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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. No way. The Bills have taken on too many reclamation projects in past years. Start a head coach search now, develop a salary and benefits package that will attract a young gun and that breaks the on-the-cheap tradition of coaches pay in Buffalo, don't settle for just interviewing those that apply--get aggressive and go after a proven winner. If it takes draft picks to entice another team to give permission to speak to a current coach, well, that's the price for getting out of the hole dug by generations of poor decisions. The Bills are facing a "fiscal cliff" of their own making. Make some decisions, take some action, find a way out of the current morass.
  2. OK, over a decade ago authored, and sold to many politicians, a pledge not to raise taxes . Why does he carry a big stick today? A lot of people said and did a lot of things years ago that do not stand the test of time today; shouldn't politicians make decisions within the context they find themselves today, not yesterday?
  3. To stand by a loser is called enabling; the more we do it, the more we "tell" OBD everything is OK as far as we're concerned....
  4. I agree with OP! So many who post here have come to the realization that the owner of a company bears final responsibility for the performance of the company. RW is responsible for the Buffalo Bills. Some owners are responsible because they are hands-on, some are responsible because they delegate decision-making authority to an administrator; but ALL owners are finally responsible. RW's company can't fail because there is enough league and endorsement $ to keep the enterprise afloat, nevertheless, he presides over a company that is incapable, as currently structured, of fielding a successful product. Conclusion: Sell the team ASAP! If the new owner moves the team, so be it; the concept of the Buffalo Bills deserves better treatment that it gets at present.
  5. Ranks right up there with most of the recent political TV ads that disparaged whomever at the moment. While there may not be a mute button for yard signs, passersby can change their route, ignore the sign, learn to live with it, etc. Would there be the same degree of attention paid to a sign reading, "Obama's my President"? Nuff said.
  6. How can that be? Must be the odds makers have seen the Bills play.
  7. You guys simply must stop posting while under the influence!
  8. If'n you don't like the message, turn the damn thing off...the sooner, the better. Saves a lot of aggravation.
  9. Someone on page one of this thread talked about a near-win. I think that's a marvelous concept, and I think the NFL should begin to collect statistics based on near-wins. The continuing presence of the Bills in the NFL has finally forced recognition of this concept and the need to collect data about near-wins. Just imagine the Bills could be 5-8-3 for the 2012 season, not bad at all!
  10. Have you watched the Bills games this year? Do you, in your heart of hearts, believe the Bills can win the next three...can win any three of the remaining games?
  11. Whatever get you your fifteen minutes....
  12. westside/duck, My comments are my comments, from my perspective, given my life experiences--taken 'em or leave 'em. I feel no need whatsoever to explain anything to you beyond that.
  13. Ah, we have such a keen understanding of the MIddle East mind; and, trading on this insight, we send our female SecSt to deal with the thorniest of issues.
  14. OP aid the Bills can easily win out; if ever one needed proof that many of us are just plain whacky, that is it!
  15. Or choose the very best team and have them play a Washington-Generals type team (read Buffalo Bills) like the Globe Trotters do.
  16. Duck says Obama is death; not sure about that, but I'm sure he'll be the death of some of us given the path he has carved out for the next four years.
  17. Any advisory panel that includes Rev. Al Dullton is sure to plumb the depths of insight and present a spectrum of options fully acceptable to BO. All hail Rev. Dullton, ambulance chaser par excellence.
  18. Vladimir Putin believes the UN should have a role in Internet monitoring. Seriously, the do-nothing UN, or the other one--the one that can't pay its bills, etc.
  19. Well, Soupy Sales is dead and Pee Wee Herman is.... Who do you expect BO to turn to?
  20. Could one say that the NJ and NY coast is shovel-ready? If so, would any government agency be able to develop a plan to attack the problems there? (FEMA is busy with weather report analysis in the event an outreach office needs to close because of rain.)
  21. No, really, he's on Parks and Recreation tonight. I think he's on hiatus from the other sit-com he's on; you know, the one that tapes in Washington, D.C. Proving once again that he is just a comedian and shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.
  22. Smiley, this is a forum for BILLS fans, please Google your actual NFL team and post on that team's forum. Thanks!
  23. Not sure how it will happen, not sure when it will happen, but I am sure it will happen--Bills will push the self-destruct button at a critical point and the resulting swirly will cost the Bills the game.
  24. So initially I thought 7 - 9; now I'm revising downward to 5 - 11. Ho hum....
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