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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Joe Biden is the poster child for one of my favorite sayings, "You can't shine ****."
  2. Shucks, I thought this thread was about Hill'ry and Joe Biden....
  3. So do you think Romney is a wind-up or a battery powered doofus?
  4. I have a PhD, your premise blows....
  5. I say we assist Karzai and "cast out those demons," and on our way out of town we take any semblance of future aid with us. We saw, we went there, we failed, we know enough to get out...NOW. Hopefully, we also learn the lesson that we must overcome our arrogance and not meddle in countries wherein we have not the slightest understanding of the prevailing culture.
  6. I agree w/ Alaska Darin--If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got....
  7. I think the Etch-A-Sketch analogy is perfect. To me the whole concept perfectly describes my take on today's politicians. "Tell 'em what they want to hear; move on to the next town." "Read a poll or two, design a message to tweak results in your favor; move on to the next issue." What really scares me more than that modus operandi is the blatant disregard for any attempt to keep the tactic quiet from the sheep in the bleachers.
  8. does the Secretary of State, Hill'ry, have to look like a bag lady? Can't the President toss her a few bucks for some hair advice and styling? We just deserve better than the constant skunk look.
  9. Barack Obama must sleep soundly knowing that VP Joe Biden has his front...'er...back. Oh never mind, I'm sure Joe has it no matter where it is.
  10. It appears that Ralph, and the administration he has in place, have resisted pressure since Christ was a midshipman. Why expect anything else...?
  11. While I don't particularly care for Bob Matthews' columns' content, I do appreciate the format wherein he places the names of those discussed in bold print. A quick scan permits me to make the read-don't read decision.
  12. Not sure about resurrecting yesteryear as the basis of the defense for the Bills 2012-13 season. Remember: "If you always do what you always did; you always get what you always got." Unfortunately, this appears to be the mantra of the Bills for lo these many years....
  13. Actually, I find that Sully often "sees" the same Bills game that I see. The Bills should be "in" every game; win some of them, and emerge at the end of the season with 9 - 10 wins in the average season. Last ten years their record has been lower than whale feces. How do you dress that string of lame seasons into shiny positive newspaper columns?
  14. So in terms of physical impact over the long haul, the cigarettes will ruin your lungs, but the Bills will tear your heart out. Hmmm, interesting choice.
  15. May a pox descend on the house of your loved ones; may the keg in your garage parch and go dry; may you descend into the seventh level of Dante's Inferno; may you come to understand that the only coaches who are willing to come to the Bills are out of work losers...
  16. Assuming the Bills lose one more game is about as risky as assuming today is Saturday.
  17. au contraire, we will continue to sink until the present owner is no longer the present owner, until the present administration is no longer the present administration, until the present philosophy is no longer the present philosophy.... In other words, what we need eclipses a mere year or two of draft choices; we need a systemic change.
  18. Why wouldn't Corzine deflect blame? He is merely following the lead of Eric Holder, Barack Obama, Hil'ry Clinton, et. al. The idea that the boss assumes responsibility for the organization died long ago; with the possible exception of the military--but even there it only applies to those at the grunt level, the top of the ranks have learned to deflect with the best of them. So, Corzine is merely carrying out a long tradition of deceit.
  19. Gotta be kind of awkward what with the steering wheel, gear shifter, turn signal stalk in the way, and then there's that tranny hump (no pun intended).
  20. Gee, fellas, does this mean no Christmas card exchange this year?
  21. If I could own stock in the Bills, I'd be satisfied w/ Ralph as owner because the outfit has a great business plan, makes money, and is insulated from outside pressures. As a fan, RW is the pits as an owner because his organization has different objectives than what fans expect. There is no reason whatsoever to field a winning team under the current climate where fans continue to buy tickets to see third rate performances.
  22. I believe Maybin would be the same thing we saw for two years had he stayed in Buffalo. I think he needed the shock of being cut to make him realize he had to actually do something. All the best in NYC, good riddance from Buffalo.
  23. One of the underpinnings of our current economic crisis was banks loaning money to mortgage-seekers who were not truly qualified to assume the level of debt they sought. Nevertheless, lenders made the loans, predictably borrowers defaulted, and eventually the house of cards collapsed. The government rode to the rescue with TARP, bailouts, handouts, etc. Critical examinations determined the loans were a bad thing to begin with (Duh). So, having lived through that crisis and identified some of the causes, our government has identified a group of poor-risk loan seekers (read Italy, Greece, etc.) and has swooped to the rescue by making suspect loans/loan guarantees. At least we will recognize the early signs of collapse, having just been through it on a national level. Ordinarily, when one says, "learn from history," one means that the events should not be repeated. In our case we appear to have simply extrapolated the lesson to the international stage where we will well and truly get our fiscal tit caught in a major wringer as some point in the near future.
  24. and when the borrowers default on their loans, we already have mechanisms in place to mulligan the bail-outs! What a wonderful life.
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