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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I think the fat part would be easier than someone willing to look like that.
  2. Ask Tiberius if he's been contacted. That's right up his er............. alley.
  3. Hey buddy, can you spare a dime may be heard all over the 716 but these guys are crafty:
  4. You are fullofshit. The half a dozen links you supplied earlier to back that contention up were all crap, based on the one ABC repeat of a CNN made up report. You are out of your league here. How did you graduate to PPP from the kiddie table?
  5. Someone told him that a mask is cheaper than Norton Anti-Virus. Should we tell him that fish tank cleaner is not a substitute for a doctor prescribed medication? You think highly of yourself.
  6. So far, superbly. She has been carrying herself as good as she looks.
  7. Now you tell me after I passed out half a dozen different times.
  8. Biden injected her with his very own stupid serum.
  9. Simply put, Cuomo did not have NYS prepared for a pandemic. When he had the opportunity and a budget surplus 5 years ago he turned down the opportunity to purchase up to 16000 ventilators at a cheap price. He instead had a panel come up with a protocol for rationing the ones they had during a crisis. In other words he set up rules as to who was going to die. He also lagged well behind in taking this virus seriously. It was mid March before they took any steps to even suggest not having large crowds. He's getting along now with Trump because Trump not only bailed him out but has refrained from criticizing his initial efforts. Cuomo now seems to be taking things seriously and acting like a governor should. If only he could get rid of that whiny accent and voice.
  10. It's called unemployment insurance not quit your job insurance.
  11. I've been over to the reservation in Irving numerous times and the trip up to Gowanda is nearly all reservation and it doesn't look too good for the individuals but the Indian government buildings are pretty substantial and modern. Salamanca area is just so-so but they do have the casino and again substantial government buildings.
  12. You need to differentiate between superior and better informed. DR is simply better informed than you because he's actually put the work in to become better informed. You haven't doneshit but spout off the opinions of other people who themselves are not well informed.
  13. So your linked article is just as relevant and absolutely no different than the stuff that you ridiculously oppose? You're a very partisan idiot.
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