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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. I believe there is an email noting that George Bush once crossed paths with General Petraeus in a Piggly Wiggly in Norfolk, VA, thus laying the entire affair currently under investigation at Bush's doorstep. Damn that George Bush!
  2. westside, if you think Bush screwed up, you should see the things Chester Arthur messed with; yeah, that SOB is the root of all evil!
  3. Bills scored thirty-one points last Sunday; no other NFL team scoring 31 points last Sunday lost. Maybe, just maybe, the defense is the top-of-the-list reason for the miserable season. QB's throw INT's, running backs fumble, bad calls occur; good defenses go a long way toward evening the playing field (no pun intended) and keeping teams in games 'til the offense gets it done.
  4. So four Americans die in Benghazi, isolated from assistance by who-knows-whom and the media all but ignores the event. A general/CIA fella is doing the horizontal hula and it takes on the mantra of a firestorm/outrage against humanity--who knew what, when--stop the presses? I just don't get it...Oh, wait a minute, I guess I do get it.
  5. I continue to revisit the session where Romney first talked about the 47%. As I recall it, he was talking about strategy for getting elected, mentioning the fact that 47% of the electorate appeared to be locked up by BO, so Romney would concentrate his campaign on the others. From there his comments took on the misinterpretation that he was turning his back on the 47% for all time. Just politics as we've come to know it.
  6. You may have missed it, but we, "...put on a show..." just about every time "we" play. And please keep posting the incessant thought that our next win will start a "roll" to the playoffs.
  7. Stop right here. Go back and read all of the above posts w/o interruption. Do Americans really have that much free time on their hands?
  8. At this point it appears that the only way the Bills can be a spoiler is by not showing up. We are the front line bi*ch of the NFL this season.
  9. I take exception to the OP's statement that money doesn't always win; in fact, it does always win, e.g., free cell phones, food stamps, 99 weeks of unemployment, and the beat goes on....
  10. OP, let's cut to the chase: Outline your plan for losing throughout the rest of the season; give us specifics so we can ponder the impact of your thoughts.
  11. After the deck chairs are rearranged, tune up the Titanic's band for a hearty rendition of Nearer My God to Thee, because this ship is sinking rapidly.
  12. In keeping with the nation's newly energized spirit of hope, change and compassion, should we not take up a collection to enroll OP in rehab ASAP?
  13. What ever weapons we settle on, let's not pick tomatoes or rocks because we don't have anyone who can throw them far enough.
  14. And don't forget that Darius was a winner at this point prior to his draft, and Stephon was a winner this time last year, and....
  15. The team must not quit! It is much harder to build a winning attitude than it is to find a serviceable QB.
  16. So, Duck (and I read that as a verb not a noun), do you get off on throwing marmalade grenades into the pool to see who will jump into the colored water? You need a real hobby; have you thought about repairing toasters while in the bath tub?
  17. BO is just a fine example of my mantra, "You can't shine ****."
  18. RW is the boss, the boss sets the tone--by design, or by default. No chance for change until RW is no longer the boss.,
  19. Let's all just calm down a bit, draw a deep breath and understand that NOTHING is going to change as long as RW is the team's owner. Yes, we all owe RW a debt of gratitude for getting the team on its feet in the early innings, for keeping the team in Buffalo, etc. Times have changed, RW hasn't in terms of the Bills; it's not 1970 any longer. So, Bills fans, have a seat, wait for it...new ownership is on the horizon and rearranging the deck chairs may occupy your minds, but there will be no substantive change until the ownership mantle passes to someone else.
  20. Do the Bills really have the NFL Castoff Group on speed dial?
  21. Just how team-oriented is a player that has surgery independent of the team's knowledge, then advises all concerned via Twitter? Shop him now, before he dreams up another ailment....
  22. Just reinforces my concept of almost all things catholic.
  23. If you watched the Jets this PM, don't you wonder if the Bills really had a bye this week....? Looked suspiciously like the Bills in green uniforms.
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