBL will be killed, so there will be no venue fuss over him. What's up with that: Bush, no; Obama, OK? I'd think we'd want OBL alive and well so he could be a recipient of the new health care provisions....
  3. Adding to the field of political thought, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has rejuvenated the concept of "deeming" wherein an action is assumed to have been approved if an amendment to that action is approved. While it may have a dubious application in the current health care imbroglio, I'm liking the whole idea. For example, no matter what happens during the upcoming Bills season, I shall deem them to have a 11 - 5 record and be eligible for the playoffs.
  4. If $'s per pupil is so important, how do the children of many Asian parents, who are recent immigrants to the US, go from non-English speaking to Valedictorian of their class in a few short years? Could it be parental influences? Gee, must be eating all that rice....
  5. May aliens carry off Ms Heffernan's children; may locusts scourge her fields; may the grim reaper visits her family's pets; may her female offspring be barren; may she be struck down with an impeachment stick.
  6. Next thing you know she'll be pushing student literacy like that damn Laura Bush!
  7. What would it take to get Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et. al., to understand the HC reform, as written, is not in keeping with the wishes of the body politic?
  8. That phrase, "This page intentionally left blank," might come in handy at election time, 2010.
  9. Actually, the issues you raise are not the hype I was referring to above. However, they are the things that make up some of the concentric rings of concern that certainly give me pause when I think of the legislation about to be A) rammed; B) stuffed; C) crammed; D) inserted; E) all of the above into my family's health care decision-making process. So, the question remains: Are TBD posters on the HC issue posting because they understand the ramifications of the legislation on the well-being of their loved ones and themselves; or are posters just playing out another inning of the "our guys can beat your guys" scenario. If the latter, you may be in for a major jolt when the former comes home to roost at your house....
  10. Read it; my question remains: Specifically, how do you see the legislation impacting your family? For example, what happens to the Prescription Drug "donut hole"?
  11. can you share with me the SPECIFIC aspects of the proposed legislation as it will impact you and your family? Assume it's 2014, you've paid four years of taxes to get the new provisions on line, how will the legislation impact your specific health care, e.g., MD visits, lab costs, emergency room visits, ambulance fees, hospitalization? Please give me your interpretation of the specifics of the changes. Thanks in advance for the info!
  12. That's "our" Weeeezzy! You go girl; back to the senior living facility, and let some of those who will have to live with the wreckage you're trying to promote have a chance at government that represents the will of the electorate.
  13. So I'm thinking that terrorists reading our newspapers, watching our TV news shows, must be just laughing their a$$'s off at the philosophic gymnastics we go through as we debate responses to their no-holds-barred, low-tech assaults on us in various venues around the world. Worst case scenario, we'll get them assigned to three public defenders, an ACLU rep., and meals on wheels if we ever capture them....
  14. There is that school of thought out there that says in order to defeat an opponent one must play by the rules the opponent brings to the field of competition, or the mutually agreed-upon rules. I don't think there are any of the latter, so the former just might rule the day. Of course, then one has to attempt to equate waterboarding with bombs strapped under a woman's burkha....
  15. As a former Superintendent of Schools, I'm pleased to read that the DOE did hear our concerns about unruly Board of Education members and are offering a remedy....
  16. Aren't you just salivating to see what the Dems come up with next on HC? Political theatre at its finest!
  17. Does your heart swell with pride when you think of the effectiveness and efficiency evidenced by our federal legislature? Or, conversely, do you see the DC legislature engaged in a massive pissing contest? If the latter, do you intend to participate in the November, 2010 elections? Will you cast your votes for incumbents? Can your Congressman beat up my Congressman? (Oh yeah; well, mine can grope yours!)
  18. Once mo' time: Damn that George Bush!
  19. It seems to me that the implicit message is that Middle America needs to get busy! Buy some roses, get that K-Y jelly warmed up, let's get a move on in the doodlin' department! Just a bit more effort on the home front, coupled [no pun intended] with the screwing we are all getting from various levels of government, should see that birth rate thingy turned around in no time. I'm just sayin'....
  20. Are y'all just jonesin' for that smooth purrin' sound when Congress and the Executive are in synch and doin' the peoples' work? Me too; at 70 I can recall hearing it once a long time ago....
  21. Charlie Rangel, Eric Massa, David Paterson, plus untold others, took/are taking New Yorker's votes, trust and money and placed them on the shelf behind the elected officials own agendas. Why do we keep electing these thugs?
  22. Note to connor: Don't bother with rescinding anything for me; I now think Obama is just another liberal, self-aggrandizing politician, although early on I was a supporter.... He had me at transparency; he lost me at the lack thereof.
  23. Good on yer' Jim Bunning! Takes a lot of nerve to actually do what you took an oath to do--follow the policies and agreements of the Senate about not supporting un-funded bills. What a radical idea! In the short run, don't sweat the impact of Bunning's action; Harry and Nancy will make some deals and all will be resolved.
  24. Nancy Pelosi said that any form of the health care bill will be bipartisan, even w/o Republican votes, because Republicans talked about some of the concepts at the health care summit. In like manner, she is an !@#$ because she has one....
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