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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. On a side note, how do you like construction in Niagara Falls?
  2. Everything with you is either black or white. In order to sell a major change in the way our country is funded certain objections will have to be dealt with. The biggest objection to a national sales tax is that it is progressive. Let's say a couple with 2 kids earn $45000 a year and just fall under the earnings that would have them pay federal income tax. They pay the sales tax but get refunded money to compensate for their low income. The high income people will have to pay taxes on everything they purchase. While The Fair Tax may cause a certain amount of reluctance for wealthy people to splurge they'll at least insure that they have invested their money in ways to make more money. Sooner or later they'll purchase that 10 million dollar yacht with a 2 million dollar tax bill.
  3. That's why one of the proposals gives a rebate to the lower income earners that would basically replicate what's being done now. The Fair Tax would vastly reduce the size of the IRS and eliminate nearly all of the cheating.
  4. McConnell was saying that the states that have been poorly run shouldn't try to get the federal government to make up for their pension deficits through virus legislation.
  5. Fair Tax, which is nothing more than a national sales tax. The more you spend, the more you pay. It needs a rock solid provision that it will never turn into a Value Added Tax.
  6. So, do you suggest reducing the federal taxes of the Wall Street mega earners to alleviate this disparity? FIFY
  7. You haven't been following along. Deductions for such things as all real estate taxes were previously allowed. Certain states would just raise RE taxes to astronomical amounts because they were deductible on federal taxes. Trump put a limit on that but he's not to blame for the poor practices of your state. Just to piss you off, the worst states are all run by Democrats.
  8. Carter made a lot of speeches and every one was a bomb. One of his best speeches had to do with not solving the actual energy crisis but to put on an additional sweater and turn off your lights.
  9. Something to consider guys. Sit-down restaurants (generally speaking) make their profits from the liquor and wines that they sell to go with their steaks and salmon dinners. Selling food without liquor for most restaurants is a losing proposition. If capacity is reduced in-house then less liquor will be sold. No amount of takeout food will make up for the loss of alcohol sales. In all reality, restaurants need to be able to get back to actual capacity in order to stay viable. Now, some of you may want to dispute my contention by using the pizza and sub shop example. They don't have to sell liquor because they have built their profits into their business plan sans liquor. They get away with it because the price point for a carryout pizza or sub is relatively low. The sit-down restaurant will have a difficult time raising prices enough to cover up for reducing their capacity by 50%. So, choices in the future will be to find a way to get our restaurants back to actual capacity or have them be the havens of the elite.
  10. Eric Trump @EricTrump Having a 10 person limit for gatherings isn’t fair — That means Biden can hold his rallies but @realDonaldTrump can’t...
  11. This Washington Post article is a perfect example of the media bias: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/kayleigh-mcenany-makes-a-thoroughly-trump-ian-debut/ar-BB13ukwM?li=BBnb7Kz “I will never lie to you,” she said. “You have my word on that.” What followed, though, didn’t exactly scream sudden truth or transparency from the White House press office. For one, McEnany echoed Trump’s false claim about the Russia investigation, saying it had amounted to “the complete and total exoneration of President Trump.” In fact, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report made a point to note that it couldn’t absolve Trump of obstruction of justice, regardless of the evidence. Attorney General William P. Barr took the ball from there and declined to accuse Trump of that, but it’s false to say that Trump was completely exonerated by the investigation — especially given the extensive evidence Mueller laid out on potential obstruction. In the service of making the above point, McEnany also alleged the Mueller investigation had cost $40 million — a claim Trump made in late 2018. In fact, the cost was $32 million, according to the Justice Department. Much of that was recouped, thanks to seizures related to the investigation, including from former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. At another point, McEnany sought to downplay comparisons between an allegation of sexual assault recently lodged against Joe Biden by a former aide, Tara Reade, and the many similar allegations that Trump has faced. “Leave it to the media to really take an issue about the former vice president and turn it on the president and bring up accusations from four years ago that were asked and answered in the form of the vote of the American people,” McEnany said. In fact, perhaps the most serious allegation leveled against Trump — one of rape — was brought just a few months ago by journalist E. Jean Carroll. And regardless, while Trump has pushed the idea that a successful election absolves him of fault in the face of such allegations, that