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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. I just hope this pissing contest continues; it illustrates the futility of truly sharing one's thoughts with an anonymous audience....
  2. Good nicknames are usually based on the characteristics of the thing, or person, being named. Since the Bills defense hasn't played a down, it seems a bit early to be choosing names.
  3. Can you really and truly say you are voting FOR Mitt Romney without saying/thinking/knowing that you're really voting against Obama? Is there enough substance in Romney's bank of experiences, in his ability to comment off-the-cuff on matters of world import, to begin to justify casting a vote for him? Of course, one can swap the names around in the above paragraph and be just as challenged. Simply put, the choice in November just plain sux.
  4. I don't believe there is a real "Romney." There is a person that handlers wind up and send forth to say whatever fits that particular campaign stop. This effect is evident much more so than with the average, run of the mill, politician. The Romney smiles, rolls up his sleeves, smooths his jeans, and sallies forth to mouth inanities by the bucket full. Harking back to an ad during the last Presidential campaign, I sure don't want the Romney-bot answering the telephone at 2:00 AM. Hard to believe the Romney person will actually be nominated at the RNC. Maybe the presence of the Romney person is the thing that has the Republicans so contentious and generally pissed. Just think about entering the voting booth in November and seeing the names Obama and Romney as the major choices; worse yet, one of them will actually win!
  5. If we can prove, without a doubt, that Romney is a stone cold liar, his candidacy for high political office is enhanced three fold! All hail the elected official who obfuscates, muddies, twists, spins and in other ways evades telling the truth. Look us in the eye, lie to us in a convincing manner, and we'll vote for you every time; and, of course, once you are the incumbent, you're golden.
  6. I just don't have the strength to write, once again, the depth of my negative feelings about Hil'ry Clinton. She is an evil person.
  7. Actually, Hill'ry is a fat-thighed, mouse-haired, carpet-bagging, bitter loser who specializes in restating what someone else has developed. Her last original thought came during the Truman presidency. So, OP, No, you're not the only one!
  8. Supporting ALL of the Chef Jim comments above +1
  9. As I consider all the Rands, I prefer Sally....
  10. My understanding is that Al Gore has formed a small group of concerned 'net-ites to study the matter and propose options to the UN for immediate tabling....
  11. What's up with the thinking that civil war may break out in Syria? How will civil war be different from the eighteen month-long series of battles currently in place? Will officially designating the conflict as a civil war qualify Syria for aid from the US? Will the UN members collectively wring hands in a different direction? 'splains it to me....
  12. Any way I could get Hill'ry on that list? I'm just saying'....
  13. I agree w/ DC Tom's level of acceptance of social programs. For some number of participants, the assistance should be long-term; for others it must be temporary so as to provide impetus for addressing the factors that resulted in the original need. From my vantage point (taxpayer supporting the house of cards) it appears that the lure of freebies far out weighs the need for individual self-sustaining efforts to get out from under the programs siren call.
  14. Responding to John Adams, I point out my attack was on a woman, not women. Whatever you managed to falsely extrapolate from my comments might just equal your assumption that you know what "party" I represent/support. Imagine this: There just may be a number of Democrats out there that neither worship the Clintons, nor admire the trail of destruction they left in DC. The woman carpetbagged her way into NYS politics, rode her husband's tawdry administration/affair to prominence, "listened" her way across the country in a faux presidential campaign angling for a political appointment; now, in the sunset of her years, rides off to a sinecure fit for just another politician. Meteoric, I think not!
  15. Some Clinton pimp penned a puff piece on Secretary of State Thunder Thighs. It seems she is the greatest SoS ever, but her international service is coming to an end. I'm sure her femininity and world acumen have resulted in world leaders, especially in the Middle East, reassessing their centuries-old stance demeaning women. My hope is that her step-down from public life provides time for washing her hair and getting it cut. What a schlub!
  16. BTI seems like a neighborhood bar that suffers the intrusions of game day. Players that appear after practice stay pretty low key, and patrons respect that. Don't count on girls, bar fights, etc. Although I'm sure you could get your @$$ kicked w/o too much trouble.
  17. So, since the Bills are the ONLY team to play in NYS, aren't they the first best team in NY?
  18. +1 for boob guy. How can a breast man be out of touch (No pun intended)? He doesn't need help beyond some intense D cup therapy. Oh, that's right, this thread topic is about the incumbent and his rivals. Well, they are just boobs in the "other" sense of the word....
  19. Can you say politically expedient? After the November election, will the position on gay marriage evolve further; or will it REvolve to something a bit less than support for same sex marriage? We'll just have to see what Sasha and Melia have to say at the dinner table, won't we? Smooth move, BO, take some of the sting out of a position shift by embracing the girls and their friends. AAaaaarrrrgggghhhhhhhhh!
  20. Just close your eyes and follow me.
  21. In similar cases, I understand they often issue a BOLO--Boobs On Loose Oh my....
  22. When you watch Romney step up to the podium at one of his insufferable campaign stops, don't you just think of all the empty suits (or, in his case, dress shirt and jeans), Etch-A-Sketch, shifting sands candidates that have come before him? Can you really see him evoking confidence at an international conference of our allies, trading partners, whomever? I look at Obama, Romney, Newt, et. al., and think that we have allowed these flacks to emerge and prosper over time by re-electing incumbents, or simply not voting, thus sending the message that we are well and truly satisfied with mediocrity.
  23. I look for the eight-man, unarmed UN force inserted in Syria to stop the fighting quickly. If not, the UN may institute sanctions by limiting the import of all Hostess cupcake products. Eight people....really?
  24. That's almost as funny as saying Joe Biden is Vice President!
  25. Just how much does the US pony up each year to continue participation in the UN? This is an institution that has never approached its primary objective of international cooperation to resolve regional problems. Being a member of the UN makes less sense than continuing to buy Bills tickets. Admittedly, some of the ancillary agencies w/in the UN do address and mitigate some serious world social problems. Just as the Bills make some good plays at some point in each season. What a crowning achievement that there is unanimity among the major powers in issuing a "strong" press release condemning the atrocities in Syria. That coup took only a year. Maybe I'm just old and impatient.
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