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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Actually, I thought there were three ice stages: block, cube, crushed. Oh wait, that should be ages.... Well, whatever Al Gore says is good enough for me.
  2. I find it interesting that the administration made no moves whatsoever until three days of street unrest proded DC into action. Now, all of a sudden, BO and company are dispensing wisdom and platitudes. Is Mubarak any more distasteful today than he was five years ago in terms of human rights, sharing political power, etc.? Again, the US excels in developing basic foreign policy concepts using the wet-finger-in-the-breeze technique.
  3. So how long can the owners endure a strike? If the NFLPA hopes to even the playing field, it has to be willing and able to exercise the ultimate tactic. All the potential side issues, e.g., will the fans stick it out?, have to be considered, but the players have to be ready to play a hard-nosed bargaining game.
  4. There's simply no one in DC quite like Chuck Is-that-A-Camera; Get-Out-Of-My-Way Schumer...and, thankfully, there's only one of him.
  5. While we may be preparing to tighten our belts, put our noses to the economic grindstone, cast out all earmarks; let's step back a bit, join hands and take up a collection to get the Secretary of State a comb. Hill'ry, the DC Haridan, looks like a bag lady. Can't BO do a bit better than that as our international representative?
  6. I'm not really current on the ratings continuum of civil rights leaders, but I'm confident in saying that MLK is far far beyond the likes of Jesse "The Extortionist" Jackson and Al Dullton.
  7. I sure hope the US is a partner in whatever is mucking up the Iranians playpen. I also hope that we have "people" doing things as nasty to all sorts of other groups here on terra firma. My motto is, "Do unto others before the bastards do unto you." Golly, I hope that's politically correct; is it, should I change it, will our allies think less of us, can we make it up to those less fortunate...you know, the ones with the C4 strapped to their chests....? Should we send Joe Biden and Hill'ry to make nice with the dark forces of the earth? &%#$ 'em all, but save six for pall bearers.
  8. Actually, I don't follow the NFL; I'm a Bills fan!
  9. +1 more. What, do you hate firemen?
  10. Just another pretty face jonesin' for time in a room full of sweaty naked guys....
  11. How bad is it when BO has to call in Billy Clinton to help with the heavy lifting? I'm sure the Dem's on the fence over whether or not to support BO were impressed?
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/08/us/politics/08bai.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss&src=ig Howard Dean...? C'mon guys!
  13. Help! Please help me draw the line determining where/when I should notice something unusual and bring it to someone's attention. Since Walmart is joke central, do I ignore the guy buying all those boxes of ammo; the same guy I saw two days ago in Dick's buying ammo....?
  14. Fitz may not be the long term guy, but he is for damn sure the 2011-12 season guy as far as I'm concerned.
  15. To: Democrats From: Voters Subject: This is what we expect to happen You guys want to extend jobless benefits; Republicans want to extend the tax rates currently in place. You vote for theirs, they vote for yours. You can find all kinds of aphorisms that apply here, e.g., "You scratch my back; I'll scratch yours." There, that isn't too hard to understand, is it? Save your pissing and moaning for some other forum [no pun intended] because when you're at work in Congress (this includes Republicans, too), we expect you to actually accomplish something!
  16. So, Billybob (an assumption on my part), you might want to make abundant read abundance in the sentence where you criticize grammar, case, etc. Just trying to be helpful....
  17. It appears that there are so many people out of work and claiming unemployment benefits, that it is becoming a cottage industry in itself. If the eligibility limits begin to loom large on the horizon, those claiming benefits lobby a bit harder and, due to the size of the group, their ship comes in again...loaded with another fifty-plus weeks of payments. I hope someone is studying the implications of long-term unemployment, e.g., will there be a retirement plan for those who spend their career on unemployment? (OK, other than Social Security!) Will there be benefits for those "retirees?" (Oops, other than Obamacare.) Maybe there will be an organized group to represent the unemployed retirees, AARP (Arguably Always Reaping Payments). Will there be....forget the whole thing, just keep sending your taxes in on time.
  18. To me, the word politician evokes a picture of but one person--Charlie Rangel. He's probably a lovable mug if you live in his district and benefit from his largess spread; very responsive when approached by another House of Rep's member for a quid pro quo conversation; willing to invent, broker and benefit from all sorts of shady dealings; and a master at using/misusing rules, codes and conventions for his own purposes. When the light shines on his affairs, he cries foul in the most stentorian tones; when called to task for his deeds, he vows to free himself from the chains of wrongful persecution; contrition, to a degree, is the order of the day upon judgement...and today he is back at the office with a business as usual focus on the next scam to present itself to him. No where in his dealings does he give much of a damn about the hewers of wood and drawers of water that count on him as their representative.
  19. Laughed, turned TV off and railed at the Bills in general for sucking me in yet again!
  20. Fitz is my guy for at least the next season! Smart, understands the offense; stands in the pocket under fire, but will run when the opportunity presents itself; leads his team to the point of elevating those around him; calmly deals with adversity, then works to improve...Yeah, he's my kind of QB. The Bills should be so lucky as to draft the QB of the future with those attributes.
  21. Well, have we really seen him play...ever?
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