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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Picking games before the season is NOT dumb. The only qualifier for making such picks is that you MUST be picking Bills games. The formula is simple: As soon as the schedule comes out, grab a pencil. Then, put an L next to the games you know they'll lose, and a W next to the games you know they'll win. Next, count up your projected wins and losses. Then, subtract four from the number of wins and add that to the loss column. Next subtract two from your loss column and add that to your win column. IF your result is anything other than 7 - 9, you did it wrong.
  2. That's what an Olean education does for you....
  3. "Romney opens...." I'm not sure Romney could open a bag of candy...unless it was Dum Dums.
  4. Please, I'm beggin' ya, DON'T mention the word Hil'ry in the same sentence with the word President. That fat-thighed, scraggly-haired harridan has done enough damage as it is. When she announced, a number of months ago, that she would hang it up in terms of political aspirations, I was over-the-moon enchanted.
  5. So, when Sully critiques the Bills, he's a jerk; and when he praises them, he's a homer? Sounds like a reasoned response to his writings to me....
  6. I agree w/ uncle flap. It is relatively routine to evaluate, develop objectives, re-assess, document, then recommend dismissal of incompetent teachers. How do I know, I've done it several times. The process is protracted, and somewhat expensive, but ALWAYS worth it. Dismissing poor teachers tells the staff, parents and the community that student success is job 1.
  7. In response, let's take to the streets, burn the Afghan flag, burn mosques, storm the Afghan diplomatic sites in the US, implore our western brothers to join us in a holy war against the infidels, etc. Or, we could sit back, shake our heads in disgust and schedule another aid shipment for Afghanistan. Gee, which will it be....this time?
  8. I hope you are in the company of loved ones who know how to call 911 tomorrow afternoon.
  9. Let's call the new guy "Cleats." Yeah, that's it, Cleats....
  10. Actually, Hil'ry looks good in a bandanna!
  11. Wow, the Elmira Star Gazette, Gannett's flag ship newspaper. Any reaction from the Horseheads Elks Club?
  12. 72; followed the Bills since Christ was a midshipman. Enjoyed the Super Bowl runs, hated the last thirteen - fourteen years of inept play, part-time players giving some-time effort, lousy coaches, and bottom-feeding results. Not ready to sign on for a re-run of the same old, same old; to do so is to mimic the Bills ownership and administration and I won't do that.
  13. SecSt Hil'ry Clinton leaves her white socks, Pumas and her shopping cart when she is at the microphones making a statement? What a bag person!
  14. My fear is that at some point early in the season we may wish to exchange those paper bags for plastic bags....
  15. When you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.... New ownership, new leadership--do it now--stop fiddling with the deck chairs while the Titanic sinks; make the needed moves, or stand back while the team goes 6 - 10...again, and again, and again....
  16. I think he's looking up at Nick Swisher's grandparents....
  17. Superbowl my @$$, I would settle for the first number being larger than the second number at the end of the season!
  18. I think OP got it right. It is sink--as in the team is mired in the sink!
  19. Tinkering with the little pieces won't bring about the fundamental changes the team needs to succeed. RW needs to sell the team now.
  20. Right, this is only one game. One game so far THIS year; how about it being just another signature game exactly like those over the past ten - twelve years? Is there a point where the light bulb goes on for you and you realize your money, your support, your presence at games deserve more than same old, same old? If your mechanic screws up your car repairs, do you continue to take your car there year after year? If you get consistently poor meals at a restaurant, do you continue to patronize the place? If.... Granted, being a fan requires more than a passing allegiance to a team, but there comes a time when one should make an independent decision and acknowledge that the team just isn't very good, hasn't been very good, won't be very good until some fundamental changes take place, e.g., change in ownership, leadership, etc.
  21. So maybe those preseason games should have been used to develop a momentum instead of dick around w/ no game planning, little on-field experience for starters, etc....?
  22. At this rate, the Bills couldn't even get tickets to the playoffs.
  23. I'll say it again: The Bills need new ownership w/ a kick-@$$ approach. The best predictor of tomorrow is yesterday. What did fans expect after watching four anemic pre-season efforts?
  24. Last week I said 7 - 9; this week, I'm at 6 - 10.
  25. Rating aren't a surprise; after all, we all know how the DNC turns out. Unfortunately, it isn't the season finale!
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