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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I'll start it: "Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, it is obvious the prosecution cannot polish a turd". "The prosecution's case is going down the toilet." "Listen to the flushing sound of the government's case."
  2. TDS, pure and simple. Trump could cure cancer and you would find some way to fault him for doing so.
  3. Yes, he was tricked. Not a good thing for China to do, especially when their future economy is not only in the world's hands but a pissed off Trump is ready to lead the firing squad.
  4. I sorta discounted your article when I read this from it: In an interview, Wanda Lenius said she and her husband each consumed four times the legal limit as a “kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing.” Now Hydroxochloriquine Phospate has a legal limit for human consumption?
  5. Cuomo and DiBlasio have a great deal of responsibility for the poor initial response and preparedness. Cuomo chose to not obtain ventilators in 2015 when a good deal was offered him. He instead tasked a committee to come up with a protocol for rationing the use of the ones they had in a pandemic, basically deciding who was going to die. DiBlasio sold off ventilators for pennies on the dollar from the NYC stockpile. They both were tardy in closing down the City and State and foolishly encouraged people to keep on keeping on. With that said, yes China is absolutely at fault for the origin of the virus, hiding it from the rest of the world and scooping up as much PPE as they could. They deserve to pay a heavy price for their biological warfare. It may have not have started that way but they made the conscious decision to turn it into that.
  6. This from the guy who continues to post that an Arizona couple got duped by Trump into ingesting fish tank cleaner when it is now suspected that the wife slipped it into his smoothie and then took a smaller amount herself. You might want to just shut up about this case, especially when you already know your version is false. It's amazing how you Lefties latch on to something and never let it go, regardless of new evidence.It's almost like you guys just don't want to learn new things.
  7. But wouldn't they then be putting themselves in peril? They need to make up their minds.
  8. FIFY. Philadelphia New Black Panthers to be specific.
  9. What, making the first cut gets them the "cop a feel test"?
  10. This is a very sad, sobering image. This 17-year-old girl chose to die rather than accept Socialism and name her anti-Nazi associates in February of 1943. . Every kid in the USA should see this photo and be taught about this girl's fate and the choices she made. Her answer to the Nazi Socialists who offered to free her and not hang her if she gave up the names of her fellow fighters was ~ "You will know them when they come to avenge me." ▪︎ First came economic collapse in the 1920's. ▪︎ Then came the rise of Socialism on a national model. ▪︎ Then began oppression of those deemed the cause of the economic collapse. ▪︎ Then the socialists banned personal firearms because the socialists intended to do something they feared the people would not want and would be willing to fight against. ▪︎ Then came the nooses. There is a term the survivors used at the end. "Nie Wieder" Never Again. The term is still relevant today. The only difference between socialists today and socialists then is [WHAT] ? We've seen how devastating a medical crisis can be even to a strong economy. Our economy teeters on the brink... We need to remember the lessons of HISTORY. Seventeen-year-old Lepa Radić was a Bosnian Serb who fought with the partisans during WWII, but she never got to see the Nazis lose the war. In February 1943, Lepa was captured. The Nazis tied a rope around her neck, but offered her a way out. All she had to do was reveal her comrades' and her leaders' identities. Lepa responded: “You will know them when they come to avenge me.” THIS is why we need HISTORY to live on and to leave it alone. ▪︎ HISTORY helps us become. ▪︎ HISTORY helps us evolve. ▪︎ HISTORY let's us never forget. This brave girl deserves to be remembered . SHE DESERVES THE IMMORTALITY OF HISTORY. This is why the teaching of history is so important in our schools. If our history is whitewashed then there are no reasons for our children to recognize and cherish what has come before us.
  11. Where do you think the brain freezes come from? She must be consuming that stuff 24/7.
  12. FIFY. After all half the time she was writing them she was drunk and the other half the time she was hung over.
  13. I picked up this conversation this morning about 10 pages ago. I actually had to force myself to read through it and the one thing that kept coming to mind is how low our discourse has become here. I then realized who was doing the vast majority of the posting and I felt at ease. It's just by chance that they've all arrived here at the same time that there was a paucity of reasonable posters. One thing I noticed is that the Lefties saw their number advantage and decided to go bold by bringing up already discredited horseshit. Please people, don't feed these trolls.
  14. The only realistic option for dealing with China is to punish them by a major shift in America's attitude toward their products. We need to become self sufficient regarding critical important imports such as drugs and electronics (for security reasons). China will pull theirshit up to the time that pulling theirshit becomes worse than not doing it.
  15. Picture of Kim Jong Un after taking a brief vacation: He somehow picked up the nickname of "Dave".
  16. Tips are nice and social distancing is sorta frowned upon.
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