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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Doesn't matter to me; I'm off to another site due to the fact that the "outlanders" have kidnapped this one. They are entitled to post their "points of view"; I don't care for their points of view, nor their presentation methods, so as they are entitled to theirs, I'm exercising mine, adios PPP.
  2. Care to share with us the difference between close enough and too far over
  3. Dear Mrs. Pegula, Please pass my comments regarding the leagues response to ignoring the covid-19 protocol along to Commissioner Goodell. Fines are not an appropriate response. Owners can easily part with wads of money because there will be more coming in. Additionally, money isn't as directly related to the game of professional football as is a game forfeit, or withholding draft picks. Particularly since one team's lapse of attention to the protocol directrly impacts several other teams, often to a greater degree than suffered by the original perpetrator. For example, Tennessee Titan players directly ignored the protocol section concerning informal practice sessions. The domino effect of their actions impacts a number of teams, e.g., Buffalo Bills and Kansas City Chiefs. In response, the NFL should withhold two Titans 2021 draft picks in rounds one, two, or three. Respectfully submitted. Keukasmallie
  4. Seen, I used to live there!
  5. I have been fishing for over 70 years. Currently, I'm hooked (no pun intended) on smallmouth bass fishing on upstate NY's Keuka lake. I have a 19' Glastron Ski & Fish boat that gets a ton of work between late April and mid-October. I'm strictly a catch and release fisherman. I figure why kill something that gives me a great deal of pleasure. Years ago I enjoyed ice fishing, but age has pointed out the foolishness of that for me.
  6. I use one twice a week.
  7. Actually,l I have two favorite nuts, but if I name them I'll get more warning points. Is there any truth to the rumor that black walnuts must undergo a name change?
  8. Monday, Monday, can't trust that day; Monday, Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way.
  9. See Doc's post. Then, please post the employment figures for minorities per Adminnistrations.
  10. Well, in the last two decades the Democrats held sway in numerous cities, states and nationally over long periods of time and what happened, other than strengthening their own baliwicks, ....crickets....
  11. Since when is skin color the only definition of minority? Have you really screened all of the appeals court appointees for skin color? I get it that you hate Trump, and that's fine with me, but take a breath....
  12. Wow, have you listened to him over the past year or two; do you really think he is not suffering dementia; do you accept Kamala Harris as President within a year?
  13. There most certainly should be moderation of posts on this website. The owner is ultimately responsible for the site and deserves to set parameters within which he is comfortable. If I didn't like his parameters I'd leave. rather than argue against them.
  14. Not sure about taking the team into the Titans facility; seems like a risk of exposure to me....
  15. Yup, what Rob said.
  16. Wow, fortunately for you the answer is simple: Never post here again, never read anything posted here, never click on whatever link you use to get to PPP. There, that should take care of your concerns so hasta luego!
  17. And then there's this from the Land of Fruit and Nuts: Historic California law establishes path to reparations for Black people, descendants of slaves. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/historic-california-law-establishes-path-reparations-black-people-descendants-slaves-n1241627 What about white people who are descendents of slaves? In any event, I propose that the reparations be in the form of physical labor to more mirror the original misuse of persons. Monetary payments are simply not comparable to what slaves suffered, and appear to cheapen the concept of amends for a wrong done long ago.
  18. I'm always more impressed when a poster increases the font size to emphasize points being made; so Kemp, if you don't want to get people mad, don't be annoying.
  19. It could change if there was a determined effort to stop voting for incumbents and support challengers. One may not be entirely comfortable with many of the challengers, but the greater good is voting the entrenched cabal OUT.
  20. When she needs the boost she does, otherwise she's open to whatever the Dem's need at the moment. Ask Hill'ry about the power of poll results. Yeah, I didn't think so....
  21. Gee, his mentor, George Soros seems to get away with it time after time....
  22. Your Honor, my son is not a felon, but I'd appreciate it very much if you'd pay off his mortgage. Contact me for details such as mortgage holder, outstanding balance, son's employer, etc. Whilke not a felon, he has done some things neither his mother nor I approve of thus, hopefully, making him eligible for your assistance Thanks for considering my humble request, Respectfully, Keukasmallie
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