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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. If Sleazy Weezy Salughter is promoting it, it's a fiscal boondoggle of the first order. Nuf said.
  2. pBills, let me take a crack at telling you why Gov Walker may have chosen to hold 1,500 teachers "hostage" (your word). He may have witnessed the countless times that teachers held students and parents "hostage" as pawns during negotiations for new bargaining agreements between school districts and the unions . He may have been put off when coaches refused to coach teams, when teachers refused to chaperone events they initially set up, when teachers refused to attend Parent - Teacher meetings until there was a new agreement in place. Or he may have been embarrassed when teachers wouldn't write letters of recommendation for students seeking to complete their college applications...until a new contract was signed.
  3. You could make the case that merely by being Bills fans we are boycotting the true NFL....
  4. If the Wisconsin Teachers Association was to decertify, a la NFLPA, individual teachers could bargain with their current districts. Oh wait, that would mean that the good teachers who are meeting district objectives would be retained and those teachers who aren't achieving would not be retained. Forget that decertifying idea, recognizing excellence is foreign to the whole union thing.
  5. Just imagine anyone giving credence to anything Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee says or does? Someone must have told her that what she was holding was the Constitution, not her bus pass....
  6. I love reading this pro and anti-union back and forth. It reminds me of my years as Superintendent of Schools negotiating with the teachers union. At the negotiating table, ALL talk was about more benefits, higher salaries, fewer work days, and veiled threats of what would happen if a settlement wasn't reached quickly, e.g. coaches would walk away from their teams. Of course, these topics weren't mentioned in the union's public statements which stressed student needs and other community-caring topics that were suffering because the school district was attempting to beat the teachers into submission. Yeah, let me know when an individual district fends off the strength and resources of a state/national union! The only reason the WI unions even mentioned a willingness to contribute more to pensions and benefits was the stark fear that future negotiations might be conducted in the cold light of day.
  7. NPR and other low hanging fruit do present opportunities to slash government waste, but to fix the budget the decision makers need to go where the big time expenditures are in the budget: Man up, make some changes in Social Security, fix/simplify the tax codes, cut some of the long-standing entitlement programs. Make personnel cuts, examine defense spending, cut back on foreign aid payments, do some things that will have a long-term impact. But, the no-cajones legislators we continue to elect have only self-preservation fixed in their sights, so we'll all B word and moan through another budget cycle....
  8. It's almost a universal truth that the B B's need linemen (or even linewomen, if they're better than the current bunch....). Once the basic building blocks are in place, all else will flow. Why one even considers taking a QB at #3 is just beyond me.
  9. The Patriots are the Dale Earnhardts of the NFL in terms of rule interpretations, Mulligans, etc.
  10. Why would anyone want to remove him from the environment that encouraged him to develop such artistic talents....? Seems to me he has found his niche....and it only cost society one human life.
  11. The man is in prison. If he is controllable in solitary, then that's the place to keep him. Why consider moving him to GP where he has proven he is a problem?
  12. Jesse Jackson and Al Dullton must be just salvating to get flights to WI and touch off their unique brand of blacktop blackmail.
  13. Pegula may at some point consider involvement w/ the Bills, but he'd be a fool to go into business w/ Jim Kelley, and he certainly doesn't sound like a fool.
  14. I'm thinkin' that what a prospective player tweets is critical information and should play a prominent role in the 1 BD thinking on draft day. Do we know for sure whether he likes blueberry or apple pie?
  15. "...pay to play Ponzi scheme..." Gee, sounds to me like a campaign fund-raiser right here in the US of A .
  16. Make up your mind! Is he an irrelevant or a Muslim?
  17. Ever think about kids from Asian families who come to school in the US, learn English, prosper in the same classes as the rest of the students, are chosen valedictorian, go off to college....? What is different for them...textbooks, teachers, or PARENTS WHO VALUE EDUCATION AND CONTINUALLY INSIST THEIR CHILDREN EXCEL IN SCHOOL? If the kid's parents/caregivers don't value education and spend time promoting learning, school becomes a social waste of time. Which statement promotes a positive focus on school: "Yeah, that guidance counselor was an ^$$hole when I went there!" or "I had some bumpy times with her too, but all in all she really cared about me and helped me a great deal."?
  18. Outstanding reasoning noted earlier in this Topic: Panthers, Broncos and Bills all need linemen in a big way, so Panthers and Broncos actually will draft to fill that need, but the Bills will/should take Newton. It's that kind of reasoning that is reflected in the last several years worth of drafts by the Bills...and where did that get us....?
  19. No corner...not now, not third, not is this draft! We need defensive and offensive linemen...Hell, even linewomen would be a step up in some instances! In any event, NO CORNER!
  20. If you're REALLY tired of losing, switch teams and root for one in the real NFL!
  21. In order to lose it, one must have had it....
  22. Rochester to Santa Barbara, CA; United Airlines, round trip, two people, $900, ten hours each way, wheel chair assistance for the spouse enroute. 'Splains to me why I want to even consider taking a train? Plug almost any departure and destination points into your own example and try to make a case for a network of high-speed rail.... Just give the billions of dollars to several states for study purposes and get on to the next boondoggle. Of course, the above is rendered moot if there is a chance that the projected passengers for the Rochester, NY fast ferry project would now commit to riding the high-speed trains of tomorrow!
  23. Well Gee, I'm shocked! Does this revelation and subsequent resignation mean that the finely tuned, well-oiled, productive and courteous institution that we know as the House of Representatives will suffer a hesitation, miss a beat, stray from the tasks the electorate expects from its members? As that well-known philosopher of the 20th Century, Aretha Franklin, said, "Who's zoomin' who?"
  24. A concerted effort not to watch. The Bills will be in the next SB I watch.
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