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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Optical illusions can make a girl dream, eh?
  2. Does she have an item from the 90's that has potential DJT DNA on it?
  3. Try to follow along. Do you suspect that the numbers being presented by the U.S. are false?
  4. WHO never offered the test kits to the U.S. Based on how he handled the swine flu?
  5. You usually count to ten? Why can't you do so the other times?
  6. My concern is that certain countries like Iran, China and North Korea are not giving out true information.
  7. Calling a 900 number call a "conference call" is nothing more than code for an interactive encounter with a video sex worker. The fact that you discussed the size of my unit is disturbing. Is nothing confidential? One would think that if you suck for a living you'd swallow that fact rather than spitting it out there for all to see. In addition, what's with the porn pic above?
  8. Yahoo is slanted way to the left. Take your pick of articles from the left or the far left. Nice.
  9. .01% is 1/100 of 1 percent which would mean that yes, we would have 33,000 deaths nationwide. If 2 million people in NYS have been infected then at a rate of 1% we would have 200,000 deaths in NYS alone. The base figures are wrong.
  10. Do all you lawyers take a class on how to deflect? I certainly wasn't copying you, I was correcting you.
  11. Given the circumstances at the time, how would you have handled things?
  12. Well Mr. List Maker, your list of lists is lacking. You failed to create a list for liars and for some reason I doubt that was an oversight. Typos are for mistakes made by hitting a nearby key rather than the correct one. How close are the "c" and "p" on your keyboard? Quit the horseshit. For the most part but others who tested positive were sent to places like military bases. What is your point?
  13. Trump allowed U.S. citizens to return along with people that had a legal right to be here. What you fail to note is that they were all put under quarantine when they got here. The average amount of Chinese visitors to the U.S. is 20,000 per day. The amount of U.S. citizens allowed to return was legal but handled in a safe manner. How would you have handled the situation?
  14. That wasn't a typo unless you are so obese that one of you fingers nearly covers your keyboard. As of now, you are on my Horseshitters List. Wasn't NYS shorted 40,000 ventilators? -)
  15. So, there's no room for saying that someone did a good job under difficult circumstances? That's like blaming the firefighters for ruining the carpet with water. WTF do comments regarding a hurricane from 15 years ago have to do with this?
  16. It would appear as if Kushner has very deftly handled the logistics of obtaining ventilators and PPE's. He's now at the point where he doesn't have to do as much plugging in here and there since supplies are flooding in. Kudos to Kushner.
  17. If you didn't spend so much time promoting a fish tank cleaner as a new super drug maybe you could get your facts right, eh? Who were those 40,000 people you refer to? Did you know that typically speaking 20,000 people a day travel from China to the U.S.?
  18. Mariska Hargitay's mother was Jane Mansfield.
  19. You forgot to mention that you should not take it if you are allergic to it. -)
  20. Generally speaking, the states that are in long/short term financial trouble are states that have been run by democrats for a long time. They have given the public service unions and state workers ridiculous benefits including outrageous pensions. These benefits are not sustainable and if the states are bailed out nothing will change.
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