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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Impeachment is quickly becoming my favorite language manipulation. It appears the Dems have determined that most, if not all, previous attempts to vilify Trump have either died for lack of truth, or continue to wither on the vine, so impeachment is the latest banner to be waved. Thankfully for the Dems there are no attempts on their part to actually consider the peoples' work to get in their way of "impeachment." Kudos to Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi and Maxine [dumber than a stone] Waters for their keen insights into the needs of the nation.
  2. O- here, 150 pints in the book. As an "elder statesman" I no longer donate. Interesting story regarding my very first donation: It's 1958, I'm just out of boot camp at Great Lakes NTC and assigned to a ship in Norfolk. My first shipboard payday comes and I'm in line; as I nearly reach the pay table, a Marine guard asks if I'm donating blood, I respond, "not today." He answers, "Step to the end of the line." Once again, I nearly reach the pay table and the Marine asks if I'm donating blood, I respond, "Sure!".
  3. Columbus Day be damned, you racist. Indigenous Peoples Day and whatever other group you want to acknowledge....
  4. NY strip on the grill, baked spuds, carrots....
  5. But did her current constituents fully realize the depth of her "whackjobery," did they truly hear some of the childish drivel she offered the nation in her public comments post-election? The true measure of their "support" will come in her re-election efforts. Of course, if she truly embraces the positions that she proposes, she must NOT run for re-election and thereby cast the ultimate protest against a system she appears to abhor [wink, wink].
  6. Nothing like a correct impression to carry some weight, eh?
  7. It was a cheap shot, maybe not intended, but a cheap shot. No amount of post-play analysis of angles, player speed, intervening players, or turf traction quotient makes it any different. A cheap shot.
  8. Hmmm, I thought ED would inhibit "strokes."
  9. I'll give it a go when I get home and report results.
  10. Thanks for your insight, I think I'll just put it out with the trash this week.
  11. Safari current version. I have not tried Chrome; will do so just to see what's the hap.
  12. The point is that we ELECT the idiots we continue to send to represent us in DC; chances are you never ELECTED the corporate buffoons you refer to above.
  13. Could ANY private sector business survive for sixty days if business was conducted in the manner illustrated in the YouTube referenced below? No matter the political persuasion, no matter the topic under consideration, this is just a micro look at the people we vote for election after election.
  14. This works for me, thanks boater! I'm using a MacBook Pro, any idea where such a setting might be...?
  15. When I come across a "link" that has a refererence to twitter in it and click on it, the post goes blank. Here's an example of such a link pic.twitter.com/GBTQDcNOlP. How can I see the info at the link?
  16. Isn't there someone in the Democratic Party with a sense of empathy that will take Joe Biden aside, explain the concepts of dementia and senility, and plead with him to bow out of the current candidate circus? Obviously his wife isn't interested in protecting him from his own embarrassments.
  17. Why do they need a bigger zoo?
  18. That may be the first step in attempting to prove that you can make politicians out of pigeon $#!t.
  19. It seems that the important thing for each reader to determine is where on the continuum of sexual abuse you draw the acceptable/not acceptable line. Unfortunately, the NFL hasn't a clue as to the hard and fast determination point that applies to it's organization.
  20. Geez Louise, don't you know that evidence just ****s up a good argument.
  21. Proving once agan that reason has no impact on the strongly-held beliefs of the maddening crowd.
  22. Bolton had it turned on its side as a result of his post-firing funk.
  23. Acting on their own in the context that celebrities are not subject to the rules, expectations, etc. that the rest of us accept as part of the social order.
  24. Crap, I thought this was a thread about Democrat celebrities who left the US when Trump was elected.
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