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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. saundena--Ralph + dead = team sold/moves to [ fill in the blank ].
  2. saundena... FYI: any use of the words Ralph and dead in the same post is fraught with implications that include Allied Van Lines.
  3. Recall all the people who posted here last year singing the praises of Jimmy Clauson? Where are they now? Is it possible that Jimmy is just so suspect that Carolina used the first pick to recover from their previous years mistake?
  4. So, now that we all know the answer to the "who" question, it's time to start with the "why" question. For myself, I'm planning a long nap, at least 'til the start of training camp. At that time we'll find out whether or not the Bills made the right moves in preparation for the coming season. (Yes, there will be a season. The owners won't turn their backs on all that cold cash!)
  5. Anyone agree with me that the whole gas price debacle is simply a continuing impact from the Laura Bush regime?
  6. "i'll say this until next season....Our defense sucked for a number of reasons...1) injuries.... 2) trying to force players to learn new position... 3) No set defensive scheme 4) lack of Trust and confidence... 1.Cant control injuries 2.This year, everyone should have made the adjustments 3.we'll have set scheme 4.Confidence and Trust will come when the first 3 things fall in line" Elda, this sounds like a reprise of every excuse the Bills have trotted out for the past ten years! I'm tired of it already....
  7. The President has directed the Attorney General to launch an investigation into speculators, perpetrators of fraud, and other forces powering the increase in gas prices. Must be the Vice President was taking another nap....
  8. I agree w/ Rob. There's something about the fact that if one wants to cut $ from the budget, one must be willing to reduce those sections of the budget where most of the $ reside. Doh!
  9. My hope is that Trump signs on with some carnival outfit (Coleman Shows?) where his self-aggrandizing pitch at each stop brings rubes into the tent to be shorn. Oh wait, that's the same as running for President.... Just forget it
  10. Oh yeah? I can p!ss farther than you can....
  11. A. Determine the total number of jobs to be created by the high speed rail initiative. B. Determine the total INITIAL amount of money dedicated to the high speed rail initiative. C. Divide B by A. D. Give each person identified in A an amount of money equal to the result of C over a twenty year period. Results: Long term jobs created with no labor strife; no cost over runs, no environmental impact, probably no impact on rail ridership, politicians can trumpet the creation of high paid jobs, and maybe, just maybe, Rep. Weezy Slaughter will STFU!
  12. Just a super idea! The Bills have needed offensive and defensive line help since Christ was a midshipman; so let's get a maybe-will-be QB to ride the contoured plastic for a season or two. Get real!
  13. OK, from the premise above that I'm dumber than a stone; again, please s'plain why it is a good thing for the country to permit these folks to "get" $ from the gov't at 0.zip interest, then use than $ to buy bonds from the gov't that pay 2++% ? The only people that assume any risk are the taxpayers. They didn't put the amount of the loan in circulation to stimulate anything; they used it to repay the loan after they had the milk from the cow.
  14. So, in the message vs messenger view of most of the above posters, the idea of the bailout entities being duped, screwed and not even kissed, appears OK since it was reported by someone they don't like....?
  15. Wall Street housewives makes interesting reading. Where can I get in on this gig? My link
  16. Damn, my Democrat neighbor had me convinced that Laura Bush was behind all that stuff....
  17. Why so much hype over a proposed law that permits (and almost encourages) taxing entities to raise taxes to the cap limit each year? Is this the politicians' cowardly expression of their genetic inability to cut spending? Seriously, what are the good points in passing a tax cap?
  18. And my dog ate my homework.... We don't need excuses; we do need focused, proven, coachable young men keenly interested in building a team from the ground up at every position.
  19. Enough with the Jimmy Clauson chatter. He sux: He suxed in college, he suxed last year, he is projected to sux 'til the earth cools.
  20. While the impact of the decision is surely important, I'm still stuck on the very fact that the UN did something in the same decade as the issue under study!
  21. It seems the United Nations made a decision that may actually result in something happening. That is completely out of character and cause for grave concern. I hope this isn't the start of a new era just when international dithering has been raised to an art form.
  22. I used to have all Rush's records, but they seem to have faded from the scene....
  23. Never saw an Hispanic who didn't enjoy a good tally....
  24. I cam't believe that you are even considering this as a problem....
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