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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. While I share the sentiment, I won't do anything on Facebook.
  2. Somewhere above this post a reply said that money talks.... If that is true, one can say the Bills speak in the softest of tones; and they will reduce the volume even further given the &100,000,000 fiasco entered into this past off season!
  3. No, definitely NOT a fan of ND. Primary reason is best left unsaid.
  4. Ok, build it on a really really big barge; then, when the team moves to a new city, the new owner can just move the stadium, too. And it will save the taxpayers in the new city a passel of $, and only one set of taxpayers (those in NYS) will get screwed by the whole deal!!!
  5. The President says he will accomplish immigration reform in his second term. Wimpy told Popeye, "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."
  6. Of course, when you think of what OBD is putting on the field, you can make a case that there are NO NFL teams in NYS now....
  7. If he doesn't get the job, have security watch for him returning with a bulge under his coat....
  8. OP's comments imply that there is a plan somewhere; we all know that ain't the case after watching the demise of the franchise for lo these many years!
  9. So, I'm thinkin' go just a bit farther out INTO the lake, then building a stadium makes as much sense as anything else the Bill's have going for them....
  10. Face it, this team is rank.
  11. So I'm thinkin' it's too late to find someone who doesn't lie to us, shuck and jive through international concerns, and pander to their supposed "base?"
  12. Hmmmm, Sergio Kindle....I don't know how to read him....
  13. So if Candy Crowley's interruptions threw Mitt off his game plan imagine his fluster level in an actual crisis....?
  14. Whew, that DC Tom is slap yo mama smart, eh?
  15. I think BO will exercise executive privilege, create a tenth Supreme Court Justice position, appoint Hil'ry and "fix" it sometime during his second term. Constitution, we don't need no stinkin' Constitution!
  16. But when two shaky-at-best teams meet, one of them will probably win; that's not a statement of either team's quality, just that one is still standing at the end.
  17. Solid win on the road...are you nuts? Did you actually SEE the game? The Bills received a W because the Cardinals lost the game. Coaching was abysmal, QB play was just that--play.
  18. Let's wait and see....really? It seems to me that wait and see is the plan put in place by OBD at this point. This just in: Wait and see rarely leads to positive outcomes. Reasoned action is better than reaction any time.
  19. So the prevailing, and most acceptable, stance is to ignore the poor play and hope things improve? Is that what you do when your child's school is lousy, when your mechanic screws you over, when you plumber's bill exceeds the estimate by 30%? The definition of fan is not synonymous with blind allegiance. A fan is knowledgable, aware, focused and doles out both constructive and critical comments as she or he sees fit. The Bills suck, they have sucked, they will suck for the foreseeable future; that's the real world right now.
  20. I DO blame Ralph. He is the owner, the ultimate boss. He deserves compliments for the good things he has done for the team and Buffalo in general; and he deserves the blame for letting the team get out of control. It appears that the non-Bills sources of revenue (sharing league-generated $'s) have clouded his vision in terms of his responsibility for the team's performance. From his vantage point, the enterprise is making money--the objective of every business; from "our" point of view, the team is an abysmal failure.
  21. I start fall Sundays with the best of intentions regarding watching the Bills. One or two series into the game and all I can think about is that I've "watched this same game a hundred times in the past twelve years." The Bills aren't worth my time any more...and I'm retired, so my time ain't worth too much! For sure, don't put a nickel into the stadium re-do until there is a real reason to do so. If the intent is to create a really big flea market venue, fine, go ahead with the reno's; if the intent is to house an NFL team, don't spend a dime until Buffalo has a true NFL team.
  22. One of the girls looking at two of the girls....
  23. The best predictor of tomorrow is yesterday....
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