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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. The worst loss will be the ninth loss....
  2. Wow, New Bills, that must have been some bottle of wine....
  3. Just so it doesn't mention Clinton.
  4. or is the OP building a case, just in case the Bills - Jets thingy goes south....?
  5. Why not, the electoral college eliminated him....
  6. Why the surprise? After all, the word "liar" can be formed from the letters used in the word "politician." Wait a minute, I lied about that....
  7. I love the Bills because I can't handle dissonance in my life and, since the fishing sucks, I'm terminally bored and have a generally negative view of things in my old age; the Bills fit right in and require no additional mental maintenance. Hoooah!
  8. All this talk about the electoral college is informative and stirring just before the election, but let's get back to Al Gore--he's a dyed-in-the-wool doofus of the first magnitude.
  9. 7 -9 if they're lucky. Team looks much like past teams in that offense puts forth a good/great first series, then unravels as the game progresses. Same with the defense--as offensive woes shorten time with the ball, defense tires, fades to black, game lost...again.
  10. Yeah, the first lady is irrelevant...much as the first husband should be irrelevant when the President is female.
  11. Yeah, I'm aware that the wives that went before did the same thing; and I didn't like it then either. When I vote, I vote for the person on the ballot, not the person's family. I don't give a rat's rectum about the views of the spouse. I need the candidate to stand up and represent her/his own beliefs. If I can't figure out what I need to know from the candidate's speeches, comments, etc., I look for another candidate. I guess I've experienced too many of these bull $#!t cycles, and voted for too many ineffective politicians, to have to entertain, again, the thought that the way I'll really get to know a candidate is by listening to his wife. Deepest apologies to those offended by my feelings....
  12. So Mitt's wife, in this case apparently his better half, is giving a speech to "tell us" who her husband really is? Will she be answering the 'phone at 2:30 AM, too? How lame is it to have one's wife promoted as the one who will help us all understand what we need to know about Mitt. Can I call her when I want to know whether to vote for Maggie or Weezy?
  13. In the spirit of "the best predictor of tomorrow is yesterday," I'm saying 7 - 9 for the 2012 season. I just don't believe that the pre-season is all a sham and has no value in terms of what comes next...Oh yeah, that and the past ten years figure in there, too.
  14. I just hope he isn't the old trent edwards....
  15. So the official format of the campaign is for Romney to tread on "little cat's feet," and Obama to slash and burn? *^(& that! Say what you want to say, accept the consequences, move on to the next false statement!
  16. Since I have yet to see a scary pass rush from the 2012 Bills.....?
  17. Wow, I'm just out of it, I guess. I keep thinking that preseason is the time to test things, make progress, build a momentum, show some spark, develop a swagger, etc., but I guess the vast majority of those posting above know better. According to them, the preseason is just a time period to suffer through, and all will sparkle once we get into the Jets game. But wait, my thoughts may just be foolish caterwauling.... Still, I think just a smidgeon of doubt is acceptable at this point, don't you?
  18. Yawn.... The real Biden story is that he was a silent partner with Al Gore in that Internet founding thingy.
  19. Joe Biden is just one more person out of the clown car that is called the Obama administration. Usually, he isn't even the first person out....
  20. What Rochester TW channel will carry the Vikings game?
  21. Not sure who will win; I AM SURE WHO WILL LOSE--the people of the USA will lose no matter who is sworn in on inauguration day.
  22. My main concern is that I don't really know if I'm better off than four years ago, or not. The economy is so volatile that I don't have a sense of confidence when I look at my bank balance--what will happen to taxes, what is the real impact of trillions in deficit spending, what no-name country will the USA prop up next and at what cost to taxpayers, what group in our nation will come forward and demand to be served through federal/state/local subsidies, will my bank default, will my pension and social security payments suddenly go south....and the beat goes on and on....
  23. I'm 72 years old; I've always suspected that it wasn't smart to &^#& around with freight trains....
  24. I wonder of Obama saved his old uniforms to wear to his unit's reunions...Oh, that's right, he.......
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