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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Is there anything funnier that listening to the talking heads, and reading the print media folks, as they express their ire over AZ's law making illegal immigrants illegal? Some very convoluted phrasings to say the least. On the other hand, I suppose one could say that the opponents of the new AZ law seek to make it illegal to brand the illegal immigrants illegal....
  2. Interestingly, when a school district identifies a non-resident attending a school in the district, they immediately throw them out and require they register in their district of residence. When that happens taxpayers usually applaud the district's diligence in making sure the district's resources are used only for resident students. Could be a microcosm of the AZ thing, No?
  3. Any chance that amnesty thingy would work if I ran a lot of red lights....?
  4. So, new legislation in AZ seeks to identify persons in the state illegally and eventually have them deported to their country of origin. There is no question that some individuals are illegals because that status definition was established at the national level. AZ, experiencing extraordinary stress and strain on its infrastructure due to a concentration of illegal immigrants, seeks to do something about their problems: Identify and deport illegal immigrants. I'm sure the citizens of AZ appreciate the insightful observations of those living thousands of miles away geographically, and light years away from the every day impact on the ground in AZ. I do wonder just what remedies to AZ's problems would be deemed acceptable by the critics of the new legislation.
  5. He's STILL there, we don't really care!
  6. RIP Jimmy. You reap what you sow....
  7. That arrogance and look-at-me approach to things will get you every time. All the worst of luck in the NFL, Jimmy....
  8. So sign Pig Ben, change the team name to the Buffalo Raiders and languish in the thrid or fourth tier of teams for another two decades...sounds like a plan to me.
  9. that caused the economic meltdown? For months we were told by our Dear Leader and his minions that the Bush Administration policies were the fount of all economic evil. Now, we're being told that the Wall-Street-mega-bank cabal is the true source of the problem, and that the precipitating event was institutional greed. The only thing we can be sure of, according to the 'mocrats, is that none of the fear of economic excess germinated from fear of a 'mocrat win in 2008, nor the spending practices that followed. Could it be that the current administration is practicing situational honesty in an attempt to curry favor in November? Was George Bush the puppetmaster behind the economic evil empire, feigning the doofus persona while manipulating the world economy? Did Laura Bush's economic acumen corrupt the banking industry? Is Robert Gibbs a Tea Party plant? Is Rohm Emanuel ...Oh, never mind.
  10. RKF, please excuse my incomplete view of world affairs. I save my macro views and keen political insights for forums a level or two above the Bufalo Bills site. Mea culpa.
  11. So yesterday's Al Quaida in Iraq leaders are dead. That makes room for tomorrow's Al Quaida in Iraq leaders. When will the US realize we don't understand the culture that spawns these issues, conflicts and relationships? Pack it up and move it out...save our energy and resources for more pressing needs. Let's step out at least two concentric circles and guard our liberties from that vantage point.
  12. the Pope promised a group of men, allegedly abused by priests, that he would see that pedophile priests were brought to justice. He should have added, "...this time." to his statement since he apparently let the matter slide at least once before when he was in charge of such matters prior to becoming Il Papa. Amazing what the light of day can do to a long-burried topic.
  13. Congratulations DBM! You appear to be the consensus all-PPP Dumb Ass. May you wear your crown with panache and rule your fiefdom with inanity and ignorance for all time.
  14. So, Hedd, since I'm Caucasian, as is the rest of my family; should I put off holding a family reunion for fear of being branded a racist group driven by a single-focus ideology....?
  15. President Obama says we will visit Mars in his lifetime. In my view he is on Mars as I write this post.... Does anyone out there have a pet project that you'd like the President to comment on; maybe make a visit to your town to promote; devote a stimulus effort to; enlist Congress' support for? It doesn't make any difference if he has been against your idea until now because he can change that in just a minute and make millions believe he was a supporter all along.
  16. Gingrich is an "incumbent" of sorts; I don't vote for incumbents; Therefore, I won't vote for Gingrich.
  17. Proving once again that if you concentrate on the micro view, e.g., open bag underpants sale; you can completely ignore the macro stuff that looms like the budget, and at the same time convince yourself that you're fully engaged doing the people's work.
  18. Marshawn doesn't want to play for Buffalo, his absence speaks volumes. To paraphrase Marv Levy, if he's thinking of not being here, he's not here.
  19. that I'm expected to pay 100% of my taxes, but I'm only receiving 67% of my entitled representation! Tickle-me-Eric Massa was my Congressman (NYS 29th Congressional District), so I'm w/o a voice in the House of Representatives. Gilly and Chuck take care of the Senate side of things...unless Chuck spots a camera, then he's off to the races for face time. On one hand, that HoR lapse could be a good thing since that collection of do-nothings, led by Nancy the Nitwit, doesn't seem to be able to represent anyone; on the other, I'm entitled to a rep. I'm just sayin'
  20. Is there even a scintilla of, a whiff of, a long long shot in the making of a possibility that Fancy Nancy might go down to ignominious defeat....?
  21. Here's my formula going forward: Fire 'em all by voting them out; fire the next batch, too. Maybe after two or three times through the cycle, we'll get some who listen when the majority speaks. No? Start all over again. What is the worst outcome if we woke up in mid-November w/ no experienced elected officials? Chaos in government? (See NYS w/o a budget, w/o a plan out of budget deficit paralysis.) Could rookies do worse than those w/ so-called experience? What possible campaign promise would entice you to vote for an incumbent? You may not be able to fix the turds in the punchbowl with a strainer, but you can keep pouring the punch through the strainer until you're satisfied with the punch.
  22. will you vote against all incumbents office holders? For my part, I intend to vote against EVERY incumbent, even those local office holders that just might be kind of OK, because I want to take every opportunity to "tell" incumbents that business as usual isn't good enough by half--not local, state or national!
  23. As sad as the memo and message are, I fear that one could substitute the name of any state in the nation in place of NJ and be on the mark when it comes to narrowly focused objectives that ignore the greater good issues. While serving as high school principal, then later as Superintendent of Schools, I recall being threatened many times by union officials and members that they would withhold letters of reference for graduating seniors, stop coaching teams, boycott parent meetings, etc., until such time as the contract was settled. Classless tactics by classless people. I would much prefer that teachers went on strike and thus had to declare publically and very personally their positions on issues.
  24. Aha, Alaska Darin brings up the concept that is rarely mentioned and never seriously considered--cutting spending. Probably because it's such a complex concept. On the other hand, I have become a master of the art--out of cash, don't make a purchase! See, that's easy.
  25. Somewhere in this topic I was reminded that I've always felt public employees should have the right to strike. Seems to me that nothing would resolve protracted negotiations like a teachers strike, for example. All of a sudden, parties not usually privy to the process become real involved real fast. That being the case, it's just possible some of these back room deals, i.e., lulu retirement packages, might not exist. But, that's just me. Me who is on NYS Tier 1 retirement after having been in public education for thirty-six years. I questioned the package at the time, but it came to pass, so....
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