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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Banish the Clinton's from public life.... Oooops, wrong forum.
  2. You pull him just as soon as you have a better player at his position...Thigpen? I think not.
  3. I've got no problem w/ Fitz. He hasn't bailed out mentally, he doesn't pass the buck to others, he has the confidence of his coach. I'm wondering how many other private sector businesses can "make their projections" with so many front line employees "out sick?" Look at it this way: Do we go to Wegman's to buy stale bread? Would we continue to patronize a gas station that sold contaminated gas? Will we continue to pay for a service that is no longer delivered? Then why, oh why, do we continue to patronize the Buffalo Bills? The product they sell is shoddy at best, as demonstrated over the past DECADE. They deceive us in more ways than one can recount; yet we support them with sentiment, memorabilia and cold hard cash. Now we should get behind a multi-million dollar upgrade of the factory where they manufacture and deliver a shoddy product? Aretha Franklin said it best, "Who's zoomin' who?"
  4. If I lived in your neighborhood, I'd take you over my knee and spank you for such nonsense!!
  5. The super committee fulfilled its destiny by not making a decision. Recall this committee rose out of the entire Congress' inability to make a decision. 2013 appears to be the next "hard and fast" deadline. Well gee, I submit we should put Hil'ry on the case...immediately; or as soon as she returns from the Far East where she undoubtedly made a big splash in Myanmar. Picture a nation where we've had no influence for decades, then imagine the insult we pull off by sending Hil'ry in as the first team. Ya' gotta' see the humor in all this crap!
  6. This post is one of the reasons I start my day reading TSW...I need a good laugh! Do you watch on Sunday, do you see the contrasts between the Bills players and their opponents, do you see other aspects of life around you with the same rose-colored glasses you seem to bring to this forum? It appears to me that the Bills are journeymen players, working as hard as they can, but hampered by the same "ownership" philosophy that doomed the war in Vietnam--Fight just hard enough to stay afloat, but don't make the commitments needed to win. Oh, and deceive the public (fans) about the effort you're putting forth. Playoffs?
  7. I understand the first part of the post, about the taxes generated by the team, stadium, etc. I'm scratching my head over the idea that renovation of RW stadium is even on the top twenty-five list of things needed in good ol' NYS. Don't we have infrastructure needs that take priority over a sports venue?
  8. Rats, when I read "barf bags" I thought the post was about Hill'ry....
  9. On the other hand, if we had a very young QB, we'd be making excuses for interceptions, etc. by saying, "He's young, he'll improve with experience." I think Fitz is just the right fit for this team at this point in it's development; maybe for next year and the year after, too.
  10. Joe Biden is simply continuing along the path he set many years ago, i.e., cheating/plagarism scandal when he was in college. In true Peter Principle form, he rose to his level of incompetence long long ago.
  11. So, I must be the only person who actually celebrates the fact that Michael Jackson is no more. His recent mumblings imply that he missed his childhood due to abuse; so that makes it OK that he abused however many children over his tortured lifetime? I'm not buyin' any of it. The guy was a pervert, hiding behind a talent...much like most other perverts--who hide behind family relationships, religious position, mentor-type relationships. MJ, may you suffer a continuing agony beyond the pall.
  12. or maybe he saw a camera nearby....?
  13. ESPN probably got the silly idea of actually "watching" the Bills for a season, then ranking them in the context of the rest of the league. If only they had read the TBD threads before taking such rash action!
  14. The Santa Barbara Brewing Company, State St., Santa Barbara, CA. Usually last about a quarter then leave to clear my head of the awful showing by the Bills. Watching in a sports bar allows one to look at several games and make comparisons--not good if you're a Bills fan.
  15. Not sure about division, but it seems the Bills are on track to win at some other math functions, e.g., They are subtracting the salaries of capable players by trading them; and adding FA signings for much smaller salaries. This appears to add up to another season where the problems multiply.
  16. Memo to Ralph: Sell the team now! Even though you're positioned to make even more $ this year, your product sucks--has, does, will in the future--just sucks. Your teams have a worse failure rate than intercity schools for (#%!$^ sake! Why do we continue to buy your poor product, beats me.
  17. My bad; I thought this was about Ralph's wealth....
  18. A change in ownership leading to a new philosophy in the front office.
  19. You can't compare two disparate things and expect convergence and similarity. From a business perspective, the Bills are truly successful--year after year. From a sports perspective, they suck--have and will for the foreseeable future.
  20. Promo, it's like business, "What is the bottom line and what have you done for me lately?" We actually DON'T owe Ralph anything; he owes us. After all, we're the customers in this equation and successful businesses serve their customers. Of course, most businesses aren't subsidized, as are the Bills, by local and state governments and the NFL through contracts with the media, and thus able to ignore their direct customers.
  21. Since the Buffalo Bills is primarily a business, why would any owner run it in any other way? They make tons of money, aren't required to produce a quality product, receive substantial subsidies from the NFL as well as local and state governments, and basically ignore the people who continue to flock to buy their product. Oh, by the way, if we don't buy enough of their product; they take it off the shelf until we once again buy at least the minimum amount (blackout).
  22. Give this article a read in the context of the Bills' actions: http://espn.go.com/espn/page2/story/_/id/6883286/tmq-says-money-motivates-losing-cheap-paying-wins
  23. A couple more "endorsements" from the Maxine Waters' of the Democratic Party will ensure the Tea Party long life and strong support. Speaking of Maxine, she brings to mind the old bromide, "You can't shine $#!^"
  24. Maxine Waters, Charlie Wrangel, Barney Frank are the poster children for subsidized living in the USA. Their motto might be, "I'm here, so I'm entitled!"
  25. Well, there are game plans and then there are game plans. Don't the coaches have to "plan" the way they will proceed through a game in terms of playing people and putting them in situations so coaches can gauge a player's potential? And, if that is somewhat true, don't the coaches have to "plan" certain alignments in certain situations to give players the opportunity to perform and exhibit what they've learned in camp? And, don't coaches have to, therefore, know a bit about their opponent's tendencies? Don't the coaches want to at least give their players the impression that they know a bit about what to expect come game day against another team--pre-season, or not? Oh wait, that sounds like game planning and so many on this board have said that isn't necessary in pre-season....
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