it isn’t how the criminal justice system works. On the same point, McEnany referred to the decades-old “salacious, awful and verifiably false allegations that were made against Justice Kavanaugh.” While the allegations were not proven and Kavanaugh was confirmed, they were not “verifiably” proven false. McEnany also re-upped a claim she has made in recent days, saying that despite early questions about the capacity of the United States to provide enough ventilators amid the coronavirus outbreak, “not a single American has died for lack of a ventilator.” Exactly how McEnany knows this to be true isn’t clear. This is a claim that is very difficult to make without exhaustively accounting for the situation at every hospital across the country. Reporting has indicated that two people had to be hooked up to the same ventilator, for instance, and BuzzFeed News and other news organizations have indicated that difficult decisions have been made when deciding who can be put on ventilators. In one case, Time magazine reported that a terminally ill person on a ventilator had to be removed in favor of someone with the coronavirus, and that the person later died. © Chris Kleponis/Pool/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany departs after holding a news briefing at the White House on Friday. (Chris Kleponis/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)Perhaps McEnany’s most easily disproven comments, though, came with regard to former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn. Trump and Flynn’s other backers have in recent days spotlighted newly revealed notes from the law enforcement officials whom Flynn lied to, arguing that they had set him up. (For reasons described here, that argument is problematic, at best.) McEnany said there was “a handwritten FBI note that says, quote, we need to get Flynn to lie, quote, and get him fired.” Except that’s not at all an actual quote. In fact, as The Washington Post’s Philip Bump reports, the notes instead considered whether that was the goal — in light of evidence that the officials already believed to be damning. The notes McEnany cited, in fact, argued against allowing Flynn to lie by presenting him with the evidence against him — evidence that made clear his denials about his contacts with the then-Russian ambassador were false. The actual quote was: “What’s our argument? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” McEnany’s entire performance recalled that of her predecessors, in that she was effectively relaying claims that Trump has made — but claims that nonetheless exaggerate, make up or completely disregard the facts. And by the end, McEnany served up a reminder about just who she intended to please with all of it. “Everyone should watch the Fox News town hall with the president from 7 to 9 p.m. [on Sunday],” McEnany said. “It will be can’t-miss television, much like the highly rated President Trump coronavirus task force briefings have been.” Trump has repeatedly played up the ratings of his now-shelved coronavirus briefings, and there was his new press secretary with a message the boss will love — along with all the others that don’t exactly pass muster.
  12. Horseshit. Biden is every bit as woke as his record player.
  13. The hospitals are hurting for money due to the shutdown of elective surgeries. After all, that is their money tree that supports the normal Medicare/Medicaid patients that they don't make a profit on. With the feds giving out a standard $13,000 for each Covid-19 death and a cool $39,000 if they were on a ventilator I can see where the cause of death is fudged. As it stands, every possible death that can be attributed to the virus is going to be done so. Therefore the death totals for Covid-19 are going to be magnified.
  14. Obama has the formula to use. We just need to get it from him. If I remember correctly it calculated "jobs saved".
  15. Why be so dishonest? Did Trump fly off to an island built for sex slavery with Epstein? Didn't he ban him from his Florida Club due to his attempts to bed underage girls? There's nothing to say that Trump knew about Epstein's actions until he acted upon them. You are making assumptions that are not honest or smart. They're lies because if you tell the truth you have no case to back up your TDS.
  16. I think we've both nailed his issues. By now though he probably needs a new screen name. Since we all agree that he is dishonest and not smart we should open up the floor for nominations of a new screen name for the dumb bullshitter. I'll start it out with "Dismart". Anybody else?
  17. See, you've got nothing. Obviously leaving the kiddie table and coming here was a huge mistake. Fredo was smarter than you.
  18. Glad you at least recognized yourself from my post. I see you think that posting opinions that aren't aligned with your nonsense is somehow trying to force my opinions on others. Now the rubber hits the road, so it's necessary for you to show some examples of me trying to force my opinion on anyone else. Are you up for it? Blah, blah, blah won't suffice.
  19. One thing sure to stay the same no matter how hard little pissants try to force their point of view on someone. If you have to make things up and lie about a situation then that point of view is based in dishonesty and in affect is meaningless. BTW, those posters who feel the need to run away from their old screen names have the backbone of a jellyfish.
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